Matherson where all those Hyper low Battlerank come from ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Stew360

    Since the last patch Gu12 ive never seen a insane amount of low battle rank like this where all those players come from ? Br 1 to Br 8 in masss !

    Anyones ?
  2. llPendragon

    I think Mattherson became the "preferred" server for new players.
  3. chrisbeebops

    Correct, but only for NC/TR I believe. (Or maybe even only TR.)

    Waterson is the only server recommended for VS out of all the US servers, including USWest.
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  4. VSDerp

    same here. i see alot of them now
  5. St0mpy

    yep, recommended servers now depend on what faction you chose in the previous step - a good move but itll take some weeks till we see the results from a balance point of view
  6. HEAT

    I did notice an huge number of lowranks on TR and NC the last 2 nights. The key will be having them stick around though which might be hard considering the toxic environment that exists on TR especially.
  7. joe smo

    Same on Waterson except they are mostly VS.
    (we TR and NC are all screwed:eek:)
  8. Acuta

    Need these better TR/NC outfits to start grabbing them up and teaching them well. Or weeding them out....either/or.

    If we can keep a fair number of the noobies that don't suck, all the better for Mattherson.
  9. Eclipson

    Lot of low BR VS here on Waterson. Looks like that recommend server change in GU12 is working :eek:
  10. [HH]Mered4

    Finally. Something that works.

    Take this into heart SOE, and stop fixing things that work.

    Because this works.

    So don't fix it.

    In other news, TR are no longer outpopped by the VS on Mattherson. Thank God. I was tired of it being me vs 6 Magriders everytime I tried to take a base on Amerish D:
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  11. Ash87

    And there is one funny thing about all this.

    Think of it this way: The good VS on waterson are now dilluted by the newby VS.

    I give it two weeks before the Waterson VS are raging against their newfound ability to zerg.

    Welcome to our hell Waterson VS.
  12. Eyeklops

    THANK GOD! This should have been here since nov 20th.
  13. Negator

    It doesnt have to be. Time to step up and lead by example.