Lost another paying customer

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nikademus, Jul 28, 2013.

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  1. Nikademus

    I do not have a low end computer, I have a gaming rig I built for this game and Skyrim, I can play ANY OTHER Game at 60+ FPS. I used to get 40+ in the biggest battles on launch day. Now I have graphics turned way down, and still get under 30FPS. This is unacceptable. And as far as lattice system is concerned I have heard countless people complaining about it since it launched on Indar, Most of the group I run with on my TR character had stopped playing Indar all together because of it. Now we are left with Amerish and soon that will be gone as well.

    but what ever, I am not going to waste my money on the game anymore. Don't like the way it has been going for last 3 months at least. So have fun, but peace out.
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  2. Kevorkian

    There will be good optimization for the PS4 and PS4 only. Far easier to program for uniformed hardware. If you're still hoping for optimization for PC after over a year, don't hold your breadth.
  3. Phrygen

    frankly, they just need to add a few links to the lattice to make most people happy
  4. 0ReferenceException

    Fixed that for you.
  5. iRhuel

    Perhaps you should try upgrading your Atari.
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  6. Aisar

    I know it's been said over and over and a lot of people take it as being rude but honestly if you cannot run the game with everything set to at least medium with ambient occlusion on, 2000 render distance (you don't need more) and everything else off then you really do need to shell out some cash for some new parts. Computers are kind of a commitment that you need to keep at least somewhat up to date and relevant to the game you are trying to play. You don't need a $1000 dollar computer or any kind of expensive part to run any game with at least medium settings so it looks good enough to not make you cringe but still gives you an acceptable frame rate.

    Planetside 2 is absolutely not the game for you if you are struggling to run even a modest medium setting. I don't personally run with shadows or flora off but if you need to they are completely optional fluff that just kills frames. I don't have any problem with getting 30-40 frames in huge fights so it does not bother me. At the moment I run everything medium except the first setting on high (texture quality I believe, I don't recall) and I find this to be a very good compromise between graphical fidelity and a good frame rate.

    Also, I don't really crash with those settings, which is obviously a major plus and why I switched from everything maxed out. Either the game is too unstable at those settings or my system is not good enough. I can run nearly completely maxed out but it's not worth crashing all the time.
  7. Syrenthra

    I should have clarified, our outfit ran 2 platoons (2nd might have 1 or 2 squads while 1st is full) but we acted as squads, unless we encountered another zerg, we ran in 1-2 squad pairs moving and taking facilities. The problem with the 4 platoon zerg is that even with our skill and tactics we can't do much to stop that 4 platoon zerg when they throw bodies or tanks or aircraft at us en mass. When you start getting pushed back and can't hold anything because you can't stop a zerg it kills your morale and the fun of tactics is lost so at that point everyone would either log off, go solo, or people would reform into single squads and go around just capping to avoid zergs.
  8. ent|ty

    Yep, this was supposed to be my TF2 (the real one, not the damned Incredibles version in existence today), much like PS1 was supposed to be (but had issues that made me lose interest at the time).

    But now, SOE has messed this up, and turned it into a simple team deathmatch.

    Funny how the tag line changed from "Massive Battles.Your Way" (unless I imagined this) to "Massive Battles. Size Matters" etc.

    This is not the first game SOE ruined, and it won't be their last. I saw them ruin DCUO as well. And SWTOR.. and EQ...
    Why don't I learn..
  9. LivesInNameOnly

    you are quitting because more people are playing the game? lol.
  10. Tradewind

    It's not an unreasonable expectation. The PS$, using the AMD Jaguar is not a particularly powerful processor in itself, in fact it's quite crap. The advantage to it is the 8 cores. Developers will have to utilize all 8 cores if they want their products to work worth a damn. That's what's going to have the trickle down advantage to PC users. Since the PS4 and XBone use typical PC hardware, the portability of those games is much easier than ever before.
  11. Mob720

    SOE is a for-profit company. They care about your money, not about you. Or me. Or anyone else. Since they seem to have already taken your money, why would they even listen? If you look around here, SOE doesn't really pay attention to any of us.
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  12. ChaosX5

    anyone who considers "killing" in this game as "farming"... please go back to RPGs... god damn it, killing in a game where gun mechanics feel like this is not in any way considered farming or grinding... If you think it is,, go play some casual moba ******** or something, leave PS2 for higher skilled gamers
  13. ent|ty

    No, they're not referring to 'killing' as 'farming'.

    Farming is referring to a tactic of killing which favours the camping of spawns, or choke points (like the only doorways coming out of the new walled bases) or any predictable exit (tunnels) for the express purpose of easy kills on units who cannot defend themselves in any way.
  14. Tradewind

    "Farming" when referenced here isn't put forth as some sort of monotonous grind-out. But that you are gaining kills in large quantities with very little effort.

    Why am I needing to explain that?
  15. The Fizz

    I really wish all of you who start threads like this just leave the forums. No one wants you here or listen to your constant complaining about every issue. Just leave. Maybe then we would be able to have some good conversation about what we like in PS2 for once.
  16. ChaosX5

    Hmmm, last I heard, farming was the same as "gathering points as quickly as possible to level up your character". Im saying, anyone concerned with this, are playing the wrong game. They need to be playing an mmo where skills are governed by skill trees and stuff, where the POINT of the game is to farm. In this game, there is no point to farming... unless your terribly concerned with certing out your guy... anyone who is should be playing something else. Like an RPG
  17. pnkdth

    I understand your frustration but you can get some optimization done your own end as well. I have a less than good gaming rig and I get 30-60fps(limited to 60 so might get more). I took 10 minutes searching for useroptions configs and voila, give myself quite a lot more FPS.

    And my PC is an AMD pureblood.

    Then there is radeonPRO and Razer game booster. I am fairly certain these are green lit by SOE.
  18. Tradewind

    Without knowing specifically who you're referring to I can't say. Getting lots of kills amounts to getting lots of Certs, but it doesn't mean that you're getting all the enjoyment from getting certs and XP...killing swaths of enemies is rewarding too.
  19. Mastachief

    PC spec in sig and i can actually dip as low as 27fps which i find completely unacceptable (although it is rare), i don't get gpu limited unless it's hitting 170fps.

    I cap my fps at 60 (in the user options) because you don't need higher.

    Typically in the highest of combat cluster ***** i drop to around 45fps still cpu limited. I cant run my cpu any faster without resorting to hardcore cooling and warranty breaking practices. I really do believe that there is not a stock setup money can buy that maintains the 60fps+ desirable constant on high to ultra settings.

    All this said people need to give SOE credit, whilst the fps rates have dropped since GU2 there have been many additions and improvements to the game chief among them is the render distance. No game on the market either now or in the foreseeable future have the graphical quality and scale of Planetside 2.

    They are constantly working on the FPS issue, the esamir patch improved things in my view.

    All those thinking tha thte PS4 port will be some holy grail i think maybe in for a surprise, because their idea of the optimisation could be cutbacks to artificial boost fps (less stuff on screen, poorer qualities etc etc).

    What also amuses me is the truly awful pc specs some people are still holding on to and ******** they can't run the game at 60FPS like they can BF3 on low settings. Man up and upgrade already it can be done within a medium budget and avoid the weakness that is the AMD family (former AMD fanboy speaking).

    As for the game meta concerns, the lattice is a much needed system however it is a pretty dumb iteration that SOE went with. (no mechanics for behind the lines stuff or facility benefit denials through gen drops and such like, no facility draining) This said i'm sure if the money keeps coming in that SOE will continue to develop the game in the right direction.

    The best thing of all the game really is free to play so there is no barrier for your return and as a 10 year planetside vet i can tell you there is nothing that will scratch the itch so you will be back.
  20. Mastachief

    You imagined it (kind of):

    SIZE ALWAYS MATTERS (this is the strapline)

    FREE TO PLAY. YOUR WAY (this is SOE's f2p strapline for all games)
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