[Suggestion] Nanoweave Armor Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RHINO_Mk.II, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. RHINO_Mk.II

    1) Nanoweave Armor
    -Instead of providing +100/125/150/200/250 flat HP, reduces incoming non-explosive damage by 10/12.5/15/20/25% when hit in the body.

    2) Nanoweave Helmet
    -New cert line (automatically granted to anyone who certed into nanoweave armor at an equivalent level)
    -Reduces the bonus damage you take from headshots to 190/180/170/160/150% of normal. (From 200%)

    • Get rid of all the whining about bolt action snipers not killing players with a direct headshot at longer ranges.
    • Get rid of whining about nanoweave players surviving explosives better despite not using Flak Armor.
    • Allow for more flexibility in survivability options. Do you need that 250 bonus HP when you're fighting mindless cannon fodder? Would you rather have less flat HP but be protected more from very lucky or skilled players stringing together multiple headshots?
    Discussion, as always, is welcome.
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  2. KenDelta

    Ahahha... Resistshield 45% dmg reduction + 25% dmg reduction... I see where this is going.
    Bolt actions should 1 hit on headshots else no one would bother using a bolt action sniper rifle if they didn't.
  3. RHINO_Mk.II

    How is this any different from resist shield 45% reduction and a HP pool of 1250 instead of 1000?

    And because you apparently couldn't read the thread, one of the main points for making this change is so that bolt action headshots always kill.
  4. KenDelta

    So you want people to cert so that they die from headshots using bolt action?
  5. RHINO_Mk.II

    So that they can choose to do so, but don't automatically get that benefit as well as surviving AP mines and having 250 bonus health with which to survive any other type of damage as well. If they want to cert into it, it leaves them vulnerable elsewhere. The current nanoweave leaves them vulnerable nowhere.
  6. Mr_Giggles

    Why should we bend to the will of the whiners? Nanoweave is great against the all of 2 snipers who are complaining about it, and it sounds like they've adjusted mines to do more damage making flak a viable option. Problem is already solved.
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  7. KenDelta

    Thanks for explaining , was lost a moment ago.
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  8. VanuSovereignty

    Erhh... flak has always been viable. And there are a lot more that two people complaining about headshotting players using nanoweave, and justifiably so. The entire point of BASRs is to kill your target in one shot, because you're probably not going to get a chance if they know what they're doing. If people wanted to kill in two or more shots, they would be using semi-auto rifles.
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  9. Mr_Giggles

    And there are plenty of people out there that can be killed in one shot, just not the ones who have beefed up protection in the nanoweave line to avoid such a hit. Also, no where do I see in the descriptions that BASR's are OHK weapons. I see that they are described as hitting harder than other standard rifles but that's as far as the description goes.
  10. cfnz

    I'm showing my cynicism here but all that might change is that the complaining about nanoweave may cease and complaining about this new helmet will replace it.

    Personally I'm fine with how things currently are but have no objection to the proposed changes. Either I'm very agreeable or completely apathetic, I suspect the later :(.

    In a lot of cases this just seems to be a matter of player expectation.
  11. Mr_Giggles

    Obviously. I have no issue with what a player expects as long as they realize that what they expect and what really happens may and most likely will be different.
  12. BoomBoom4You

  13. Mr_Giggles

    btw, I can't find the information about a mine change so I'm going to refract that. But that is where the change should occur.
  14. Lagavulin

    Nanoweave doesn't need to be changed, stop feeding the handful of very vocal infiltrolls who want their kills on a plate.
  15. Forkyar24

    I wont support this
  16. FigM

    I would suggest that using nanoweave should reduce run speed 10%
  17. ohmikkie

    I say no. BASRs already get OHKs on flak wearers. If u want a guaranteed kill with proximity mines place 2 together.
  18. gigastar

    You know, if i had a cert for every thread calling for nanoweave nerfs id have enough certs to cert nanoweave.
  19. cfnz

    Again I'm showing my cynicism here but I'm not sure that is the case, especially since forums like this can foster little support groups where like minded people convince themselves that the way they what things is the way they should be.
  20. Erendil

    FYI, non-explosive small arms fire that does 400 or more damage per shot (i.e. - all sniper rifles) are currently unaffected by Resist Shield. IOW they go through Resist Shield without their damage getting reduced at all.


    Current BASRs can still OHK Nano 5 users out to about 50m (70m for the RAMS/Longshot/Parallax). So Nano is working as intended AFA I'm concerned. Obviously the Devs don't want snipers to be able to OHK targets at anything past medium range who've certed into armour that's supposed to protect them from small arms fire, and I can understand why.

    It's called balance. It's the same reason why Flares render lock-on weapons useless, why Cloak suits cancel out radar and NV sights, why Flak prevents the OHK against AP mines and tank shells, etc. Many certs exist in the game as specific counters to other certs/items/abilities. It's one of the more common methods the Devs use to balance things out in PS2.

    However, the concept of splitting Nanoweave into separate body armour and helmet cert lines has been discussed quite a bit and is an interesting idea to be sure. It certainly has some merit since IMO Nano5 protects users a little too much...

    However, in order to make the helmet option a viable one compared to body armour, even Level 1 Nano-Helmet should at minimum allow someone to survive a single BASR shot to the head at the BASRs' minimum damage distance (75m or 100m, depending on the rifle), and the protection provided from a headshot should be much greater than that provided by body armour vs a body shot, otherwise what's the point? The body armour option would be way more valuable since it covers 80-90% of the body.

    Right now a BASR can OHK someone without Nano at any range. A good starting point for Level 1 Nano-Helmet should be a reduction in the headshot damage multiplier by .25, turning a 2x multiplier headshot into a 1.75x multiplier (not just 1.9x like the OP suggests), making a BASR headshot do 990 damage and thus allowing you to prevent a BASR OHK at its minimum damage distance.

    Each level thereafter should reduce it by another 25%, bring the OHK-prevention minimum distance closer and closer until it's gone at Level 4, and you only take .75x of the base weapon damage at Level 5.