And the dumbing down continues.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by metrotw, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. metrotw

    IFF Reticule
    The hip reticule will now turn red when hovered over an enemy that is within 8 meters.


    Huge nerf to camo imo. Guess we won't be seeing any more giraffe camo vids and the VS just took a pretty major shot with this one.
  2. Tiedemann

    If this makes ppl spot enemies easier they need to have their eyes checked if you ask me. 8 meters......?
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  3. AnotherNoob

    Doubt it will have much impact rather then esthetic's, if you rely on the color of your cross hair to see if the person you are looking at is a friend or foe <8 m, you are doing it wrong... As long as it doesn't work on cloaked infiltrators, I really couldn't give a ****.
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  4. Eclipson

    This was done so they could sell Nanite Systems Helmets, armor and such.
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  5. Sobdude

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  6. iRhuel

    Pretty sure it's not gonna make that big of a difference either way.
  7. Regpuppy

    Camos were never intended for anything more than window dressing. This is a non-issue.
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  8. Dingus148

    And yet there is an established IFF issue. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone had some nice, big swathes of blue, red or purple? No need for silly contrivances, just good ol' team colours like we used to have back in Quake CTF
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  9. Cinnamon

    Remember when they made spot less fun several times over and nerfed IR into uselessness because of whining about how easy the game is? At least give them credit for ruining the game by listening to elitists as well.
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  10. Fang7.62

    IDK. Aware ppl dont need IFF and the clueless Q-mashers, map-dot and above-hea-dorito seekers will still be clueless. Check youtuber named FrightfulCookie, he regularly posts vids of his infiltrator without any camo jumping in the middle of VS/TR zerg and killing insane amounts of them and usually dying by friendly fire :D If you know how to jump into clueless zerg bunched up around corner, focused on spamming fire at doritos in the distance, no IFF is gonna save em.

    Though it is a stupid change indeed. But peasants that cant identify enemies with their own eyes and ears will still enable us to go on streaks of shot-knifing while running amongs them in plain sight.
  11. Dingus148

    Good point. So lets put some swathes of colour on the otherwise-all-covering camouflage and put this theory to the test. In big fights, you have spit-seconds to decide without aid of doritos or whatever. Any hesitation, say, because all factional colour is gone and the person in question has a red decal, will get you killed. So let's bring back skill and not dirty tricks, huh? Or at least sell equal coverage armors/camouflages to everyone so that everybody is equally unidentifiable.
  12. Bhudda V1

    vanu getting the least faction color's with camo's has been a problem for too long and it's been annoying as hell, tr has gotten the most screwed on this and the nc somewhat less than tr
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  13. kmike

    Harder to hide in the bushes now.
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  14. Cirevam

    8 meters is spitting distance. It might not be a terrible change, but we'll have to wait and see. Maybe it's just a nerf to giraffes, but if you don't put your crosshair over that giraffe... it's no good.
  15. KnightCole

    Ugh. This iff neefs to go the hell away like yrstrtday. I love my semi sneaky em6 rampages ghost kiling in enemy bases. I dont wanna die on acct of some dumb pu$$y @$$ iff ret lighting me up.

    Next we know we will have red marks over our heafs just cuz we r enemy in the region.

    This game does not need to cater to the infantkle 2yr olds who cant id a target. They havd CoD, BF3, WOW, &WoT for all thT. Cant serious gamerd get one game that doesnt get pu$$ifi3d
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  16. Fang7.62

    You still get the aid of doritos. Friendlies always have blue doritos above them. No dorito? Shoot. Also weapon sounds, spotting lines (if the person is stupid and is using them) and generaly very close gunfire followed by death sounds of allies should be enough to find out that this here dude in giraffe-painted spandex ain't NC.

    Another protip for identifying friendly NC infantry - if they are standing still, facing some useless direction, shooting other NC, tossing nades under their own feet, never providing any support and cant down single enemy with entire LMG magazine - "relax" you are amidst friendly NC troops. If you see someone move intelligently, laying down ammo packs, reviving stuff and killing their targets, its probably the enemy. I still love my ******** NC homies though, they are good party crew on empty cap points.
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  17. Ash87

    Your reticular will glow when it hovers over an enemy?!


    I mean, helmets and camo don't really change anything, you'd have to be rather thick to not notice if someone was from a different faction based on one of the hundred existing cues...

    But a RED RETICULAR?! :eek:
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  18. Maidere

    Huge "nerf" to something you purchase with SC only. Yeah, dumbed down.
  19. Lady Majestica

    If you need the crosshairs to change color to tell you if it's an enemy, then you need to go back to CoD.
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  20. Astealoth

    8 meters? You really expect your camo to be effective at 8 meters? They don't sell ghillie suits and we don't have prone.
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