Higby on rule sets and lattice

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Haterade, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. searcher8

    Um...Ok, I'll admit that I was mistaken when I thought you were talking about the Iraq war, but that still ignores the main point I was trying to make, which is that the very nature of PS2 means that it will always be a continual, non-stop stalemate since none of the factions can ever truly be eliminated. the only difference between the Hex System's non-stop stalemate, and the Lattice System's non-stop stalemate is that in Hex, everyone was scattered all over the continent, while in Lattice, everyone is focused into a few areas

    And although it is great that you have been playing games since the original Atari, my main point then was that every single multiplayer shooter that has ever been released could just be described as players fighting around the same areas day after day after day.
  2. Major

    But not the same bases, ( maps ) for hours and hours and hours, days and days on end. At least with BF or COD the map changes, and you can pick via game style, points, tickets etc, how long it is, playing some kind of never ending so called "epic" battle over one base for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours is BORING.

    BTW, been playing shooters since doom, beta tested and played PS1 for a year, and played BF42 in BEML and CyberAthlete league for over 3 years, this is just the very tip, of the shooters I've played, I don't think I could name all of them, from Playstation 1, to PC to other consoles, etc, no way could I name them all.

    So there goes that theory and your kinda lame attempt at a discreditation.
  3. St0mpy

    except those games had a definite start and endpoint, at most every half an hour where everything reset and begun again

    except thats not the kind of game SOE want us to play, successive nerfs to the crown along with blocking it into lattice to ensure we dont play there unless its that magic 1 day of the week where theres a push to actually link it, and then its just another easy base cap and move on shows SOE would prefer we didnt fight at one base for a day- but sometimes it happens, i can log in and out over hours and see the line moving very little in prime time, except its not over a fun base like the crown, its field battles or horribly entrenched situations like vanu archives with standoffs across 2-300m, thats not fun unless you are in a tank farming idiots on a platform themselves trying to work out how on earth to get a kill.

    youve oversimplified that. It gave variety, and options for all sizes of outfit to use their force tactically and find a battle they can affect positively - and ofc you will say they can still do that on lattice but with far far less success - choosing lane a b or c isnt tactical, but deciding to break out and draw some of that fight to the surrounding bases is, nope, bad gameplay (according to soe and lattice) since theyve ensured there are almost no options to do that without a massive 10+ base circuit around the closest other lane - where by that time everyones given up and eating their sandwiches or gone to bed.