[Guide] How to spot a noob - fun facts list

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Peter Daniel, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. Ganelon

    Pounder/Heavy cycler MAX.
  2. Pikachu


    You mean any mixed MAX.

    Liberators with shredder and drake.
    Medics trying to heal MAXes.
  3. MichaelS

    Mouse over + q ?
    • Up x 1
  4. VakarisJ

    I use the default Quasar and Comet combo on my MAX, especially in biolabs. Why? Comet owns non-mixed MAXes and burns through heavies' shields, Quasar does the rest.

    Shredder is an amazing AV option, it can one-clip just about any vehicle, except for maybe the gal. It's bullets also explode, making it fair against infantry, if not as good of an option as the Zepher.
    The drake is an air version of the basilisk, it may not be the best against air, but it can shred tanks and infantry, should the lib ever have to land in a hot position. While in flight, it's a far better option, then the bulldog, in combating aircraft.
  5. Ganelon

    Pounder/Heavy Cycler MAX is much, much worse than other mixed MAXes though.
  6. St0mpy

    you forgot: killing the terminals as soon as the platoon arrives at a base
    and: firing the sunderer bulldogs at 300m targets lighting us up on the map to everyone around
  7. ScottishRoss

    When I tell people over text chat and voice chat to not destroy terminals, especially some of the more important ones (I.E. Vehicle Gens), and they get all pissy when I kill them for it. I'm sorry but I do it for Vanu.
  8. Unclematos7

    I know. Best targets for my Phoenix.
  9. Unclematos7

    I heard that the maxed out repear tool doesn't have this feature despite being advertised to do so.
  10. Eudorus

    Has only 2 posts in the forum.
  11. Acceleratio

    It is possible to do it. You have been misinformed

    Medics running around trying to repair vehicles and turrets.
  13. Oreo202

    -Sitting on turrets instead of dropping ammo.
    -Sitting on turrets instead of repairing MAXes.
    -Dropping ammo with the default pack instead of the ACE Tool (the game should really tell people about this).
    -Standing in doorways.
    -Walking directly in front of lines of fire while people are shooting.
    -Not reviving someone under their feet when they are playing medic.
    -Not waiting 10 seconds for a revive when there is a medic in the room (kind of understandable, considering how well... bad... most medics are).
    -MAXes running away from repairs.
    -Anyone running from heals.
    -Throwing frag grenades. Does nothing if everyone on the enemy team has flak armor. Generally only gets your friends killed.
    -Wasting vehicles on killing a small group of infantry instead of a sunderer.
    -Pulling vehicles just before an alert starts.
    -Staying in the galaxy even though I just told you to get out 15 times. Then dying.
    -In a tank, Sunderer, Galaxy, Harasser or Liberator, shooting at enemies that are unaware of our position.
  14. KnightCole

    I bless those guys with a head full of em6. I love those ai mana turret guys. Free kills? Why thank you.
  15. Adamar09

    This is understandable, isn't it? I know the Decimator doesn't have the ammo pool without Munitions Pouch to destroy a sundy. Pretty sure the default launchers are the same. If you're not carrying an AV grenade or C4 (and I'm not most of the time) you can't finish it.
  16. The Adli Corporation

    i killed a Liberator with a single NS44 Commissioner bullet.

    ok... it was on fire already and then crashed a second after i shot it, but i still got the EXP for it so im counting it as my victory :D
  17. MarioO

    Using the /yell chat to give orders or hints, instead of the /region chat.
    It's understandable since it's quite new that the /region chat works properly, but still stupid.
  18. Morpholine

    Not only does it definitely work, but it also rewards the engy with roughly triple the xp compared to simply destroying the explosive.
  19. minimbi

    1. You are coward. Spawning for fight. IN this game death - you dont loose anything, exept -5-10 second.
    2. Different playstyle dont mean - noobish. Someone like fight in first flank position. Becouse they ingame brave, not coward infiltrator or LA whith OP smg.
    3. This is not really noobish. This is normal for most people who not nolifer players.
  20. NC_agent00kevin

    Sometimes I say ' lol ' in yell and just drive away when that happens.