Defense of the NC MAX

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leonidas423, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Leonidas423

    Since so many people have been whining about the NC MAX being severly UP (Myself among them), I felt that it was high time to make something positive about the NC MAX. Here goes:

    • Best NC MAX AI weapon at 0 meters.
    • Best AI weapon at 0 meters in the game.
    Why? Because at 0 meters (0 meters meaning that none of your shots miss), you will instagib infantry with one shot, as will the Grinder and Scattercannon. With MAXs, the Hacksaws have the least TTK killing the other guy, as that 5 damage difference between the other NC MAX AI weapons and the Hacksaws might as well be non-existent at when you don't miss a shot, and when you factor in the ROF, the Hacksaws is the best at 0 meters by leaps and bounds. Assuming you have extended mags, of course, as any dedicated NC MAX user should.

    • No need for the extended mags, with the extended ammunition, it can kill a MAX without needing to reload.
    • The extra ammunition really comes in handy in extended battle, well worth your time to buy.
    • Needs only one to complete the set.
    • Sort of the "middle ground" for the NC MAX AI guns, not as fast as the Hacksaw, not as accurate as the Mattocks, but still better then Hacksaws at accuracy, and more damage then the Mattocks.
    • Very well rounded gun, extremely viable choice.
    • Accuracy. Put slugs on this baby, and you WILL show that guy 20 meters away from you thinking that you can't get him that, yes, you can in fact get him.
    Since this is intended to be a POSITIVE thread, I will NOT post any cons on these guns, even the most blindingly obvious ones.
    Thanks SOE. Thanks.
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  2. Hibiki54

    STILL waiting for dual Gauss SAWs.
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  3. StuntPoteten

    It looks good.
  4. Total_Overkill

    You want a positive about NC MAXes? They're the only MAX that players actively run away from.
    TR? VS? Nope, people will stand in place with their noob tubes, launchers, LMGs and just shoot at you as if you werent a threat...
    NC MAX? Run! Run until hes no longer a threat.
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  5. Roarboar

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  6. shd

    If you consider people standing still in front of you a TR/VS max drawback, the problem is your aim, not those maxes. I wish all my opponents stood still.
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  7. KenDelta

    2 pros and 5 hidden cons?
  8. Udnknome

    The best weapon at 0 meters is your MAX punch. It's actually quicker to shoot once (from both hands) and then melee them than it is to just fire your weapon 2x. There's something wrong with that in my mind, but I guess the devs have a different vision.
  9. GraphicJ

    Don't forget to add to your list:
    They have bad *** looking purchasable armor...

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  10. Kenny007

    Not convinced that Hacks are any good at killing enemy MAX units. In fact, they often do so poorly that I bought the Aegis shield to compensate for that scenario. Unless I've got the drop on them, at close range, WITH support, I keep out of sight of enemy MAX units. Even with extended mags and slugs, at ranges where missing isn't even in the equation, the best I can hope for in most situations is a 50/50 result, and that's assuming I led in with the advantage. My power with Hacks is awe inspiring as part of a infantry push, but alone, 1v1, I've historically been at a disadvantage in all MAX duels.
  11. ovakin

    1 meter actually, because guns on 2 sides of the screen it's very hard to hit things at 0 meter.
  12. Leonidas423

    Sorry to hear that you have been having trouble with dual Hacksaws, let me just offer you a bit of advice?
    1. Use cover to your advantage. Do whatever you have to to get within a five meter range of the other MAX without taking damage.
    2. GO FOR THE HEAD. Headshots are the easiest way to kill other MAXs.
    3. Extended mags: a must. Not an option, a must. You have to get them.
    4. Always try to stay at as close a range as possible.
    Seems obvious, I know, but you'd be surprised...
    With that in mind, I win 100%, literally 100% of my 1 v 1 MAX duels, most of the time with getting only around 1/4 of my health taken off, if not less.
  13. Kenny007

    1 is perhaps most challenging; getting within 5m of an opponent IN cover that you can effectively shoot from while utilizing. Most of my fights have me plowing into doorways and rooms, so cover is a luxury I'm not often afforded.
    2. I could probably work on this more. I'm more concerned with the 'no room for error' that embodies NC Max combat, and I like to ensure that all rounds hit rather than concern myself with precise placement. Perhaps that is the problem though; making my shots often isn't enough; I should probably aspire to hit the head more.
    3. Without a doubt. A straight upgrade that I have on both arms and still doesn't provide enough rounds.
    4. A mixed bag here. While the NC MAX has to be up close to do anything, I'm not terribly convinced that the TR or VS are bad in those ranges, and with a larger allowance for error with bigger mags, can be wildly aggressive for a longer period of time than I.

    While I won't question your 100% claim, it does seem improbable to both win every time and come out nearly unscathed, unless of course you're just killing AFK MAX units; TR and VS MAX units are capable of putting out some serious damage, even if you are able to regularly best them. I believe I perform pretty well in my MAX overall, hence why I'm not terribly up in arms over these threads, but while I recognize room for improvement, I know there are many situations I simply cannot excel in, and don't feel it fair to lean ALL of that blame on my skill alone.
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  14. Leonidas423

    We are talking about 1 v 1 MAX duels here, most of them taking place in Bio Labs. You would not believe how cocky those MAXs get, sometimes they actually walk TOWARDS you, especially when they have engineer support. More free certs for me :D
    Going for the head will help you VERY MUCH, I cannot emphasize it enough, especially when you are in point-blank range, and most, if not all of your shots will land.
    What I learned in the course of NC MAX gameplay is that you have to pick your fights, you cannot afford to throw away a now even more expensive metal suit. For example if an opposing team is camping our spawn at a Bio Lab, I run out, kill a MAX or a couple of infantry, and get the hell out of there at about half health. This is one of those situations where kinetic armor makes a BIG BIG BIG difference, and I have found it extremly useful in both 1 v 1 MAX duels (Which happens once or twice every day, at least for me) and pitched battles where you act pretty much as a bullet sponge.

    And no, I don't think I have ever encountered an AFK MAX just sitting there out in the open.

    EDIT: When you have extended mags on both your arms, you have quite a bit of room for error on your shots as it takes 14 shots to the body if everything hits. Now if you go for the head, the amount of shots it takes will be considerably less, while reducing your TTK by.... well, a lot.

    EDIT 2: Just went to the VR, it takes five shots from each arm when you go for the head and everything lands, and seven shots from each arm when you go for the body and everything lands, thus proving that going for the head will dramatically reduce your TTK.
  15. Badname82

    Hacksaws are garbage. Any decent max opponent can maintain 6 yards distance.

    Mattocks don't need slugs to kill infantry at 20m. It takes about 2-3 shots per arm which is a higher TTK slightly than mercies take but it is best NC mid range option. And without slugs you can still fight other Max units. Slugs cripple you against other Max units.

    IMO the only good AI weapons are mattocks. Extended Mag's no slugs.
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  16. Leonidas423

    Not even going to bother responding to this one.
  17. Kenny007

    My use of slugs keeps me from aiming for the head, the more I thought about it. Given their strange COF, it may be risky going for the smaller head target instead of the larger body. I'll still have to keep this in mind though, or shed the slugs (something I've considered, though the LOLs of surprising a cocky infantry player plinking you at range are delightful).

    Kinect Armor is the other big thing I should probably look into; from the sounds of it it is a game changer. I currently have Repair 4 which has served me very well, but perhaps not as well as KA would.
  18. Pikachu

    I think old vanu MAX armor looks good with those multi shoulder pads. It looks almost naked without it. :confused: But yes our armor is pretty but I don't get why it has glowing lights on it's back that looks like hot glowing jet engines.
  19. Leonidas423

    Do whatever you want, those recommendations are just what worked for me.
  20. EvilJollyT

    NC MAX's being UP is the best know fact ignored by the most people. They'd rather bury their heads in the sand and ask for more nerfs.
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