Hossin reminds me of...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pepman, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Pepman

    343 Guilty Swamp from Halo CE. I found it kind of funny actually becouse when I figure it out that these two swamps look so similar I had these familiar feeling of the Flood chasing me around when I was playing halo back in the day. I thought it was something fun to share, makes me want to play on this map even more when its playable on the official servers.

    PS 2

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  2. Phyr

    So a swamp in one game looks similar to a swamp in another? This never happens with deserts...:rolleyes:
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  3. Digiblast

    It's definitely Dagobah IMO
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  4. Neckaru

    Luke, use the force and run...
  5. NeverWas

    looks more jumanji to me:|
  6. Zotamedu

    Yes that's obvious. We already have Hoth (Esamir), Tatooine (Indar) and Endor (Amerish).
  7. Pikachu

    Hossin swamp has glowing plants.
  8. Midnightmare

    So are we gonna have a city planet :p?
  9. DarkNeuron

    It's more like Pandora, minus the glowy bits.
  10. KAHR-Alpha

    Don't forget the flying ghost snakes.
  11. IamDH

    I used to play Halo CE too :)
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  12. Digiblast

    I bet Searhus is a fragment of Mustafar
  13. TeknoBug

    Hossin looks a lot like a map in many other games, like in Tabula Rasa I think it was Forseral, or some parts in Guild Wars 2 or Yavin IV in SWG, I could go on.
  14. PhysicsMan

    You're right actually, it does remind me a lot of that level in Halo:CE - the eerily dark atmosphere is very similar in my opinion.
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  15. Linus

    Looks like Dromund Kaas or Yavin IV to me (Star Wars)
    Dagobah is corrupted by the dark side, so there are more dead trees and swamps rather than lush vegetation.

    Dromund Kaas:



  16. AntonioAJC

    AHH YES! I used to play Halo CE a lot and the swamp used to scare me every time because of the Flood <3 The plants do remind me of it.
    I haven't played Hossin yet, but if I were, then I would feel that the flood were coming for me too.