Silly SOE, bullet doesn't go there

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ovakin, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. FrontTowardEnemy

    Yes, "red dot" sights are parallax free, just like "reflex sights", because the optics involved are the same regarding how the reticle is presented to the shooter. Basically, if your eye is in line with the reticle to the point that you can actually view it, then where the dot is, is where you're going to hit (assuming the correct range/wind etc.).

    The reason for this is that any electro-optical sight (more correct, all encompassing term vs. reflex or red dot) projects the reticle on the optics in a different manner than a traditional telescopic scope because there is no physical reticle involved.

    Anyway, go Google it if you need more detail.
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  2. FrontTowardEnemy

    Damn good job of analysis.
  3. Blarg20011

    Yes, I know, I was thinking of something different, sorry.
  4. Costanza33

    Bump. We need the reflex sights fixed, and quick SOE! Sometimes I come to think that this game goes out of the nineties... Can we have an official point of view on this bug please?
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  5. ZipIce

    Put it this way, curved bullets!

    In reality where ever you point the barrel that's where that bullet will go minus the wind and barrel expansion.
    This doesn't make sense from a realistic viewpoint and I don't see the point in the gaming sense either.

    If you find your rounds firing outside of your scope you should go find a professional gunsmith and ask them to replace the plastic barrel SoE gave you.
  6. DuckSauce

    Switched back to nerfed HS/NV sight, now I can consistently hit ranged targets while moving.

    Plz don't nerf again.
  7. sladuog

    I've contacted RadarX and twist about this. I'll let you know when/if they get back to me. So far no devs have commented on it either way, either here, or in the reddit thread (there were two nonsensical posts by Matt Higby and one by Adam Clegg in that thread, followed by angry and disappointed responses from people who can understand how bad this is) so nobody's said "oh, and if you use a crosshair overlay you'll get banned for an accuracy exploit", so nobody really knows.

    All of the scopes which don't provide an "overlay" like HS/NV and sniper scopes have this problem.

    So what's the point of origin of rounds? Slightly below your own view point? I feel like an idiot for not testing this sooner. You were right in that thread you made, by the way. The trouble with implementing sights like this is that due to the way weapons move around in game, when moving side to side or whatever, it would look like the gun is pointing in a totally different direction to the direction of fire.

    Can't wait for someone to be kicked out of an MLG competition for sticking some tape to the monitor.
  8. Flashtirade

    If the changes to projectile mechanics for tanks and ESFs were actually global, then the bullets originate from the end of the player model and then move towards the center of the screen. It may look fine in first person, but examined from outside it looks really silly, especially for tanks.
  9. vincent-

    Ok I really think it's time to look into all the weapons cross hairs and figure out if they're supposed to function right.
  10. sladuog

    If they're supposed to function right?

    My guess is a yes, the sights are in fact supposed to work. They just don't.
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  11. dBMachine


    There have been many times when I was frustrated as hell because I knew I had the dot aimed dead center but it wouldn't hit! I thought I was having issues with bullet velocity and leading targets....

    This really does explain a lot. That's pretty big...
  12. -Synapse-

    That's called recoil.
  13. sladuog

  14. Rhapsody

    1. Your moving
    2. Even Iron-sights/scopes have Accuracy modifiers. Thats why the scope is 'bouncing'.
    3. Try crouching
    4. Try sitting still.

    When you drew your own lines, you basically created a 'fixed' scope that is not affected by gameplay, which is why you were seeing exactly where the shots would land with 1st shot accuracy. Since its fixed, it cant be 'blurred' by the motion of the weapon which is there to simulate loss of accuracy while moving.
  15. TrainerS2

    Why enemies dont move ?? it is Traning zone??
  16. FrontTowardEnemy

    Yes, VR Training area.
  17. TrainerS2

    Hehe you canot compare this in gameplay with lags :D shooting moving targets ^^
  18. IamDH

    Because the dot moves when you move..
  19. Halon

    Nice recruitment/referral video...oh wait...

    COF needs to deviate from center of optics, not center of screen. Come on SOE...


    Also, thanks ovakin for making the video.
  20. SolLeks

    So, I have about 5 or 6 reflex sights installed on various rifles, real and 1 airsoft.

    Now, I remember playing with my airsoft rifle one day, (not the most accurate weapon to test with but the range was not far and well within the accuracy of the gun, a modified G3 from classic army) and I would tilt the gun so I could barely see the dot in the sight, fire, and IT WOULD HIT RIGHT WHERE THE DOT IS =0

    I have done this with my CETME and a similar red dot on it, Tilt it and hit the target.

    Real life red-dots basically keep the dot on where the weapon will hit at any angle, because magic (basically IDK lol).

    Maybe I will take my airsoft gun out tonight and shoot a video if this, the best I can. Sadly the ranges I go to don't allow cameras otherwise I would do this test with a real gun.