[Suggestion] Recruiting Rewards should also be Customer Loyalty Rewards

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by illgot, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. illgot

    I have a handful of friends I already referred to this game. They all tried this game and lost interest.

    Basically I am never going to reach even the first level of this recruiting system.

    Instead, allow me to spend my own money and reach a spending goal to unlock these items.

    2 Recruits = 40 dollars spent.

    5 Recruits = 100 dollars spent.

    10 Recruits = 200 dollars spent.

    15 = 300 dollars spent.

    20 = 400 dollars spent.

    25 = 500 dollars spent.

    Your referral program is good for those who can't afford to spend the money, but not good for people who have already referred all their friends to this game or people who really don't care about having friends.
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  2. Gary

    Why should you spend Double... You should be required to spend the same..
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  3. _Hoist_

    I like it! Rewards for being a big spender :D We "whales" should get perks. "Free romservice" implant perk please.
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  4. illgot

    because we would spend it anyway. If you want to go the cheaper route you can make 25 dummy accounts and dump 10 dollars on each of them.

    I would rather just spend double on my own account and reap the same rewards.
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  5. Stoick

    I like this idea. I would think that the same rate, or maybe 1.5x should be sufficient, personally. I spend money on this game on both my account, and my son's. Some perks for the money I spend would, by no means be required, but would definitely be nice.
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  6. Phrygen

    stew made a similar post. Spending double seems a bit excessive, but i would certainly accept spending the same. This is assuming they know how much SC you put towards the game. They can't necessarily tell how much actual money you spent on PS2, due to SC to dollar conversions being different depending on when the player purchased the SC (2x 3x deals). If it was just play money spent on the account, regardless of the game, that could work maybe.
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  7. Kunavi

    Excellent idea actually, not sure I agree with the rates but as a basis it's solid. The current Referral system feels a tad bit like a scam for those of us who have no friends left to bring in. I also do not like leeching or annoying people I don't really know. They need to open up such options as mentioned in the OP.
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  8. Jupil@ire

    Totally agreeing with this. It's kind of sad or even annoying to see this recruit feature come in that lately, when all of your "FPS liking" circle already joined the game, because you told them about it.
    My whole clan (~25 people) joined PS2, because I told them about it.

    It's also kind of disappointing to notice that loyalty hasn't been rewarded as it should have :
    I don't mean to say that we're better then less or non spending players, but when you have played the beta all along, bought the Alpha Squad pre-order package, spent ~300 € in the game and been active over all this months, you kind of expect to get more then some crappy Loyal Soldier camo and a Premium month (which was more of an advertisement of how Premium can affect your gameplay), that every player who spent 5 € before April did get.
    Even more, if you did this and you are part of an outfit that allows your server and your faction to have some interest.

    And all this stuff is exclusive to Recruit system .... https://twitter.com/planetside2/status/358052629689020418

    Now, what should I do ? Ask my non playing friends, my family, and my ex-girlfriends to join ? o_O

    F-R-U-S-T-R-A-T-I-N-G. :(
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  9. mixmax

    Man you are speaking out of my soul as a big spender and Member I really would like to see this implanted but why double the amount of cash needed for the next Tier ?
    Please SOE put this into the game you need to reward the loyal players and give them a cookie when they spend more than the other players.
    I am looking forward to see this ...
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  10. Madmojo

    I recruited just about everyone I knew since before beta. They all quit. No one left to recruit. Guess no black camo for me.
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  11. Jachim


    Look, I'm going to be honest here.

    I have no friends, alright? Well, maybe two count, sorta. And I got my mother but she only plays Peggle.

    I've spent absurd amounts of cash in this game. These types of bonuses should be given for customer loyalty, no referrals.
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  12. Neopopulas

    Why can't they just be normally priced items OR free for those that recruit? I have no problems PAYING for it, or getting other people to pay for it. I don't mind, i just don't want to miss out because i've already invited all the people i know, or i don't know that many people.

    Punishing people for not having a lot of friends is a little harsh SOE.. Should really know your audience a little more..
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  13. Lazaruz

    I'll support this if it works retroactively. I've already spent this much, so there isn't anything in the store that I want...
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  14. Neopopulas

    I dread to think how much i've spent on this.
  15. RedDominion

    Leave the decals/titles exclusive to the recruiter program but open up the cosmetics as described by the OP.
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  16. illgot

    Titles should definitely be left to the referral program.

    I amsure that eventually there will be similar items released in the cash shop.
  17. MarthKoopa

    You're going to be using that SC for OTHER things, too... not JUST the rewards.
  18. Bhoot

    Basically SOE strikes again, first they piss there players off with implants and then just as they back peddle on that we get this crap. I'm starting to think SOE are trying very hard to lose ther current players rather than recruit more. Seriously SOE sack your dumb marketing crew because they are a complete bunch of numpties.
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  19. LT_Latency

    Make a dummy account,
    You referrer it using your main account.
    You spend 10 bucks to qualify it,
    Then you never use it again
    Repeat 24 times.
  20. freeze

    no **** sherlock