[Suggestion] Re-Deploying should cost infantry resources

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darsh, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Darsh

    Hey all, I was reading some posts on planetside-universe and someone suggested to add a cost to re-deploying. I cannot take credit for this suggestion, but simply wanted to post a thread about it here as I thought it was a great idea. Even with the new changes coming, where you can re-deploy to bases within 1000m, players can still easily deploy across the continent within a matter of seconds by deploying at the furthest base available and redeploying again right after they spawn. So we will still have the problem of massive zergs coming from 3 kms away, appearing instantly out of nowhere to defend a base.

    This is why redeploying should cost infantry resources. However, redeploying to the warpgate should always be free as well as as redeploying / respawning anywhere within your current hex or lattice. If there was a fee (like 150 infantry resources), to redeploy anywhere within the 1000m limit, this may actually help control the flow of battle, encourage players to manage their infantry resources better, and encourage the use of transport vehicles. If a player wants to get to a base that's only 1 or 2 hexes away, they may decide that spending 150 infantry resources for such a short distance isn't worth it and hop into a friendly sunderer or spawn a flash for a mere 100 vehicle resources instead, to travel the distance. Furthermore, if a player wants to get to a base ( enemy or friendly) which is 2000m away they could redeploy for 150 resources to the furthest base available (1000m) but would have to redeploy again for another 150 resources to get to their destination. So that's where it may become beneficial to simpy redeploy at the warpgate for free and board a Galaxy dropship to get to the desired location. Right now.. Transport vehicles are extremely underused... and borderline useless. I feel that adding a resource cost to re-deploying would greatly encourage their use and make managing infantry resources matter a little more.

    There could also be a resource cost to spawning via squad beacons. Personally, I think squad deploy needs to be completely removed from the game since squad beacons at least require a visible object to be deployed to be used.. It seems like squad deploy really has no place in this game and makes everything a big mess. The advantage of beacons is that there would be no range limit to deploying on them but the cost would still be there. They should only be used in case where no sunderers are are available anymore and this is the only way to have a last chance to fight or defend an objective.
  2. KAHR-Alpha

    That will just make people suicide instead, I look forward to seeing whole platoons jump off the top of towers to redeploy quickly. Doesn't fix anything, just makes the game more annoying.
    • Up x 2
  3. Tow2Bravo

    Yea, we don't have enough people at warpgate AFK waiting for resources already...lets make it worse...
  4. deggy

    Just make drop pods cost infantry resources. If you spawn at a real spawnpoint, it's free, but if you want to pod in it costs, say, 50.
    • Up x 3
  5. Van Dax

    good idea.
  6. Darsh

    Hmmm suiciding would also cost resources if you chose to respawning outside if you hex/lattice. And ppl AFK should not gain any resources uses they are actively participating.
  7. CrashB111


  8. Slywether

  9. Darsh

    I suppose there could also be a cooldown to redeploying. But always allow deploying at warpgate with no cooldown. =)
  10. YoloXXSwag420

    Lets simply make it that when you log in, you have NO resources, they must be earned in combat, and are lost when you log out. Therefore when you log in, you have to walk to the fight. That would cut down on those zergs. Enjoy walking for 20 mins to get to the fight...Oh and if you die, you can ONLY respawn at WG.

    Bet you will miss that redeploy then.
  11. Phrygen

  12. Darsh

    Heh.. As it is right now, The only way I travel is by redeploying. You'd pretty much have to be an idiot to board a sunderer or even a galaxy dropship. They can be destroyed on the way to their destination.. But no chance of that happening if you redeploy or hotdrop on your destination.
  13. YoloXXSwag420

    I agree with ya. But some retreads wanna add a cost to redeploy. Sorry everyone, no C4, mines, nades or medkits. Redploy just a couple times and you're done for the night.

    Forrest Gump had it right. Stupid is as stupid does.
  14. Darsh

    Way to exaggerate. You gain resources every 5 minutes. I've never once found myself in a position where I lacked infantry resources... Then again... I do get 50% more because I'm a member.. So perhaps that's also something they need to remove.
  15. KAHR-Alpha

    Are you serious...?

    Then platoons will just chain teamkill themselves instead... no big deal. Or people will just run into enemy fire or under friendly vehicles.
  16. Tommyp2006

    Why not just make respawning cost resources everywhere then? I know, we could add a NTU system like planetside 1 had, where every base had a limited pool of respawns that you have to resupply by driving a vehicle, idk maybe a new one, call it an ANT, to each base and resupply it? And cutting off bases could stop people from spawning at them, making it possible to win a fight simply by a war of attrition?
    So you don't leave friendly territory? Even if you squad deploy, which is currently the fastest way to move around the map, the SL has to get there somehow.
    Do you not have any grenades, C4, AV nades, conc nades, flash nades, etc to refill?
  17. HadesR

    Let's make it cost resources to log on
  18. DreamEvo

    This is by far the most stupidest idea that I've ever heard.
  19. Tommyp2006

    no it should cost station cash.
  20. Darsh

    Wow.. You are totally missing the point. Respawning in your current hex or at the warpgate is free. Regardless if you get killed by friends, enemies, redeploy or /suicide. However, if you decide to respawning and magically teleport to any other location which is not in your courant hex or your warpgate, you pay a cost. Every MMO or RPG that I've played which has a fast travel / teleport system has a cost attributed to using that system.. Or else why would ppl use mounts? And in ps2's case.. Why use transport vehicles?