Plan Failed Really Good!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FrightfulCookie, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. Tow2Bravo

    Good vid, you should link to the to the guy in the other thread saying cloak is worthless.
  2. Hazzaslagga

    Destroy the spawn beacon god damnit!
  3. Tobax

    You realize of course that the video has next to nothing to do with the vehicle and it was basically only used as transport to get him to that point.
  4. rycrisp

    Good fun vid! (think u should have popped the medic but tbf i strugle to get a 2 kill streak lol)
    Frankly i think that someone should have spotted a enemy running amongst them rather than blame lag or low end comps.
    I may be wrong!
  5. Luighseach

    I see the philosophy differently, were SOE should cater to the lower ends but at the same time keep the higher setting for the HIGH end gamers. I admit I am not a programmer and have no idea about what I'm about to talk about...but.

    I believe they should lower the threshold for this game so that players(unfortunately like myself) who have relatively bad rigs can still maintain 40 FPS in most fights. Maybe by making lower even lower and completely removing anything but the minimal to play this game.

    The only reason I beleive this is because this game is F2P. If it was a $60 title I would not want this. However this game is built around large numbers so focusing on those numbers would benefit everyone in this game.
  6. SenEvason

    I might agree with you, if this game didn't suffer even on extremely high end computers as well.

    FrightfulCookie your videos inspired me to pick up the SAS-R, of course i am nowhere near as good as you are with it, but it is still entertaining to use
  8. Unclematos7

    It's the SAS-R(TR has the TSAR-42 and VS has the Ghost). It's a version of the Tier 1 BAR that can take the HS/NV, 1X, 2X, 3.4X, and 4X scopes instead of the 7X, 8X, 10X and 12X scopes. Also the lower magnification scope it has equipped the less sway you will get.
    The SAR also has a version(TR-KSR-35, NC-Impetus, and VS-Phantom VA23)
  9. FrightfulCookie

    Lol. This is what a lot of people say: hax, exploiting, low settings, confirmed glitch, stupid players.
  10. Canaris

    that's not a fail plan, merely shifting over to plan B which is simply a variation of plan A :D
  11. KlyptoK

    You saw how that flash got wrecked with that harasser, right?

    That should be what happens to your harasser when I ram it with my tank.
    • Up x 1
  12. Konfuzfanten

    good stuff, always had a thing for the inf kill +15 guys that doesnt check their surroundings.

    You might die 4-5 times for every +10 killing streak like that, but its all worth it :p

    That video has nothing to do with low framerates or poor computers, but a lot about the guys in the video NOT noticing their allies getting killed.

    When 1-2 of the guys near to you gets killed without you hear a shot, then you can be damn sure its a longe range sniper or CQC inf and then you go looking for him.
  13. Redshift

    It's night on a crowded hill, VS and NC in camo are pretty hard to tell apart in the dark, the weapon isn't one people normally hear as a close combat weapon. He just got lost in the commotion.

    If he was a TR in daylight with an SMG they'd have seen him instantly. Well tbh if it was anyone in daylight it would have been a different story, night and cloak is just enough to easily get lost.