What do you think.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RockPlanetSide2, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. RockPlanetSide2

    Obviously Higby and others think that PS2 is an "E-Sport" game (even tho it is a crappy one).

    Do you think that design wise this is going to take PS2 in a bad design direction as far as SOE forcing the game to be balanced for 48/48 engagements.

    As in any time the game is lopsided with uneven teams you end up with 20 morons shooting out of a spawn room at the 100 morons shoot shells at the spawn room.

    Because that seems to be the only direction I see this game progressing forward on. It used to not be that bad, but every time I drop pod in or squad spawn... I get this same scenario.


    Harrassers were a nice addition to the game, but 40mm grenade launchers on Harrasers and the ability for the Harraser to just run over 10 enemies with turbo and magically escape seems to be further pushing the game towards he above scenario... as is much of the other options in the game.

    It just seems to me that in the past months the "big awesome fights" have disappeared or they are over in seconds and there is a lot more of this "one-sided shelling" of bases while a few stragglers try to make it out of a tower and die badly.
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  2. Oreo202

    You need a better squad if you're the ones camping people in the spawn. Your squad should be looking for fights instead of steamrolls.
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  3. Pozidriv

    If PS2 goes anymore E-Sports, ill just jump ship to the next CoD or BF. Atleast they do small scale fight properly. SoE why you breaking my heart with this sillyness! Make planetside more planetside and less BF/CoD, if i want BF ill get BF.
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  4. =ADK= CanNerZ

  5. Hosp

    3 things to keep in mind for PS2 going E-sports:

    1) They need to truly make a balanced (even asymmetrically so) game.
    2) They need to make a well optimized, well running, game.
    3) You are under no obligation to be a part of MLG.

    The first two will take time. The 3rd is entirely up to you.
  6. RockPlanetSide2

    Well actually you are the ones doing the steamrolling then if your Squad is good, what else would you be doing if you were good.. capping unoccupied bases? And that IS what happens, you can only go where the action is. So without really sounding like an *** you kind of proved my point. You and your team are just looking for people to roll.

    My point is not about joining the MLG, my point is that the E-Sport aspect might be disturbing the game design as not all fights are 48/48 and that is what the seem to be designing the game towards... and when its not 48/48 the game sucks badly and is just a spawn-room shelling fest.

    I see one really great fight a week maybe (maybe I have too high of standards for "great fights"). The rest of them might take a while, but it's not really much of anything important... one side just can spawn any more tanks and you get the "spawn room effect"... awesome.
  7. Oreo202

    If you are steamrolling with only a squad and not near a zerg than I congratulate you. But most steamrolls involve overwhelming numbers, composed of zerg and outfit squad/platoons lead by people who like certs for little effort, or by people who don't know what they're doing.
  8. Loegi

    It wouldn't be detrimental to the main game. It would just mean that the main gunplay would be balanced and it would work correctly. Stuff like hitboxes not jumping around, no warping, nothing being terribly OP, bullets following sights, and enough control over controls.
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  9. Czuuk

    The game has to be balanced for 48v48 or more regardless of it's participation in the MLG.

    Zerg happens and it is a legitimate tactic in a game of this epic scale. Balance around the micro will lead to unbalance in the macro.
  10. Dis


    "PS2" and "competitive" should never be used in the same sentence unless it's for comedic purposes. This might be the most skill deficient fps ever released, and when you combine that with laughable CSHD delays, well...I guess you're MLG ready.
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  11. Leroy Jenkens

    SOE needs to stop trying to make this an Ee-**** sports game it's not major league. This game could keep a decent pop for some years to come but the need to make this game fun again.

    Adding new stuff and maps are cool and all but that doesn't give me the desire to move on. This game needs more tons more progression and more sandbox with the outfits (like EVE maybe). Games like EVE continue to grow because of the meta and having the best sandbox ever. Please don't send this game down the same dwindling path as PS1. Not that PS1 sucked or anything it just died.
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  12. Aegie

    Yeah, this + inaccurate ADS (overlay scopes being the exception). MLG Major Lol Gaming.
  13. Klondik3

    Yes if by skill you mean aim and ADAD dance.
    No if you take into consideration possibility of tactics and strategy game of this size offers. Currently tactics mean very little as teams are unbalanced, there is no cap on infantry spawn and resources generally mean very little.
  14. Yil

    Please learn what PSA means and what question marks are. Thanks.