Using the TS2 Inquisitor hurts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Ned

    I mean actual physically hurting, I think one of the biggest design oversights with this gun was how much you have to spam the trigger, it makes my hand really tired when using it due to how much you have to spam the left mouse, which is not a good sign.

    Its like the spinning drop pods, these things are actually painful to use, something should be done about this gun.
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  2. Progapanda

    RSI for 700SC/1000C.
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  3. Nyscha

    Welcome to the Beamer.
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  4. Ned

    Beamer ROF is 451 RPM

    Inquisitor is 531 RPM

    Inquisitor hurts much more
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  5. KenDelta

    Uh it's good practice for your fingers!! try getting an autoclicker , probly making it an SMG ,if SOE doesn't bam you for 3rd party programs.
  6. Eclipson

    Yep, this is the reason I didn't buy the gun. Its a good gun, but I would rather use the commis, that way my hand doesn't fall off.
  7. Ned

    Do those things exist for PS2?
  8. KenDelta

    Auto clickers are universal for any PC app lol ,but the thing is it depends on will Ps2 crash from the amount of clicks or how fast the autoclicker can click.
  9. Izriul

    Got my first console (if you can call it that) when I was 7, I can't even remember what it was, some cassette tape (has the newest generation of gamers ever even seen a cassette? The time when you needed a pencil ready to play video games) then I got an atari 2600 and a Com 64. On my Amiga I had cannon fodder and that was the first real rapid fire clicking game I got, but I never had an issue until Diablo 3 came out. I must be getting old as after the first night of playing that my hand was killing like hell (Had Diablo 1 + 2 previously)

    Despite it being a crap game, it's the only one that hurt and made me realise carpal tunnel syndrome is all too real. Though I've never had a problem with FPS games.

    Fast firing semi's are stupid though, it's hard to keep the mouse steady when spazzing the button that fast. If I were American I'd try my luck with suing! That seems the perfect thing to sue for on Judge Judy!
  10. Tradewind


    Get one for when you're doing nothing. Never get tired hands anymore and have the added bonus of being able to jerk off like a T-Rex.
  11. OddChelsea

    I'm just going to point out that with such tiny arms a T-Rex would probably have an exceptionally hard time jerking off. Probably explains why they were always so angry.
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  12. Tradewind

    Hrm good point.
  13. Ned

    I think this thread has gone off topic a bit too much
  14. Tradewind

    "My hands hurt from clicking the mouse" > "Tyrannosaurs had anger issues because they couldn't wank."

    I see no issue.
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  15. Ned

    No, I don't imagine you do
  16. OddChelsea

    I trialed the inquisitor on one of my TR characters, didn't enjoy it that much. It has potential if you're some kind of cyborg but other than that it's just difficult to use properly. It does need you to click too quickly in an uncontrolled situation, which is much more difficult than trying to do it in VR. Due to that it seems to fall short of the other options.
  17. Tradewind

    That sounds hostile :(
  18. Ned

    I'm a big scary man.
  19. Tradewind

    Well I was being somewhat serious about the grip trainer :p They're awesome, I bought one after realizing my first boss has a kung fu grip handshake and I decided my hands needed to be more alpha. No such thing as hand fatigue now.
  20. PieBringer

    The same reason I never used HS/NV on Esamir, it hurt my eyes.

    Now the same reason I don't use it at all, scoping in and out with that obnoxious static (that has no option to disable) is harmful to my eyes, literally.

    Don't even get me started on "high" graphics settings. How can people play with such an inordinate concentration of bright lights? (rhetorical question.)