!!!Outfit Alliance VS+NC Recruiting Outfit Leaders Now!!!

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Airazor, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Airazor



    I'd Love to have an alliance with my VS Outfit to a NC Outfit on Esamir or the other continents. If you have an Outfit and play on allot, Friend me. Dead serious.

    This is war, and in war you make alliances. My solid VS Outfit members will follow the rule not to shoot friendly allied NC Outfit members. I'm serious, this would make for great meta game and could be really fun (if done well). I'm sure there will be miss fire of the sorts from both sides until we get used to the alliance. We will get used to it and have fun!

    We can have the new alliance to play on Planetside 2. We can divide the boarders fairly and evenly. I will rally the VS and speak with them about it. You Rally the NC and speak to them about it. Make sure you use you /orders and /leadership chat to talk with fellow Outfits and Squad Leaders. This could be something awesome.

    I DARE the TR to fight us then. I Dare them to Zerg our boarders. Let's see how their numbers game will work with our Alliance against them.

    Reply in this Forum thread or Private message me or send a friend invite in game if you are on board.
    PLAYER NAME=Airazor
  2. Shanther

  3. DaMann22

    Unless there is a ceasefire during a joint community night between consensual outfits, I am never telling my guys to cease fire on an NC outfit we see on the battlefield.

    Also there already is an Alliance of VS on our Server. Ask around for information.
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  4. VSDerp

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  5. ComradeHavoc

    I'll be dead with a shotgun in my hand before I work with the spandex fairies!
  6. Runsta

    I'll be dead with spandex on my wings before i work with a shotgun scrub.
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  7. Total_Overkill

    You usually are... see you at the alliance meeting on thursday? ^_^
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  8. Airazor

    I agree, I am also weary of the Alliance. However there are fellow good NC people that would be interested. I will look around for this per-existing outfit alliance and see whats up.

    I will keep this post up for any NC people that are very much interested in kicking some TR butt. It can happen, and it will happen. We just need the New Conglomerate to step up and be co-operative.

    Send me a message in game if you wish or friend me if you want to talk more about it.

    (ARZR) Airazor
  9. Airazor

    I'd rather we kick the TR's butt and get some fun out of the mix. We could get some good resources and finally own some territory. If that does not sound good to you then there is something wrong.

    I guess you like being gated all the time......

    (ARZR) Airazor
  10. Posse

  11. chrisbeebops

    I will continue to battle both NC & TR until they learn to fully embrace spandex. It has been several months since I have started my mission, but the NC & TR persist in their heretical rejection of spandex.
  12. GeneStarwind

  13. Airazor

    I remember when I made my Outfit and was thinking of ARZR and someone thought I was in the Alliance. Whatever happened to ATRA?
  14. GeneStarwind

    Was a thing TR on Mattherson swore to god existed after VS and NC had a flimsy alliance to break their Indar lock before the new territory control changes. They we doing a last stand in Old Stockpile and we were allying to drive them out, then they reset the server and the last stand got moved to Skydock, which ended with a hacker ruining it for the TR.

    All during the "alliance" we had VS and NC killing the poor saps that were abiding by the alliance, NC was back capping all our territory while we were trying to clear the TR lock, and when an alert popped up on another continent all the NC left Indar and got a dominant victory while the VS loyally kept the pressure on TR.

    NC are nothing but back stabbers. Don't trust 'em.
  15. CptFirelord

    I haven't seen much of a need for any multi-faction alliance over on Waterson on my NC toon. The only sort of problems I see are when nobody tries to combat the TR locks. You guys see a high pop on Esamir/Amerish and say "Screw it, they're high pop we can't do anything to stop the lock!" when in reality if you'd all go there to combat the pop, you'd do marginally better and (heh get this) get into better fights. But what do I know? I just like sniping aircraft with my Vanguard.
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  16. CptFirelord

    And the VS are nothing but ghost cappers, don't leave your women alone at 3am!
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  17. Posse

    Why would we care about your women when we have our VS infiltrator ladies?
  18. Nyxpip

    I'm only really willing to have temporary cease fires/alliances with enemy outfits for a specific purpose. Either to remove continent bonus (back when it was nearly impossible to do with one faction alone) or for a friendly get together or event (which my outfit has done several times with various enemy outfits).

    I'm not gonna have my guys not shoot NC unless there is a large over arching goal, which with the way continent caps work now, I don't see the need. I'm perfectly happy having temporary cease fires to have flare gun fights/races with the enemy and then going back to shooting the crap out of each other after the events over :) But I see no need to have a withstanding, long term alliance with the NC on Esamir...
  19. Casterbridge

    As said above not sure I see the point of this lately, at least not during "Prime Time" the World population between the 3 is pretty good, and the continent populations, for the most, are usually even better, unless the various factions are playing the "cap our own continent" game.

    Course if the sole reason for this alliance is to just gang up on TR, rather than the need to try and balance the numbers then never mind.
  20. Airazor

    I'm defiantly down for even numbers. I think now Waterson is doing even better now for that. I'm thinking the Alliance is for thous times when the population is 65%TR and 18% VS and NC is 47% or vice versa.

    I guess I just have a personal vendetta against the TR and their numbers (before GU12) That and how the Striker+Vulcan combo shreds EVERYTHING with barley a fighting chance. On the plus side, the new Esamir coming out looks totally hardcore cool. So things will change then too. More infantry fighting for sure

    (ARZR) Airazor