What is happening on Woodman?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ganjis, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Ganjis

    Prior to the last update, VS were hovering around 40% with the TR usually the lowest of the other factions. Since the update, VS is languishing in the low 20s with TR over 40%.

    Is there any logical reason for this or is the fourth empire just rotating with the warpgates? (Although why they would be attracted to the faction with the crappy SE corner of Indar is beyond me.
  2. Scorponok

    dunno...but all the stupid people have crowded to NC....i wish SOE would get server transfer tokens out...because NC has become so bad its not even funny...
  3. Nariquo

    wait wait.
    is that really a problem?
    i mean the vanu on woodman are SO WELL organised.
    everytime they overrolled us with 3 zerg platoon we heard: " get better organized you noobs". " we will beat you with half of our men".
    well NOW we will see if the mighty vanu are REALLY so good as all there perfect players are flamming around.

    ps: i think not:) tr and nc will crush oyu and then they will flame again: mimimi population problme mimimi
  4. Scorponok

    im NC on woodman...they couldnt crush a flea if they wanted to...if they could had aimed the guns at their own heads or the wrong way they would have done so...thats how much compitense NC has on the server...
  5. IamDH

    To be fair they were always stupid
  6. Scorponok

    they have become worse :p
  7. IamDH

    I can't picture them getting any worser lol
  8. Scorponok

    i so want to transfer my NC guy away lol...its like being at the zoo...
  9. Klyka

    Recommended server status switched from "server specific"to "empire specific".
    So when someone makes a new TR character, he sees Woodman as a recommended server. When he makes a VS character,he won't see Woodman.
    This is why the TR has gotten a lot of new players, which was needed. I think the NC sometimes shows up as recommended too.

    The VS pop is pretty much still the same,only the percentile drops cause the TR one increases with an overall higher number of players on the server.
  10. Scorponok

    NC needs to be purified before taking in anymore people lol...its bad enough as it is.
  11. haldolium

  12. DramaticExit

    This must be the least eloquently conducted thread I've ever seen.
  13. Seron

    no problem for us, winning global alerts with a 28% world pop, appearantly we're doing something right. But anyways.. let us know when this "crushing us" will begin... so far not really noticing it.
    • Up x 1
  14. Ganelon

    TR have been winning a lot of alerts lately, granted it's because of the population but it's going in the right direction with outfits actually getting tonnes of new members as opposed to the stale piss it used to be.
  15. Seron

    I'll be looking for you guys on the battlefield then :)
  16. NucNuc

    Hmm... was on Vacation for 10 days... I come back, and finally it is fun again as Vanu on Woodman.
    Yeah, sometimes we get crushed, but still winning alerts, so what?

    More enemies: more fun.
  17. Riku

    Exactly my spandex brethren. We win alerts even with 25% wp. At least when the most organised platoons are online & rolling. What I noticed is that on Woodman, even when we have lowest world pop, we usually have around 35-40% alert continent pop on a local alert. Vanu here are decently organised and most fight for the alert.
  18. Roarboar

    We still get dominating victories having only 25 % of the population. But thats not even what this topic is about.
  19. Dvine

    The power of spandex and technology will crush the inferior barbarians!

  20. Ganelon

    No you don't.