My Infiltrator Loadout "The Cowboy"

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Blue_Moon, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Blue_Moon

    So let me explain a bit of my play-style. I'm an assassin kind of player. I see a high value target and I go for him, her, or it. Be it an engineer in a turret or a murauding heavy wreaking havoc on my allies, my goal is to silence them. I'm a short to medium range kind of player. I'm not that great at CQC combat, and although I'm a good sniper, it just gets boring after a while. So, I came up with an idea. I came up with this as an NC, so your results may vary.

    -Weapon (Primary): A semi-auto scout rifle with a night vision scope (scope optional). I'll be sticking a suppressor on this baby later when I get the certs. This is for my fights outside 20 meters and within 60 meters. Here's what gave me the idea to stay in this range- the cloak. The cloak's effectiveness dwindles significantly the closer you get to an enemy. At about this range is when an enemy will rarely, if ever, see you. This seems like an ideal range to be in a position to surprise just about anyone. Nobody really expects anything but a smg or sniper infiltrator. Also, I like the night vision or the reflex scopes. I don't like iron sights. Purely your opinion. You can also go with a semi-auto sniper, but be warned that the accuracy and lower rpm will make follow-up shots harder as a tradeoff for the higher damage and bullet type flexibility. Now that I think of it, I should have gone with a semi-auto sniper. Dang.
    -Weapon (Secondary): The commissioner. A laser sight on this would be fantastic because this is my CQC gun. It's basically here to put a dent into enemy forces... and their heads. It's a three hit kill at close range and it's a scary gun. It's not ideal, but it does a good job. If you're more apt to it, you can try the underboss, but I like the higher damage of the commissioner. :) A revolver is the bottom line.
    -Nanoweave armor, the higher the rank the better
    -Hunter cloak, the higher the rank the better
    -Recon detect device, always useful, the higher the rank the better
    -Frag grenade. However, when the infiltrator update comes out, I will be replacing this with the decoy grenade. The EMP MIGHT be okay with this loadout, but I've found that the EMP is more useful if you'll engage in a lot more CQC thereafter.
    -AP mine. If you're TR, don't bother- just get a healthpack or something. If you're VS or NC, this is a must to cover your tracks and sabotage your foe. A mine gives your location away less than firing that commissioner, especially behind enemy lines.

    What this ends up with is a rather potent mid-range fighter that has some decent short range abilities, but do remember that the commissioner, though potent, is LOUD. It's a very flexible loadout, IMO, and you should be prepared for many situations with this. Furthermore, you will have the advantage of having extremely damaging weapons at the cost of rate of fire and stealth. The stealth capabilities are only utilized to get into a position to unleash that damage and get away. After all, I called this the cowboy for more reasons than just because it utilizes a revolver.

    I only used this loadout for a bit, and I had a lot of fun with this (I still have my smg loadout just in case this doesn't quite fit the bill, lol). I know it's most likely not the greatest loadout in the world, but that's the beauty of planetside 2- you can use whatever the heck you want. What do you all think of this?
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  2. Biddion

    Do you say this because of the Claymore's limited direction? If so, you are mistaken in thinking it is not useful. Because of its directional functionality I can predict where an enemy might come from and know that either I, or a fellow TR, will be safe on the other side of it. It is very useful for defending generators and capture points so as long as I don't put them near doors where a Max might like to stand. Bouncing Bettys and Proximities, on the other hand, explode in all directions hitting friend and foe alike. Am I not mistaken? As a TR Infiltrator I'd take my claymore over the other two as it is more tactical.
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  3. Scudmungus

    I too have a burning passion for my Commissionar.. *-*

    Remember (or do not):

    If you're having fun, then it's highly effective!

    Simply because, you're more likely to keep at it (or anything) if you're having fun.

    For a self-given defintion of 'fun'.


    Personally I prefer a RAMS with a x12 which I'll use at any range if the target it unaware of my presence. Everything else gets Commie+Knifed! But that's just personal preference!

    EDIT: Agree with Biddion. Do not buy into forum drama, unless you want to develop Pewpew Anxiety.

    Remember, the difference between a good player and a great player is not a macro or hardware, it's the mentality.

    Test stuff for yourself. I find TR Claymores to be highly effective when placed with consideration (or dropped on heads from the dome of a biolabd >.>)

    ''BUT ZE GREEN LIGHTS11!!one!1!1'' - said the drama.

    Place them better. Do I wish we had a tool like another tool? Sure. Do I think it's a good idea to commit to getting the best results from our existing tool? Yup. If you wan't to get craAAaazy, place them where you *know* they can be seen and while the HA is shooting them, shoot him in the back.

    Of course, if you've really engaged with Claymores and found you can't make them work, that's totally a-ok, obviously. Folks find different tools work for them.
  4. Blue_Moon

    well, you two, that bit with the claymore WAS actually just a bit of a joke. I actually use the claymore because I've found it makes at least a handy indicator that someone is around to cause me pain. Like everyone seems to be. It's always hunt that infiltrator guy. Never the heavy guy, never the jetpack guy, that infiltrator guy. ;P I don't wanna get too much into it, but I've actually found them to be very buggy, people running right into the green laser area and... not taking any damage. I've found the 90 degree angle a bit useful because I can stand behind it and ambush people who are used to opponents not daring to stand next to an AP mine. Other than that, yes, I have a problem with the lasers. Can't place them around corners or in plain sight because they're just too easy to see. I'm actually not someone who says up the damage on them because they'd ruin the point of flak armor. If they fixed the bugs and made the lasers TR viewable only (maybe increasing the range a meter or so)... it'd be a solid mine. I think that was the intent but it is another bug that was never fixed.

    Regarding the RAMS with a 12x scope, I personally didn't choose long range like that for the primary because of my playstyle. Plus, if I want to do a suppressor which I just adore as an infiltrator, if you go too long range, bullet drop and velocity just becomes a nightmare. :)
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  5. Elack

    sniping on my infiltrator is something I don't do much any more, it was annoying walking around a corner into someone with an automatic weapon and while ranged it is effective it does get boring. I only really use long range rifles occasionally now to dispatch a long range enemy sniping at me.

    as for primary weapon I had been using a semi auto with 1x holo, grip and silencer it is fun, but I recently unlocked the smg the playstyles differ slightly but I think my mouse buttons will last longer with the smg :)
  6. Sneakier

    You still cannot fight vehicles...
  7. Blue_Moon

    You'd be a superhero if you could find a loadout that could do that. If you DO want infiltrators to get the vehicle combating abilities that they are entitled to, join that cause. In my signature is a link to an idea I personally had. :)
  8. OldMaster80

    This is exactly my loadout with the exception that I use EMP grenades and as TR I use Claymores. And they work ;)
  9. Blue_Moon

    I DID hear that claymores got a damage buff. Still would like the removal of those green lasers since that's just silly (especially since some settings see them and some don't- still a bug IMO). I do like EMP grenades, but I will be using decoys much more frequently when the update comes out that fixes them.
  10. OldMaster80

    Don't know if they will still be around: some say they're going to be fixed, some say they will totally removed from the game o_O
    I would use them as well, if they just were working!
  11. Blue_Moon

    No, they're confirmed to be fixed. I don't know who said they'd be removed, lol.