Congrats Matherson!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Negator, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. Negator

    TR specifically, for winning a hard fought prime time alert. NC seemed committed more then normal as well.

    Times be changin...
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  2. Negator

  3. EliteEskimo

    Thanks Negator for being a mature and humble Vanu to say so. My hopes would be that as all the new rookies we are getting become more skilled and learn the ropes this will be a more regular occurrence. :cool:
  4. chrisbeebops

    NC never wins. :(
  5. robo

    Figures, I don't log in and TR win an alert.


    Good work TR and NC, looking forward to some renewed vigor from you guys!
  6. Linedan

    Hell of a fight at Wokuk, TR. Saw Honeybadgers and BWC down there, not sure who else. Figures we didn't truly get a massive presence until right at the 10-minute mark and you guys all left and let us cap it...22 seconds after the alert ended.

    That was one of the longest fights over one facility that I've seen in a while, a solid hour stalemate at least. We were 3 minutes away from capping it but your reinforcements pushed us back out and we just couldn't seal the deal.
  7. Codeak

    who cares
  8. Negator

    people that matter

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  9. Tylers207

    And I missed it...damn.
  10. Psykmoe

    Great to hear NC is getting their vigor back to some extend, at least during prime time. Night shift and early morning still has too many people listlessly ghostcapping some other continent during alerts, but that's my timezone problem to be playing then.
  11. Cl1mh4224rd

    Wait... this was a non-Indar Alert, too?

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  12. Negator

    9 amp stations; each continent was poppin
  13. Linedan

  14. CptSundancer

    I was part of that defense of both Wokuk and Kwahtee, running with the HoneyBadgers platoon (not a member, but they're awesome).

    I've never been a part of such last minute heroics like at those two stations, saving the point on both of them just in time. It was a nail biter right to the end as we were trying to keep the gens going against what felt like an endless stream of NC. At Wokuk we saved the point just as the SCU went vulnerable (and actually repaired it after capping the point). This was with about 10 minutes left in the alert.

    Then after some calculating we discovered that the VS were about to cap Kwahtee. At Kwahtee the SCU shields were actually down(2 minutes left of cap) when we arrived. The platoon that was already there (AOD?) had most of their people in the SCU room, blasting away at the vehicle bay, keeping the purple horde out of the room. One crash later ("on the count of three...") the point was ours and the NC were 4 seconds too late capping Wokuk. Yeah, 4 seconds.

    Thank you to all the TR outfits working together, it was glorious.
  15. VoidMagic

    nice job guys... long live the fighters!!!!

  16. MarlboroMan-E

    Yep, we dropped back from there when the time was out of each and beat the VS back out of Kwahtee. I was monitoring leader chat, it actively seemed like outfits were coordinating. Granted, TR had (I think) 5 amps at the beginning of the alert...but this was by far the best performance I've seen out of TR ... Ever.

    Great scraps at both Wokuk and Kwahtee.
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  17. Psykmoe

    Does Mattherson TR use /orders chat a lot to galvanize random, unaffiliated players and try to herd them to useful spots? I've seen that on other servers and it seems like a good idea to encourage the masses, but I very rarely see /orders used on Mattherson NC, it feels very lonely a lot of the time.

    It just seems like 'random players as a resource' could be utilized better at times.
  18. ThreePi

    I don't know how you can say "NC seemed committed more than normal." NC ended up with one Amp station. TR just walked into Peris with almost no resistance. NC on Mattherson have ZERO leadership. They don't know when to fall back, they don't know when an enemy is making a push, how to respond to a push. Its sad how awful it is. Its frustrating when world pops are pretty much equal across the board but NC is massively underperforming on a consistent basis.
  19. Ibanous

    I played a late night alert yesterday (near midnight pacific time) and was impressed by the TR and to a more limited degree the NC. For the first time in a long while I was part of a large strong fight. Though the VS did end up winning it was a near thing and only really happened because the NC eventually collapsed near the end of the alert.

    The alert was for the Indar Tech plants and each Tech plant was threatened at some point. NC nearly took Tawrich, TR challenged Mao (for nearly the entire alert) and eventually the VS took Hvar (again only because the NC faltered at the end). I was running with a platoon that initially tried to push down from Crown to Tawrich but ended up in an intense 3 way fight at crossroads before pulling out to support the final push on Hvar. The fights were intense and watching the map both TR and NC (to a lesser degree then TR) reacted to actual alert threats and made intelligent pushes/defense's.

    I feel as if Matherson is finally getting health again.
  20. Dzire

    I recognize you from your whining in leader chat. If you've got a problem with NC leadership, shut up and do something about it.
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