Adrenaline Shield help FAQ!

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by KukKung, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. KukKung

    So just starting my HA and digging the shield, got enough to cert into first lvl Adrenaline shield but i have some questions.

    I get how both AS and NMG work, both are reactive pop it on, pop it off and get about 700 extra hp or something like that. if you take no damage the nano bar ticks down and shield goes off, or if you take damage it ticks down in chunks till the nano bar or shield reaches its capacity to take damage.

    so from there..

    1/ with AS my understanding is with every kill it restores a chunk of the shield hp and nano bar yes or no?
    2/ if i use AS and say i get a kill every few seconds, that mean i could literly never run out of shield as long as im killing with AS on and im not exceding the time limit or the damage allowance

    ex/ AS on, take few shots it drops by half, get a kill recharges back to full, take few more shots drops by half, get another kill it recharges back to full while still on, is that what im gathering. if so this would ideal for my suicide shotgun game style.
  2. Van Dax

    iirc it charges up about 20% after a kill.
  3. KukKung

    iirc? so charges up as in if i took damage it would charge up the shield and the nano timer? so if i took minimal damage and continously got a kill. then my AS shield could basically stay up forever?
  4. Sossen

    I don't understand the difference between the shield and the nano timer, that you keep referring to.

    The shield has 500 hp max. Activating it costs some 50 of those, and keeping it up drains a certain amount of hp per second. Killing someone with Adrenaline Shield 5 gives you 20% or 100 hp back - it doesn't matter whether the shield is on or not. So yes, by killing a great number of people with little time in between and without taking any serious damage you could potentially keep the shield up forever.

    However, 100 hp is not much. One bullet from practically any gun is more than that. The best part about the Adrenaline Shield is not having a perpetual shield that never goes down. It's that with enough skill and kills per minute you get a potentially much faster regeneration of your shield than NMG users can get. Their shield is for all intents and purposes the same except for the fact that NMG 5 fully regenerates in 45 seconds where the AS 5 regenerates in 60 seconds but also gets 20% back per kill. Which means that it comes back in 48 seconds with one kill, or 36 seconds with two kills.
  5. Posse

    1) Yes
    2) Exactly, that's the idea of it, any good player should use Adrenaline instead of NMG (the choice between Adrenaline and Resist Shield is another different matter though, depends more on playstyle imo)
  6. Xelstyle

    The NMG/AS Shield provides 700 HPs. The regular shield everybody has is 500.

    If you're curious about the numbers, a great explanation by Wrel on all 3 shields including the Adreneline Shield.
  7. vulkkan

    Adrenaline doesn't regen 20% per kill until the max rank, which costs a total of 2250 certs. Watch Wrel's video above, it does a fantastic and much better explanation of how the shields work. (He explains Adrenaline around 7:00)

    Oh, and to answer your questions:
    1. Getting a kill with the adrenaline shield (it doesn't have to be activated) will restore part of your adrenaline shield HP only.
    2. Theoretically yes, but realistically impossible. You would have to kill a ton of enemies every few seconds to out-regen incoming damage.