NC never wins on Mattherson, does NC suck on every server?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hugh222, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. Pikachu

    This. On Cobalt most NC are doing the same thing all the time; fight with terran along the connections from peris amp station down to the terran tech plant. Most of it consists of long stalemates over rock garrison or crossroads. The keep fighting back and forth while vanu actually follows the alert objective and wins.
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  2. FateJH

    Unfortunately for the professionals the hordes are also NC.

    To be honest, every time a Connery NC characterizes his faction on the server, the description is a bit different than the last person.
  3. gigastar

    There was a time we would refer to the NC on Ceres as Non Combatants.

    Those days are more or less gone though, today thier typical strategy is to outnumber everything at least 3:2, and if they cant get that then they tend to struggle.

    They do have a couple of decent outfits, but as far as i can tell theyre only dead-set on ghost capping Amerish, or avoiding the VS alltogether.
  4. Stew360

    BS goku log on NC caracter to Tk the NC players as GOON , yeah

    NC win a lots or barely win when the pops are even and the alert server fully loaded

    VS on matherson as swallow most of the players base du to their insanely easymode manageable vehicules and weapons ... and since competitive players look for what give them the advantages VS is the home of the most competitive players simply due to the Empire design Qs they dont care about the lore

    NC have few good stuff here and their but VS take the palm for almost everything Tr follow NC is in the back ...

    Also VS matherson are true Zergs , they overload the regions if they cant do it and have to face a even pops they instantly redeploy and go steam rolls elsewhere

    VS on matherson are pretty coward for the most part ...
  5. EliteEskimo

    Giggly has it ever once occurred to you that only reason the populations are balanced is due to the loads of fresh low BR TR/NC players that are getting a trial by fire against some of the hardest outfits in the dang game? Furthermore the NC do seem to attack TR more often than they attack the VS. I've seen times where there was a tech plant alert and the NC had the SW warpgate, but they had to go down and try to take Tawrich from the TR, even though the VS were stealing Hvar from them right in their front yard. But don't forget to yell "Ginyu Force Rules!" all the way to the cert bank when you cash that check. :rolleyes:
  6. siddar

    Until they clear out the massive number of VS cheaters on Mattherson NC and TR wont win very many alerts.

    I play both a level 40 Vs and a level 55 NC on server and i can tell when it comes to cheaters VS>NC>TR with VS being extremely blatant in cheating on alerts.
  7. Fox Reinhold

    Yes, somehow the NC performing poorly on Mattherson is the VS's fault... :rolleyes:

    You people, if you couldn't blame it on someone else, I think your heads would explode.
  8. Giggily

    Our NC alts are in an outfit called LWTX.
  9. MagnumOpus

    Nerf cooperation.

    Edit: oops sry I meant "la coopération est trop puissant"
  10. Giggily

    And exploiting. As we all know it's impossible to get Sunderers inside of Amp Station vehicle bays if the shields are still up.

    Completely impossible.
  11. yama

    When will the NC on Mattherson see the light and let Stew360 lead them to everlasting glory?!
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  12. Typhoeus

    I was gonna write out something much longer and thought out but honestly, NC on mattherson are just retar-*ahem* "special". And the VS are a-holes. I'll just leave it at that ^^
  13. RoyAwesome

    when did you start playing again?
  14. MagnumOpus

    I've been here the whole time but once I finished perfecting the art of destroying outfits I decided to move on to servers. How's Mattherson VS pop balance these days? ;)
  15. RoyAwesome

    Stabilizing, no thanks to you :p
  16. Badname3109

    To many dumb players on nc on mattherson
  17. VargTwo

    TR/NC have one big issue on Mattherson as far as i have noticed and it all boils down to one thing. A massive boner for Indar.
    When and if a alert happens in another place, they dont show up and complain that VS is overpopped.

    Or that would be my opinion on it anyways from playing VS/NC.
  18. korpisoturi

    few reasons why NC is struggling on many servers IS the NC`s lack decent AA/AV ESRL+ ESF, especially if you compared to TR

    1. striker is hands down best AA esrl. phoenix is next to uselss against air too slow/clumsy
    2. striker is hands down better AV weapon than phoenix. phoenix slow, short range, very clumsy steering.
    3. striker is hands down MUCH more versatile/easier to use than phoenix.
    4. striker has long range compared to phoenix and its missles are much faster.
    5. mosquito is much easier to handle/fly than reaver by a large margin faster roket pods.................

    i ask this earlier, who have "edge" here ???????????????

    10 striker+ 10 mosquitos against 10 phoenix+ reavers.

    if you give edge to NC ..........well.... then you are special ....... very "special"

    i could add few more but whats the point , some TR are just too stupid to understand the broblem and some are just willing to defend striker no matter what even the data is clear.
  19. DeadliestMoon

    I play all 3 factions with NC being my main on Waterson (which has the most star power), a VS alt on Mattherson, and a TR alt on Connery and I gotta say, VS does seem like easy mode because of the recoil. Seriously if you mainly play NC, you'll be a decent VS player.
  20. Kyouki

    All NC suck, they should of picked TR.