The Shotgun Harasser..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFullCologne, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Locke

    I would really hate it if they made it into a OHK "slug" shotgun. There is enough of that already. I'd much rather see a large area of effect shotgun. Lots of pellets scattering over a wide area hitting lots of troops at once.
  2. The King


    I have never used it, but come on now, it cannot be that bad!!!! lol

    I too, have never died to this thing. Not like anyone uses it though.
    I'm sure someone can get a really good kill streak from this weapon, but, it'll be time consuming and not as effective or efficient as the Fury, enforcer, or the kobalt/Balastik ..
  3. RasFW

    Its the only gun I put on the Harasser when I play NC. My gunner is pretty good at it, and when you're close it is a OHK beast. I like it. It is fun to use.
  4. commandoFi

    If the pellets had splash people might use it.
  5. MilitiaMan

    Bro, when I said I could get more kills jumping out and knifing them I wasn't joking.

    It is so bad I can't even form a cogent simile.

    It is so bad that Gordan Ramsey couldn't complain about it because it is already the worst that it could possibly be.

    The only way it could possibly get better without a major overhaul is if when you shot it, a flag would come out that said "Bang" and confetti would shoot out.
    • Up x 1
  6. The King

    THat surely would get someone out of their chair(so they can 'rofl'), enough time for the roadkill. lol
  7. Gary

    Indeed needs to be changed
  8. ReformerTR

    I've heard rumours about this mythical weapon but never seen it with my own eyes.
  9. Fire Works

    Video proof?
  10. Rogueghost

    I've seen this weapon used once.
    It was at Tawrich sometime in April, I was taking potshots on vanguards with my decimator, when I see about a dozen shots fly past, at first I thought it was a scatmax trying to engage at long range, at closer inspection I saw the shots were coming from a vanguard. It was kinda of imitating too until I realized it was completely harmless.
  11. R3volutionist

    It's not a BAD weapon. Honestly In the short time I used it does kill infantry fairly quickly, up close its 1 shot, mid range probably two shots. It's hard to get a good gauge on how good it really can be because it's so different from everything else, it's hard enough to get a good gunner and most people are use to halberds and what not, at least on the NC.

    I might start rolling with it more often to get a good feel for it and how good it is. The best scenario I can think of it for is when you're in a tower battle, you can camp the bottom floor and 1-2 shot people on the stairs and coming out of the teleporter. I think the trick is to get get closer than you normally get with a fury or halberd, and you have to spam the shots accurately at groups. I mean the pellet spread is pretty big so you don't even have to be that accurate, just have to actually aim at the target, it's not like the halberd where you HAVE to hit he target directly.

    I'd like to see more people try it out and see what it's actually like. I get the feeling that most people tested it really quick and gave up right away. One way I think this gun could be better is if you increased he damage it does to vehicles or increase the magazine capacity. Maybe make the shells explode on impact causing some sort of damage to armored vehicles.
  12. Crestfallen

    Since I've started playing back in January I've only ever seen it once, and that was on a Vanguard.

    That didn't last long at all.

    There is little I can add that hasn't already been said by the many that this gun needs reworking to be honest, its not really fit for purpose. As a point defense weapon against infantry you'd be better going with a Kobalt or even a Basilisk if you wanted, I've never seen it used well... if at all.
  13. WaiZen

    This is tempting... Really tempting. Time to waste 250 Certs, and try to get at least a kill with this thing.
  14. Phaze

    The suck of this weapon (and the Vanguard version) are one of the reasons NC is behind the curve vs. TR/VS.
  15. DramaticExit

    The only time I've ever seen anyone use it to kill someone, was when I got 1% damage from it, in a friendly fire incident on my unfortunate NC self.