New Alert XP distribution mechanics encourage mass flight to likely victor

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MykeMichail, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. CrashB111

    Implying I wouldnt have been BR 100 a long time ago if I used boosts and subbed to this game.

    And rolling with my team makes me a baddie? Vanu logic at its finest.
  2. Sock

    You seem to be missing the point (shocking)
    You accuse me of rolling people with double numbers. If I did that I'd have way more base caps, I dunno, maybe even 1,300!
    My point is that despite you being lower BR and with less playtime, you've tripled my number of base caps.
    I'm not criticizing your playstyle, simply defending mine. Understand?

    I don't like imbalanced alerts either (remove them completely IMO) but I REALLY don't like people swapping at the last minute to get XP they put zero effort in for.

    Also, given your current rate of gaining XP, even if you were subbed and running a 50% boost 24/7, you still wouldn't have enough XP for BR100. But that's just math.
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  3. CrashB111

    Then don't claim that the current system is better than the old one.

    At least with the old one the populations were closer at the start of the alerts so TR could get a few good brawls out before the 4th faction started tipping the scales.

    Now they just hop over immediately and there is no fights at all for 2 hours.
  4. Sock

    And that's when I switch to an alt on the underpopped faction and farm bad players with massive XP incentives. Win-win.
    But seriously, both systems have drawbacks. They will continue to have drawbacks as long as there's no timer on swapping empires.
  5. Rasp

    Good to see my brethren causing tears to the enemy. Just try the spandex on Myke you wont ever want to take them off.
  6. MykeMichail

    I'm sure your attitude would be very different if it was NC or TR which were chronically overpopulated on Briggs.

    In the past, I seem to recall some prominent members of your outfit going to Reddit to complain about overpopulation of Briggs NC. However the overpopulation of Briggs NC was relatively brief and not nearly as severe as the current situation with Briggs VS.

    If I was going to permanently switch to playing VS, it would not be on a server where VS is chronically overpopulated by a player base which believes that constant reckless friendly fire is acceptable. It seems that in your factions desperation to get kills against an outnumbered opponent, shooting through a friendly to try and bag one extra kill has become commonplace and acceptable.
  7. EvilJollyT


    Honestly, I can't believe people still actually buy into this sh*t. Or care. Fight the fight that is put in front of you. The fluctuating factors are what makes this game good and sets it apart from all the stupid 32 v 32 franchises.
  8. Rasp

    Thats a great generalisation you made clearly all the noobs who have no regard for anyone else play VS. You are lucky to be in such a great and mature faction. I wish I chose NC...

    Since the last rotation until GU13 on average when I was on VS had the lowest server pop with TR the highest. The pop changes all the time and will be a constant feature with planetside. Since they aloud multiple characters on the same server there is nothing that can be done to control which faction people choose to play. The new alert system will just place more importance on turning up to an alert early instead of 20 mins late. Give it time I am sure it will balance out like it did eventually when alerts were first introduced.
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  9. Cuze

    I will admit I have swapped to VS a few times to get free xp from their dominating victories, but I would only do so when VS are capturing the last base they need to win. If NC hold even one territory relevant to the alert, I will stay NC.

    The alert system is frustrating because after months of population imbalance and Vanu domination, hardly any NC or TR participate in alerts any more. There is just no point any more. I'm not going to get any bonus from the alert, and I'm not going to get any fun fights because of the population imbalance, and now, the populations are even more imbalanced at the start, making the odds even worse, and no chance to even get anything worthwhile, I guess its time for me to join the masses and just ignore alerts too.
  10. theholeyone

    Working as intended? Well, working as predicted anyway...

    Also, as a VS, firstly I'm not a fan of being overpopulated, and not a fan of how zergy everything is because of that. Secondly, TR overpop on briggs imo has never been as bad as NC used to be when the alerts begun, and VS now is. TR have certainly had alert overpop during the period after NC and before VS, but I think their numbers during general time across the same period were more even.

    Alternative idea to reverting changes, boost xp for fighting during alerts, and change the win condition to a resource based one. That way there is just much less incentive to win them, but more incentive to fight in them.
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  11. Cuze

    ^ I do like that idea, thought, they need to fix resource gain for underpopulated factions first. I was in one alert where I had an 85% xp bonus with no boosts, but couldn't do much because I ran out of infantry resources so fast.
  12. OrbitalNZ

    The population imbalance is a result of lack of incentive to leave an over populated faction to play on an under populated faction.
    if in an extreme situation of a 50/25/25 split perhaps have the server provide a 200% (2x) bonus to the underdogs and a 25% (0.75x) penalty to the over populated faction.
    Have the server adjust bonuses/penalties on the fly, then its just a matter of plugging in the right max/min values as deemed necessary to motivate the player base to balance out.

    As an aside, since players don't like playing in factions with no active leadership/squad/coordination, the next thing you would possibly need to look out is how to promote and reward leadership.
    Provide additional bonus certs to squad and platoon leaders if their members stay clustered around (defend/attack) way point objectives and kills within vicinity of smoke flares.

    IMHO Its better to provide incentive's for players to balance themselves out rather than trying to restrict options.
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  13. HEAT

    This is happening on Mattherson for every alert now. This mechanic already is being abused. Something more drastic needs to be done. Start of every alert VS pop jumps to 40% now after being similar within 3-4% of one another.
  14. applepienation

    Just wanted to say I love your sig.
  15. ZenTao

    So is it VS winning all the alerts on all the servers ?
  16. CrashB111

    Its whatever faction is usually overpopped on the server in question.

    Like Matherson will jump to over 40% global VS pop as soon as alerts begin.
  17. Phyr

    Instead of the last 10 minutes.

  18. CrashB111

    2 hours of massive overpopulation vs 10 minutes of overpopulation.

    I can see why people are not enjoying the game now.
  19. Phyr

    Well, it used to be weeks of massive overpop, 2 hours sounds like an improvement.
  20. MrSquigglesworth

    Right idea I think. Currently (on Briggs) there is often no point in participating in alerts, as you will not win and get no bonus (+20% bonus xp from a spawn room is pretty boring).

    Solution: Remodel the alert system to be a combination of the old and the new. A % xp of the 10k (say 3k) is claimable by ALL factions based on time committed to the alert, with a necessary 75% alert time ON AN ALERT CONTINENT to get 3k. This is claimable even if you sign off or crash before the alert is done. The remaining 7k is split as pre-GU13.

    Theoretically you could get 11k total base XP this way by first playing your main for 75% (3k) and then switching to the winning size for last 25% (1k + 7k), which will not necessarily reduce 4th factioning, but will at least make participating in the alert someone more viable.