EU Servers in a nutshell

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. Chowley

    Lol, tin foil hat!

    Seriously though, the reason I was surprised is Miller is supposed to be the busiest EU server, or at least it was, so would expect it there if anywhere. :eek:
  2. Chowley

    Ok maybe its karma. I dont deserve it though :p

    This has just happened to me trying to log on to Miller, for the first time ever. Was only a minute or two wait though
  3. Torok

    it's italiano pizza spaghetti mandolini mafia
  4. HLM

    I always thought this was a thing unique to Briggs, what with the server being hosted in some guy's shed out in the outback somewhere. Made a thread about it a few days ago too.

    I guess all servers are just as bad as each other after all. Well ok, maybe Briggs is a bit worse.
    • Up x 1
  5. Ned

    It seems to depend on the day as to what server is bad, usually Ceres is worse than Cobalt for me
  6. redmamba

    took me close to 10 min yesterday to get to Ceres.
    Once logged in it was ok most of the time. Little laggy here and there.
  7. Chris Bingley

    Never had that problem on cobalt or Woodman.

    Happens all the time on Briggs though.
  8. Gheeta

    Happens all the time on miller as well.
  9. Chris Bingley

    Sorry for off topic.

    Dude, love the Quote by Tact.....

    Funnily enough though, that's the one weapon he hasn't killed me with (Askatasuna though has shotgunned me loads of times).
  10. Vikingo

    Cobalt is the only server I have that problem with.....
  11. JudgeDeath

    Yawn ... these days it takes 2 timeout connect attempts about 4mins each and then if you are lucky you might get in.

    Prosieben you rock !
  12. Snack Toxin

    As a UK player that isn't tied through ProSieben, sometimes it's not that much of a problem for me.
  13. Orosian

    I'm surprised to see people claiming to never have seen this on Woodman... I've endured it a number of times. Count your blessings!