Anyone else seeing a sudden influx of hackers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by rockhead101, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. SpaceKing

    I see at least 5 a week. Most of them warpers, a couple spectacularly obvious aimbotters. Funny to see them suddenly leap 30 meters in the air then teleport down the road in 300 meter increments :p
  2. Alexandrix

    I don't get why it's so hard for devs to deal with this obvious hacking at the source.It's not like it's hard to find hack programmers.They aren't hiding in some deep dark cave somewhere.At least not the widely used hacks anyways.Sure there are some that are made by,and used only by,small groups of people....but the majority are blatantly out in the open.Do a google search or youtube search for "planetside 2 hacks".I guarantee that it will take you less than 10 minutes to find a slew of hacks and have them downloaded on your computer.

    Why don't the devs just hunt them down??
  3. Masterofm

    Actually they did. It was causing people to leave the game. There were those saying that they were not ready for open beta and then left.... which is odd because generally stressing the servers is what open betas used to be about. Make no mistake though while they are cool people.... for the most part (I've met most of the Devs in person) there are things that they do that are business decisions more then people decisions.

    If you read the "apology" it's more structured as "sorry it didn't work all that well, but try all these new things, and cash shop items, and play more!" I'm not saying it's a low blow to do this, and Mark Kern has certainly done some cool things. But a lot of those things upon reflection, when I no longer see the game through rose tinted glasses, served as a multipurpose way to do more then one thing. That being said I respect most of the devs. But for someone who has tested it since alpha the game has taken a few... weird turns I'm no longer thrilled with it.

    That being said it's a good game, but after testing it for two years I'm just burnt out. If you search my name on the forums you will see I was quite active. Was even one of the 6 NCOs back when that was a thing.
  4. Duvenel

    If you noticed his post amount, did you also know that you can check people's posting history? I agree with what The King said, it's not the first time that I've seen hazmat88 post similar responses in threads like these. But that's not to say that I don't agree with a few of the points that hazmat made. Also The King's post wasn't in reference to the amount of posts that hazmat has made, but the content of them.
  5. Chinchy

    You seem to really be hell bent on the everyone hacks thing, you sure you're not insecure about something? I find myself to be a very average player, however most people I run into I can kill, and a lot of the time I can turn a fight around IE going into a fight with no shields and still winning. So I have no idea where all these hackusations are coming from.
  6. mina5

    actually i have noticed this too . suddenly a lot more peoples who seems to know where you are and seems to
    have way too good aim . also started to see a lot more stuff like :
    i found good sniping place , i had insane kill streak and suddenly server goes nuts , everything floats and such . when it stops i get shot . (i was very far away from enemy units ) . duration of that "lag" was exact same what would person to take to walk where i was .
    and person who shot me was same who i shot before that ....

    also a lot more peoples who cant be ambushed . insta turn pistol all bullets to head shotters have been spotted as well .

    generally there is something wrong on woodman server .

    i played VS on other server and all seemed normal , i could do ambushes . if i was in good sniping spot and some one found me . i knew it was legit . i could sneak up on people .

    meybe its hossin , hossin is attracting hackers back to the game again ...
  7. mina5

    everything is not allright on woodman . that lag thing what you talked about , ye i think its some sort of hack . i have had it 2 times , both of them i had good kill streak and then this happens ...

    i dont know how to sat it , but wood man is not the server what it used to be ,i'd suggest it some of who is on charge of anti hack in PS2 should try to play in woodman as "normal" player .
  8. IonCannons

    Haven't really noticed anything out of the ordinary either, gotta pay attention more.
  9. hugohein

    I'm also playing on woodman and there is something wrong with it lately.
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  10. Corruptlol

    get your **** together...
    they hardware ban you and the only possibility to join any soe game or website again ist du buy a new hdd...
  11. DarkNeuron

    You just gave everyone an excuse to report the actual good players. Guilty until proven innocent (which you claim, CANT be proved).
  12. TeknoBug

    Mattherson has been acting up as well, I was once immediately despawned when I ran up to a crowd of TR, no death or nothing and I threw a nade on someone and it didn't even kill him (but got a random kill credit minutes later when just running between locations), also as infiltrator cloak didn't work a few times. Servers simply needs a reboot.

  13. HyperMatrix

    Or simply change your hardware id. Lol. You don't need to buy a new hard drive.
  14. BadAsElite

    Skip to 3:18 to see ingame footage.

    For all those who think that "THERE ARE NO HACKS DUUUR".

    I hope this gets sorted soon by SoE as its at the point of me quiting.
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  15. tproter

    Requiring CC info will never happen. I think SOE depends on children to keep the ranks of Planetside 2 up. Besides, hackers can use CC to pay for hacks.
  16. tproter

    Wow! Thanks for sharing this video!

    I don't think I'll bother playing Planetside 2 any more after seeing how easy it is for hackers (not you) to hack in this game and get a way with it!
  17. Goretzu

    I don't think I did anything. :D

    The reality is these things exist and exist in PS2, what anyone decides to do with that information is entirely their own responsibility, but propogating the idea that these hack programs don't exist is plain silly (a cursory examination of youtube shows video of them in action).

    Really speaking PS2 needs on computer detection software so these hack software can't be used (or are much more difficult to use), which would make the game better for everyone.
  18. uhlan

    Hacking is very easy and far more prevalent than anyone is willing to admit.

    Aimbotting I think is the most common of the stealth hacks. Although "enemy locators" are common too.

    I see it happen all the time and can be easy to spot if you know what you're looking for. I have given up reporting these folks as there isn't much anyone can do.

    Now, there are latency issues which can appear to be a hack in progress, however.

    Getting shot and downed at range by a heavy is not uncommon. I regularly kill people who think they're immune from fairly significant range using a 2x scope. In order to do so I let loose with pulsed shots to maintain accuracy and it only takes one stray hit to put someone down. Especially since the last to do damage gets the kill.

    Latency can can cause shots to appear to hit targets around corners, behind cover and while you are on the move at range. This doesn't negate the ability of the shooter to target you, but his/her shots were just "delayed" in being reported as damage. Jumping behind that wall to save yourself only to get shot in the head by a delayed round is frustrating, but not a hack... necessarily.
  19. HyperMatrix

    I think the smartest hackers use the 0-recoil hack. It's harder to detect as it still requires user input and some accuracy, and leaves them vulnerable to defeat. I wonder how many 0-recoilers I've killed that have thought I was hacking too. Lol.
  20. Travelman00

    Come on people! "The King" says everything is OK with Planetside 2. People that complain of hacks just suck, OK?

    Listen he is "The King", he must be right!! :D
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