People are getting bored.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Slyguy65, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Slyguy65

    Implement new features


    How bout something that actually turns the tides of a battle rather than just MORE bout something oh IDK know something that actually requires a bit of thought, and coordination....right now its just, an orgy of numbers, no real way to fight against numbers except with more numbers.

    From what i hear SOE WANTS the game to be a stale cert farm with not much thought involved, and they sure as crap show it too by dumbing the game down more and more.

    -taking away SCU gen
    -making open world hex system and turning it into a rail shooter (CONNECT THE DOTS DUUURRRP)

    Honestly whats next, automated waypoints that say GO HERE, which leads them to a meatgrinding fight that ends up being a 4 hour cert farm, ending ONLY when more numbers show up...

    There needs to be more ways to "win" over zerging something is ok and all...but it should not be the ONLY way to win fights.
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  2. -Synapse-

  3. KlyptoK

    Hi! Yes, Hello!

    Please watch this from 1:54:00 and onwards.

    Enjoy the experience of other people finding easy to find information for you.

    In fact, you can read a very summarized version of it here:
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  4. Blarg20011

    Quoted, better get that rant/agreement/well thought out counterpoint done quick, you only have 30 minutes.

    Damn I was wrong. And here I thought I had forumside all figured out.

    ON the bright side of things, when they actually do put that resource revamp in it will be a serious game changer, I might have quit by now if it wasn't for the promise of the revamp.
  5. NC_agent00kevin

    All things I said would happen when the changes were announced :(

    A complete and in depth redesign of the hex system's adjacency and the continents themselves is what was needed; not connect the dots into a giant zergball. Im not sure why they thought square continents with no natural barriers such as lakes and mountain ranges (to break up connectivity - not just the route you take) was a good idea.
  6. Sebastien

    Thought it was 10
  7. Ultimatestormer

    Lattice =/= Rail shooter. Use your brain and you will find strategy still exists! :eek:
  8. FigM

    Lattice reduced playstyle options. It's main goal is to funnel players into more predictable paths to generate bigger fights. While having big fights is great, it also creates more repetitive gameplay and thus makes people get bored with it at faster rate
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  9. theholeyone

    Lattice is good, base design and capture mechanic is where it just comes to zerg the sh*t out of them and win. We need more tactical options to make the lattice work for those who are not zergs.

    1) More things to do at bases, it is funny how long you can tie up a zerg at an amp station by simply fixing one gen after they destroy it an move all their forces to the other side, lets have more of these side objectives...
    2) Faster base captures, integrate this with the side objective thing above. It's an indirect way to deal with zergs, if the enemy has a large zerg push which leaves their flanks completely undefended, a smaller number should be able to roll through capping bases if there is no opposition.
    3) Respawn hopping nerfs, transports should be the most viable option for both attack and defense, not just a last second respawn 8 platoons to splooge out and get all the points back.
    4) Something about resource revamp, tie in nicely with the rest.
  10. KenDelta

    I don't get why people don't like zerg vs zerg fights or fighting a zerg with an organized platoon ,it's clearly a cert farm and everyone loves certs , I mean do you die and get farmed THAT much? don't bother spouting ***** like tactical gameplay , plz.
  11. DramaticExit

    Is this really the reason you play? I'll be honest, I couldn't give a **** about how many abstract "rewards" the game gives me. I couldn't care less about how many mindblowingly stupid players I get to shoot, while they drag their knuckles across the ground, in their mouth-breathing moron swarms.

    Hell, I don't really care that your whole argument for the status quo is "yeah, well, u bad" (even if it does make me want to be sick, just a little... like, on your breakfast)...

    But here's the truth... Just because you can't muster the intellect to believe anyone wants to play for a reason beyond spoonfed adrenaline and doggy treats (good boy, well done, have a cert), there are a great many of us who actually look for a deeper and more complete gameplay experience, which exercises our brains as well as the old twitch reflex.
  12. KenDelta

    Why do you play ? What's the sheit driving you? You don't liek zergs? You don't like big fire fights? You have fun running around the map experiencing it's beauty in design ? You don't shoot people in this game? Whats your logic behind "fun" ? Hope you vomit all over your screen because this game is trying to give us fun behind hugeass fights , if you don't like that fact.
    go preorder CoD or something.
    Don't even start that crap around "Playing by the objective" only objective I see and MANY see outside of doing alerts is progression that is by getting certs and unlocking more gameplay possibilities.
  13. DramaticExit

    My god... Okay, I shouldn't have to explain this, but I'll humour you anyway.

    "Hugeass fights" are great. I love them. I want them to be conducted within a context of an overall strategic game, where I feel like my actions on the small scale are having an impact on a far larger situation. This is enough of a reward for me. Unlike yourself I do not need to be fed doggy-treats for good behaviour.

    For someone who wishes to play the game in this way, the brainless zergling (hey kid, listen up, I'm talking about you here) is a tool... A resource. The reason you get your gratification, is because there are people who are leading you (and people who are advising those leaders), who throw you into these big meatgrinder fights, where you can run face first into that enemy base, kill a few and get shot down, over and over and over and over and over and over again, while you dribble all over your own rifle. Can't win a war without a few good meatshields.

    For you, the game might finish at those "super epic battles" but for the rest of us, it doesn't. While you're still trying to run through the enemy's spawn shields in order to sink your teeth into some dude-who-has-a-different-coloured-shirt's face, we're already thinking about how best to approach the next base. Or if we should redirect forces to fight against the other opponent, as the balance of power is tipping slightly in their direction... Or perhaps we should find a different path to X or Y major facility, because the ground we'd be fighting over doesn't favour the attacking force...

    You get your jollies, the rest of us have a great time thinking about how to use you next. Now, that's not to say that those same people who're doing the thinking are not fighting. It's not like some sort of pacifist's league out there who don't play the game the way you do... Just you, personally, seem incapable of grasping the fact there might just be a game beyond your experience of it, which not only includes your way of playing, but something else as well...

    Having people like you come in and actively sabotage discussions on how to improve a part of the game you do not participate in, is mindblowingly frustrating. This ain't your discussion.

    Please do not repeat the same post a third time.
  14. Cab00se187

    The only thing people are getting bored of are these threads.
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  15. Wildcardgsx

    This Game has Turned into Team Death Match with a heavy emphasis on Pay to Win. My clan which had over 500 members last month has dwindeld down to less then 200 after a bunch got fed up with some of the changes SOE is making. The majority of our leadership is ******* playing MineCraft! Which if SOE cant beat a 5th grade level video game has some kinks they need to start looking at.

    I for one am getting sick not of patches, or bugs, or constant updates or the seemingly endless stream of revisions, revamps and "re-balancing" but the bouncing from what crap-tastic clan to another.
  16. MisterMorden

    oh come on, stop the lattice bashing ! i stopped playing for months and only began to play again because of the lattice, which prevents ghost capping and boring 1vs1 fights over one base.
    i was in a big outfit, and the only thing they did was capping empty bases, and they even thought this would be important or in any way clever, just to avoid the "zerg", and i know that many outfits did this. this game is about big battles, why do so many outfits fail to influence a "zerg" battle by using tactis ?

    with lattice you have enough options, the problems are: capping mechanics, spawning, base design, map design, ...
  17. KenDelta

    That's a really interesting article you just wrote.
    My leaders tell me 1 thing and 1 thing only that is "Get over to this point and kill anything that appears red in your hipfire vision"

    You see , in this game other than having 3 factions we all have a surprising factor that you titled "Zombies/Meatshields" they're the basis of everything in this game , ghostcapping , capping big facilities , outposts , etc ,they're the reason you're able to gloriously take that base you're rushing, you're simply making people into zombies without having their gameplay into account , don't think that YOU did it all with your godlike intellect and gameplay that YOU made your whole faction win a base/alert/fight , such cocky attitude.
    Game is just fine , such selfish threads are not needed , if people from the actual game would bother even checking these forum they would face palm.
  18. Nogrim313

    well they did make the markers for adjacent bases show up a few patches ago so i think that actually kinda qualifies
  19. Slyguy65

    Easy to find information? You are asking me to sort through 2 hours of a weekly is that "easy" information?

    Also if this is you trying to tell me the new resource system is going to add something NEW and not dumbed down, only time will tell buddy.
  20. Udnknome

    I should really post pictures of the Indar and Esamir Lattice from Connery on here sometime.. There are tons of small fights that the Hexxers can still get involved in. Lattice is not a ZERGBALL like the mis-information seems to suggest.

    Suggestion: Change the color on the map based on the number of enemy in a contested territory. Apparently the Hexxers are too smart to look at the map long enough to find a small fight.
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