What makes you play your chosen faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malacovics, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. Malacovics

  2. Blitzer

    Infantry guns that look and feel like guns. Also, the composite helmet & armor of LA.
  3. Malacovics

    Impaler helmet + Composite armor for HA looks beasty as fudge aswell.
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  4. IamDH

    TR so i dont get locked on every second and they are OP
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  5. Caserion

    I like the color red.
  6. KenDelta

    NC = Always wanted to be a 'Murican space marine.
    TR = Always wanted to be a Commie space marine.(and to avoid lockons every time I fly something...)
    VS = Spandex , Lazors ,Aliens and Purple(pimps).
  7. Malacovics

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  8. Fox Reinhold


    DAT BOOTY - It's worth fighting for.
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  9. KenDelta

    F*** YEA!!!!!
  10. Konfuzfanten

    Started as vanu for the sweet spandex, but now im playing TR:
    - love the prowler
    - Striker
    - Carv
    - 40 mag carbine
    No more getting told i let myself down! ;)
  11. Krutchen

    I play TR for Outfit action, and being the underpopped faction on the server I'm on. Fourth faction really takes our numbers away later in the day, to the low 20%s. While this sucks incredibly, I do like a bit of a Challenge. tl;dr Hardmode is fun.
  12. v1zor

    i found my outfit (which is VS) in a tutorial before i even played planetside :)

    so basically i really didn't had a choice.
  13. Pixelshader

    I am 4th faction scum who will support whichever faction supplies the best esf.
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  14. Flashtirade

    Although I play all factions, I've played NC the most (not my vid though):
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  15. OMGSquirrel

    Weapon sounds, armour design and colour combination. To a smaller extent the new backstory also influences my decision. All of these things lead me to swtich from loyally playing VS in Planetside to NC in PS2.
  16. Sen7rygun

    The overarching religious zealotry and general gayness of the VS makes me want to puke. They need to be put down.

    The whole "Team America" aspect of the NC and their idiotic corporate crusade masquerading as freedom makes me want to fill them with lead. What happens when the NC wins its war and there is no opposition back? The corporations start wars amongst themselves until there's only one left standing, then that corporation rules with an iron fist and a board of directors. They simply become the new TR, but NC players are too stupid to understand these things. So they need to be put down too.

    The TR are pretty much like European Union/NATO. They're older, wiser and have settled their differences and unified for the good everyone. They've had their wars and were playing politics centuries before the NC and VS were even faint ideas in the back of the minds of some nutcase Scientologists and/or greedy profiteering scumbags. They know chaos when they see it and its their job to restore order to a universe gone mad.
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  17. ohmikkie

    was option first on the list i think
  18. LineTrap

    VS, because man is something that shall be overcome.

    That and I'd rather play alongside the hipster nerds than the bitter nerds or the braindead nerds.
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  19. LtJoeBob

    • Love the Tank
    • At the time Mattherson NC accomplished things
    • Music (reminded me of firefly)
    • Engineer Mostly for the tank repairs but not afraid to jump in as infiltrator and show others that NC wrote the book on bolt action rifles.
    • When I joined the Reaver was suppose to have a larger hitpoint pool
    • The nerf bat smacking NC around into the ground has to mean they might be close to rock bottom and might get a buff someday.
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  20. Fox Reinhold

    That's true... on Earth. However if you read the lore correctly, the leader of the TR (Brent Waterson) is basically Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars. He's seized power and he's not letting go, even if it means killing potential opponents within his own organization. He's a corrupt individual hell bent on holding onto power as long as he can. http://wiki.planetside-universe.com/ps/Brent_Waterson

    This isn't to say the NC or VS are free from sin either. The NC are a bunch of greedy corporations who want deregulation so they can maximize profit and the VS are religious zealots staring at their artifacts going "my precious". There are no "good guys" in this game.

    If anyone thinks they're on the "right" side of this war... you're wrong, no matter what faction you are.
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