What some people are doing RE: Recruiter Program.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jeslis, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. Jeslis

    Ran into this on youtube

    Sickening.. really...
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  2. Fredfred

    What ever floats their boat. I do not think they are hurting anyone doing this.
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  3. axiom537

    Pretty Smart if you asked me...
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  4. ih8Darian2

    Since you posted this, people are more likely to copy him and do it too.
  5. Iridar51

    Actually, on SOE's part it would be smart to give bonuses to people who join the game through referral system, like WoW does.
    It doesn't have to be anything strong or even permanent - double exp for a week for example. Or a 50% off SC for a week, something along those lines. Because as it stands people have zero incentive to be invinted other than fullfilling someone else's greed.
  6. joe smo

    very sicking indeed...
  7. St0mpy

    theres only one thing wrong with that, the word officially, otherwise I dont see what hes doing bad?
  8. Black March

    Haha, I think that's pure genious. ;) And honestly, doesn't hurt anyone

    I mean seriously, paying for google ads for SOE recruit is probably the cheapest way of getting the points? Post an ad for 5 days, get 500 recruits? 25 pay?
  9. Syrathin

    At least he's actually doing something instead of complaining on the forums that it's impossible... People tend to over use that word here.
  10. Eugenitor

    It's spam. He's turned his account into yet another crap promotion that Youtube needs to get around to deleting. It's almost as bad as the comment spammers who make alts to upvote their "bit . ly / thisisclearlyavirus" comments.
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  11. TheMonkey

    Pretty cheesy and unlikely to work. Could give SOE a bit of a bad name when people are spamming around hoping to get recruits.
  12. Blitzer

    The problem with doing what guy in the OP is doing is that it turns this recruit-a-friend program into spam-and-annoy-random-people program.
  13. Phrygen

    Isn't this what SOE was hoping would happen?