Can We Ever Expect Equal Camo Coverage?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gary, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. stalkish

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  2. Dingus148

    Good read there, but the issue (in my mind) isn't visibility so much as saturation and coverage. All every faction needs is a few big splashes of their faction colours. Something that can't be covered up by purchasable camos. Problem solved.

    Alternatively, give everyone equally concealing colours and work on the unreliable IFF, but that seems stupid to me seeing as one solution is foolproof and doesn't require the coding team's attention. (They need to be working on getting my framerate steady!)
  3. Canaris

    Human blush response, I never said angered I did say a stimulus for attention, your not mistaking what I'm saying with bull fighting are you?
  4. Mindjacker

    Don't be silly if it was equal then vs would come here and cry then NC and TR would get nerfed back so whats the point. Don't forget vs want easy mode (and get it) or else they all run home and cry to forum
  5. Hoki

    I like but would prefer as much camo coverage as vanu enjoy.

    Though I suppose their superior textile technology and whatnot~
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  6. Goretzu

    Really speaking it doesn't really matter which way they do it; only that they do it.

    All factions just need to be equal in this regard.
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  7. Battleballs

    Either way, I think the NC and TR camo need a revamp just like the VS did. With camo the VS show 0% purple, just some teal. The TR and NC have no choice when it comes to showing priority faction colors red and blue. That's uncool. Just because the lead art director does mostly Vanu does not mean you guys can't make them similar in camo coverage. And anything in black I don't count because each faction shares a fair amount of it.
  8. Slattjaw

    This is what I see as a problem. I have seen this a few times and if you just glance their direction without noticing the lack of red you would mistake them for a friendly. Try pulling that off as a TR. You might get close but not as close as VS will.

    Equal playing field means either we all get to run around pretending to be other factions or no one gets to run around being imposters.

    Personally I think the best solution would be to make all VS giant purple dinosaurs, all NC giant yellow birds and TR huge red dogs. All joking aside I'm still on the fence here, while I do wish I could distinguish all factions at a glance, I like the realistic aspect that ps2 brings to the table. Look at the progression of uniforms in military history, gone are the red coat days.
  9. Zotamedu

    I think it should be the other way around. Why not make all factions have visible faction colours?
  10. stalkish

    o i agree totaly we need more empire colours on the avatars, bring them all in line with the TRs amount of red and that would be fine to me. I dont however have this opinion because i have problems spotting enemies, the silhouettes are all different and easily distinguishable, 'Q' works wonders aswel but i tend to use that for ease of aiming when at distance. The reason i want faction colours is because i like them, simple realy i like seeing red tr troops fighting purple vs troops fighting blue nc troops. Its probably nostalgia from PS1 but hey, barneys smurfs and elmos :D ftw.
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  11. Aki

    So who got the worst of it ? Heavy Assaut Women with composite armor and helmet
    For me, from most visible to least visible: NC - TR - VS
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  12. Lamat

    I have to agree the TR infiltrator needs to be fixed at the very least. It's a class devoted to stealth.

    Next we need to look at making all the factions have equal color coverage, I'm fine if we all go more like Vanu with much great camo coverage. After all we are buying camo to blend in. Any with the new red cross-hair on enemy it has reduced some of the previous issues.

    Finally for NC, our color is Blue, why can't that be our show through color? There is a reason all warning signs are bright yellow. Danger Danger! Police line do not cross!
  13. Goretzu

    Yeah it's a bit cheeky, but as things stand it works so fair enough I guess.

    Well it was similar to that in PS1.
  14. Blackoth

    yea im disapointed in that too, last night is the second time ive been killed by a VS infiltrator in 100% BLACK camo. As NC i cant even get close to blending into the terrain with my giant colored spots. And im not saying i would have seen them if the camo was not all black, but when the kill screen comes up, and i see actual camo that i cant get, i get mad for a split second then respawn.
  15. Dingus148

    My only problem with the "q" spotting issue is that the #1 case of camo being a problem is at knifefight range, where the delay to press "q" would get you killed and your brain needs every split second to process whether or not that is an enemy or friendly. Things like skull decals or that lovely red shoulder piece cause enough of a delay to get you killed. In a game with low ttk, 1/10th of a second might as well be an eternity.

    Also, @Goretzu, the more of your posts I read, the more I'd like to buy you a beer.
  16. Goretzu

    Strangely with VS there's not a vast amount of point to black camo, if they ever bring a real black camo out. :D
  17. zib1911

    So what. I want to have an advantage over 90% of the player base just like you. Your mad that we want to have the same advantage over noobies and random zergies as you get? Why?
  18. zib1911

    You keep posting in here that camos are not an issue. Then why are you here defending the VS camo.

    Your a troll, you post I play VS and NC so your argument is invalid? Really? Do you sound cool when you type that up because your pretty ******* dumb buddy.
  19. Goretzu

    Camo coverage is certainly an area where there isn't really a counter argument to making all factions the same.
  20. Dingus148

    It doesn't even need to be the same. Just big ol' patches of colour. If such a change were ever implemented, it'd be funny. I wonder which players, currently claiming camo/IFF is fine, would claim that SOE was nerfing camo? Would kind of destroy their current arguments and their credibility, huh? Perhaps we should be making a list.