Logging in Forever.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Ralk, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Ralk

    Anyone else getting the logging in forever button? I can't seem to log into Briggs.
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  2. Malb0r0

    Yup having the same problem here. Been trying to log in for the last 15 mins but still cant. I'm on briggs as well.
  3. Ralk

    Bleh. Still no luck.
  4. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    Hm, it appears Briggs is up although the population is rather low at this time.I will keep you guys posted.

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  5. Ralk

    Briggs just let me in. :)
  6. Wayfairer

    Having the same problem on Woodman right now.
  7. SammySide

    Yup, cant get into Woodman. This happened last Thursday aswell? In fact, its happened at least once a week for the past few months but this is the first time ive actively noticed its on the same consecutive weekly evening...
  8. Phillo

    Same here on Woodman right now
  9. Blinklys

    Here we go again... :eek:
  10. Lazaruz

    Can't get into Woodman, yet again... I'm lost for words, c'mon.
  11. I0dine

    Can`t log in to Miller, Woodman or Cobalt....stuck on log in screen forever then get a disconnected from server message. Come on Sony!!

    Edit: Just squeezed through on Miller
  12. TheLastRyano

    Oh yes, the joy of logging into woodman, the gift that just keeps giving...
  13. Riku

    Woodman. Like almost every day, impossible to log in after getting home.
    Going out :)
  14. Elack

    did it the other day for me took just over 3 minutes to login

    just now on cobalt "logging in....." I tabbed out and started to read the forums when I got back it said "disconnected" and was still on the login screen.

    edit:eek:dd tried again and it just let me in
  15. A4657

    Watched the whizzing wheel of misdirection for a good 10 minutes before the game let me into the server then instantly disconnected me again and promptly shut itself down.
  16. Equal2

    Having this issue on Woodman now, and when i get in i get disconnected cause im already logged in or somthing like that.

    Is that a seperat issue or are they connected ?
  17. Linheru

    Woodman here, logging in takes forever.. if it even works. Been at it for about an hour now.
  18. daddy86

    we might asswell make a new topic allready for tomorrow or next week, i cannot remember a week without login problems on EU servers. ******* SOE
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  19. Mut0mb0

    come on, this happens now twice a week?
  20. Equal2

    Can we get some RED's to say that they are atleast working on it ? or are we just supose to sit here and try untill it works ?