Best NS-7 PDW attachments?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EViLMinD, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. EViLMinD

    The first two SMGs proved to be good with multiple configs. Depending on my class and the situation, different attachments are ideal.

    INF, CM and LA are the classes I use with SMGs the most; especially, the INF because there are only three options for guns with automatic-fire (now four)

    So far, I've only used the PDW on my INF. It's proved to be very useful, though.

    Compared to the Blitz and Cyclone, the PDW is better at longer range. That's why I've set it up for ADS shooting:

    3.4 laser dot sight
    ext mag

    I've also got SPA and a 2x reflex for when I need to fight at closer ranges. Haven't tested these much, yet.

    I also plan to get ALS, compensator and grip. I find it's fun to experiment. Plus, I've got auraxium medals for the other two SMGs. My plan is to focus on the PDW till I have the medal for it too. I'll want the PDW to fill as many roles as possible.

    What configurations are you using? How do you find the PDW compares to other SMGs?
  2. Imposer

    I don't have it yet but in the VR I discovered that the ALS lets you full auto people from the hip at 2x reflex site ranges and burst fire people farther than that.
  3. Tamonize

    I feel the same way. It feels like it's better than the blitz and cyclone even if it has 125 damage with lower fire rate than the blitz. (Blitz is probably my worst in game purchase. I even bought the advance laser sight to try to make it work for me.

    Anyhow, I trialed the PDW and killed 50+ in 29 mins. IMO, id put an extended mag and a suppressor. That's it. I like how the sight is sharp. But Ill reserve a 2x or 3.4x scope. But it's one of the few guns with an awesome default sight.
  4. TeknoBug

    silencer, extended mag and SPA. No need to ADS and no need for laser.
    • Up x 1
  5. SifuBob

    I go Suppressor, 2x sight, adv. laser, soft point ammo. 30 bullets is enough to drop 2 targets if you get some headshots in, which isn't too hard due to its accuracy, both hipfiring and ADS.
    This setup allows me to hipfire it rather far, and ADS out to medium range. I find the damage dropoff too severe to use it as a medium to long range gun.
  6. sindz

    3,4 and 2x sights on a SMG???

    I don't even...
  7. Tradewind

    Same as pretty much any other SMG addons. Suppressor, ALS, Soft Point, scope of your choice...I personally prefer just using the IRNV, but that's just me.
  8. Mxiter

    Good luck! :D
  9. Sordid

    I'm currently using ALS, suppressor, and plain old iron sights. I mainly play a sneaky LA and I can make it work but I feel the Armistice would have been a better choice.

    As for how it compares to other SMGs, I don't think it really does. What the NS-7 really is, stats-wise, is a carbine for infiltrators. As an SMG it's honestly not very good, either of the default SMGs is a better choice for the SMG playstyle, IMO.
  10. XRIST0

    Im using NV scope , Advanced laser , Compensator and Soft point ammo .

    Bit of both , I can spray and prey or aim down sights .. works rather well

    I cant see the forgrip making that much difference , not worth it over the laser .

    Never used smg's much , still getting used to it .
  11. EViLMinD

    3.4 is good. The extra zoom helps with headshots. If I'm shooting targets >20m away, I'll use a different SMG with a 1x/2x (Cyclone is best with 2x).

    Infiltrators don't get carbines or assault rifles, so the PDW needs to do more than just spray cq targets. It's somewhere between a scout rifle and a SMG.

    I also tried a 4x scope, grip and compensator. Worked well in a big outdoor fight where I had to keep moving. My Stalker is good for this too (with 3.4, grip, compensator). The main difference is the PDW is slightly better at hipfire and has 6 more bullets. Minor difference.

    Another combo I used is SPA, 2x scope and ext mag.

    However, 3.4 scope, suppressor and ext mag is my preferred config. I don't like to use suppressor and SPA together because it slows bullets too much. Lowers the effective range and makes hitting moving targets harder.

    Not sure when I'll get ALS. I prefer my other two SMGs if I'm fighting mostly in cgc. The PDW's roll is outside.
  12. Sordid

    The point of the foregrip is to reduce the horizontal jitter, which is already very low on the NS-7. Laser is for hipfire, foregrip for ADS. It basically turns the NS-7 into something resembling a basic carbine.
    • Up x 2
  13. EViLMinD

    Mistake. I meant <20m.
  14. EViLMinD

    The grip helps with sustained fire. So, it won't help much if you burst fire.

    However, I find the PDW, like all NS weapons, is really good at sustained fire. Like TR guns, you point and hold the mouse button down until the target is dead.

    Can't say that the grip makes a huge difference. I do find that the ext mag is most beneficial. Still, grip combined with compensator makes those mid - long range targets easier to hit. I quite like grip and compensator on the blitz (when I'm a CM defending indoors).
  15. Astealoth

    I'm loving mine with suppressor, extended mags, soft point, and 1x red dot. Great infiltrator setup. I like it over my armistice pretty well. I bought it so I could have an SMG for all 6 chars. I have 1 of each faction on connery and waterson so it's a really good buy for one gun that can technically be used on 30 different guys.
  16. gigastar

    I run a special set of attatchments that, upon inspection, reveals that im just using the VX6-7 with ALS, 2x reflex and flash surpessor. As ive always done.
  17. Phrygen

    if i got it, i'd use Compensator (or suppressor), 1x/2x relfex, forgrip, and softpoint.

    The other option is to go with compensator and ALS, for hybrid work.

    If i want to hipfire, i'll use a hailstorm which performs the job better.
  18. Black March

    1x Sight, no compensator, no ********, and advanced laser sight. Best full auto hipfire and on an SMG. That's really what you're after ain't it?
  19. XRIST0

    Yeah I did quite well with it yesterday aiming down sight , I might try out the forgrip because its more my play style .
  20. HadesR

    Suppressor, Red Dot, Extended Mag , SPA