People need to get out of the dam spawn rooms!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by chilly154, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. Zar

    not the games fault they decided to be cowards it gave them the choice they decided to sit in a spawn room being nonskilled stat padding bads. what they should do is redeploy and fall back to defend if they are camped. new rule if you see more then 5 people just sitting there C4 them devs aren't gonna fix it so we gotta.
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  2. Geneaux

    If you're with a group, you aren't lone wolfing anything, nor is it the same. You are being nothing more than a straggler than a threat and that goes for the rest of the group, especially if most of you are Infiltrators. A lot a groups as such be have that way. But of course, you aren't worried about spawn camping, you're generally the guy who sits in a corner, waits for an unsuspecting enemy to hit your claymore/bouncing betty/proxy mine, finishing him/her off if necessary, rinse and repeat. You've got your way of achieving xp/certs. I have mine.
  3. HerpTheDerp

    Running out of camped spawn room is not caurage, it's stupidity.

    But if you're asking: yes, I do not give a flying **** if the base gets captured or not.

    Why would I? No, honestly, why would I care we lose that base? Can you give me a single reason?
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  4. Zotamedu

    So there should be a painfield around the spawn as well then so you cannot just stand outside it seeing when someone exits and then shoot them as they leave before they have time to shoot back? That's what happens when you have a shield that you cannot shoot through. A prime example was the shields on top of the tower bases. One engineer with a MANA turret and that exit was closed. There was no risk for the engineer and trying to get out was a death sentence. That's why you have to have one way shields. If they aren't, then the spawn is a death trap.
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  5. Zar

    you don't have to have a reason just like i don't need a "reason" as you say to blow your useless player out of the spawn room for camping with c4. its called playing a game its planetside not cpt.*****'s camp adventure. I'm not saying run out into 50 god damn guns pointed at you and die I'm saying redeploy and do something of merit besides making your Edick bigger with KDR.
    P.S it will be fixed one day till then up to the player base to take care of it self see a ****** camping in a spawn getting no skill kills? kill him maybe he will learn.
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  6. zukhov

    The smoke launcher is a great way to frustrate spawn room heroes. Remember to let the smoke clear every now and then so they are constantly changing their optics. If you can spare the resources (best served in a bio lab) conc. grenades and flash bangs also make their life a misery and usually cause a lot of accidental team kills.
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  7. Tekuila

    If you aren't inside of a spawn shield there is always a risk.
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  8. HerpTheDerp

    Then I will report you for teamkilling.

    Was it good for you?
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  9. faykid

    if the armor and air are camping the spawnroom, it is probably a zerg and the facility is lost anyway

    if you get out you will get halberded and hellfired in your first second outside the shields

    so you might as well get some XP shooting players out of the windows and then redeploy 30 seconds to cap.

    if you redeploy earlier, like Zar here suggests, it will not make any difference. it will not stop the zerg. you will just spend more time waiting for them at the next facility.
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  10. ent|ty

    Wow how assumptive of you. Well, I'll leave you to your beliefs then.
  11. Zotamedu

    The thing is that a solid shield is much much more benifitial for the attackers than the defenders. The bases really do not need to favour the attackers more. If you get shoot through a spawn room shield, then you only have yourself to blame. Everybody with half a brain has realized ages ago that standing in a place where you will get killed is a bad idea. So why keep doing it when there's no need? You never ever need to put yourself in a position where they can shoot you from the spawn. This isn't an issue if people would stop being repeatedly stupid and then blame the game for their own stupidity.
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  12. zealluck

    nah, If I were in the same room with you and you did that, I would shoot you in the face first.
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  13. Tekuila

    Don't have to blame yourself, blame the bad mechanics.

    Your missing the point. Getting kills from behind a protection barrier should not be possible. Would prevent shield heroes from being worthless.
  14. ent|ty

    Funny how the guy isn't practicing what he preaches, and claims to be a mind reader; can discern the intent of every player STUCK in spawn, and then takes it upon himself to be a teamkiller in a misguided hope its going to change anything.

    If I'm in spawn, its because i CAN'T leave.
  15. SpetV

    It happens a lot when I'm playing. Once we were 60% in one area(48+ both sides) and we were camped inside the spawn room. Everyone was standing in there instead of going out and we lost the base. Some people are just too stupid, they start to be like Daddy, the K/D is everthing for them. I wouldn't be surprised to see them disconnecting before they die, i saw a few doing that while i was chasing them.
  16. deggy

    You can always leave. Nothing is physically preventing you from leaving. You're not leaving because you don't want to die.

    So I make it so you die either way.

    Push out of the spawn room and you might live. Stay in there with me and you most definitely will not. Usually, people get out of the spawn room when I throw the first grenade. Nobody dies from it.
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  17. Yasa

    The only way you can force your troops to charge towards a scary opponent is to put an even scarier one behind them. Tell them: if you will not serve on the front lines, you will serve on the firing line.
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  18. Erilis

    Just want to add this is definitely a dev issue. You can take the man out of the gutter but you can't take the gutter out of the man. It's the dev's responsibility to balance the game well, not the player's. The players are users, the devs are the architects.
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  19. Takoita

    Go check that base south of Andvari and see how you like it spawntubes camped with maxes.
  20. Takoita

    The game deliberately stretches players out because it can't handle that many players in one hex. Go participate in a warpgate fight or a biodome alert threeway during primetime and see for yourself.