The ESF Reverse Thrust - Best Update So Far... Why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Waverunner, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Waverunner

    If SoE was planning to bring out how ******** some of the PS2 players really are, they sure have done an amazing job at it. Reverse Thrust was implemented for players who are noobs and pretty much have to use exploits to win in the game. It's sad really, considering how easy this FPS is compared to COD.

    When the update first came out on test center, people were skeptical on if it deserves the nerf-hammer or not. Hell, it deserves the nerf-hammer until it no longer exists or is completely dysfunctional that even the noobs who think they're pro using it realize that it is absolute trash. If it wasn't for this update, I would of never realized how terrible people are (beyond what I had already thought). It showed the people who don't have a clue on what game mechanics are for and what game balance is. Those people will be shedding rivers of tears just to get their broken mechanic back when it's nerfed.

    So, with that said, thank you SoE for this truly amazing update. Now I know who to kill first and who will cry the hardest.
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  2. gregfox89

    Well, this should be good...
  3. IBleedblueyellow

    Isnt it more side thrusting, as it seems like you turn on ur side and hit spacebar
  4. Osskscosco

    I completely agree with everything the OP posted. He is using flawless logic which can't be attacked.
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  5. CommodoreFrank

    I'll never understand why the reverse maneuver makes some people so angry. God forbid aircraft can do anything other than circle jerk.
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  6. Cougarbrit

    Because their pro BF3 jet skillz can't help them here.
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  7. Angry Scientist

    I think we have enough quality troll threads on this already. Do we really need yet another?
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  8. CNR4806

    We do. Otherwise, where can I expend and sell all the popcorn I piled up in the warehouse?
  9. Bolticus

    So many wannabe Stews'.
    Just give it up.

    You'll never reach his level.
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  10. Oreo202

    For circle flying, please see Battlefield 3.
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  11. Spookydodger


    don't... get it. I think... wait... maybe... no. I lost it. I don't... get it.

    I'll just sit here and chew my cud.

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  12. IamDH

    So whenever someone is behind you you're dead.
    I highly doubt any pilot that can actually fly would want this
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  13. Corporate Thug

    I don't really use vehicles in this game and I'm quite content on never using an ESF but I do think the flight mechanics in this game set it apart from others and should be left alone. I can't quite understand how so much rebalancing happens so late in a games life cycle. The only conclusion I have is that SOE gave us a beta and test server to stop us from crying but only tweaked things based on their crappy unskilled game testers.
  14. Str8Dumpin

    I agree with the points you made, especially that PS2 is a COD clone. It even feels totally like HALO at times. The most competitive game so far was 007 Goldeneye... Why?


    License to kill / pistols only: no Oddjob, no Siberian Special Forces.
    In the Complex.
  15. LanceHavenbay

    The CoD child is strong in this one.
  16. MilitiaMan

    Honestly, CSHD is the worst offender in most dogfights.

    Doesn't matter how good I am or how well I maneuver, if they lag and hit me...They hit me and I die.

    As stupid as it is and hate it when I have my AH equipped it is a legitimate tactic, all be it is far too rewarding.

    Blah blah blah CSHD burn in hell blah blah blah.
  17. Pikachu

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  18. DeadliestMoon

    This MMO hasn't even been out for a year yet.......
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  19. Hoki

    What would be a much better tweek for ESFs is to increase how fast they fall when thrusters are not pointed down.

    That is to say, when they should be falling like a brick, they fall like a feather on a gentle breeze.

    Adding momentum to ESFs that must built up and compensated for (a more delayed thrust response), much faster falling depending on the amount of vertical thrust and forward air lift (aka no-lift brick falls like a brick) would be a much better change than simply nerfing vertical thrust.

    This won't stop hover strafing from dominating dogfights because the principle of moving while aiming your nose at the badguy is still possible only by hover strafing in CQC.
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  20. Kortan

    This isn't even worth going into...