Lets just get it over with and remove "it".

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NB88, Jul 11, 2013.


    Well, i dont know if the rant is justified but, overpowered or not, i like dominating weapons, not because i use them ( dont do vehicles, dont do MAXes, dont do Mana Turrets, dont do C4,...) but because they offer a challenge.

    I like having to think and/or raise my level of play to defeat/avoid the threat.

    I just wish those who use the 'über weapons' wouldn't brag about how skilled they are...

  2. Zotamedu

    All MAX are useless at range. At least they were until they all got new fancy AV-weapons. Even the dual mercy which is supposed to be a precision weapon is completely useless at anything other than close range.
  3. Phaze

    I say the following as someone that has spent 30% of their time in a MAX suit - has over 8000 kills in NC AI MAX suits - and still uses the supposedly defunct HackMAX...

    As both TR and VS enemies that find themselves on the end of my kill streaks can atest, the NC MAX is far from useless... in fact, one of my biggest pet peeves is (despite the significant nerfs) the extreme lack of MAX use you see among NC, now.

    No - definitely not on par with ZOE MAX in any aspect and certainly trails TR MAX in the AA/AV - it's still the BEST infantry unit NC have for assaulting bases. It may only be 2/3 as effective as the other MAX units - but that is still a helluva lot more useful than the other infantry options.

    An NC dual AI MAX with charge can still beat other MAX units in CQC - though now, if anyone else is around - you're probably out of ammo... much lower on health... and staring at a reload of death.

    Charge can be useful for other MAX units... but for NC AI MAX it's absolutely critical.
  4. ent|ty

    They seem to do well camping spawns or doorways where there is no room to move or retreat. Still get 1 shot by NC MAX, and only NC MAX.

    This whole UP/OP thing about MAXs is ridiculous. No matter what faction I play, the other MAX always seems powerful. Its all perception. However over time, I have formulated my own opinion as who is the toughest MAX, having played against, and with them.

    1) Hands down, the NC MAX. So easy.
    2) TR MAX, powerful but less 1 shots than NC
    3) VS MAX, even with ZOE (now with more nerfs) goes down fastest, and even faster pre ZOe
  5. Nocturnal7x

    Well after completely certing my NC max, like 3k+ certs later I find it somewhat useful in a situation or 2.

    But yea, Its gotta be incredibly aggravating for new players to use, even if they have a scattercannon unlocked.
  6. BH Brigade

    Just give it long barrel gauss weapons. Give them a four round clip and have them be three shot kills or something.