New VS gun revealed.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cowabunga, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. Mustarkrakish

    That gun makes me moist
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  2. Tekuila

    With models like that and better sound effects I might just be able to stomach playing vanu.
  3. bodmans

    what? the rail obscures your vision?
  4. Bolticus

    They should redo some of the VS ARs, LMGs, and Carbines.
    We only got 2 weapons re-modeled.

    Hopefully they'll be on the level of the model in the OP. :D

    Since the ammo is energy-based, the different looks that can be achieved are endless.
  5. Ripshaft

    Very sexy looking, hopefully sexy in mechanics as well.
  6. Verisimilituder

    No, they just look terrible. Since they look the same between guns, even if the gun itself looks a fair bit different, it enhances the cookie-cutterness of the weapons' appearances (which is a bad thing).
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  7. treeHamster

    Who cares about how it looks? The gun has a new reload animation! No more of that stupid spinning battery on the left side!!!1
  8. CrimsonDaemon

    Looks amazing. Would love to see the Vanu get it.
  9. jihon83

    It looks cool, but it seems like it might be pretty awkward to reload. Hopefully that doesn't translate into it being a long reload in game. Though when I first saw it, I immediately recalled that episode of the Simpsons where Bart picks up one of his aunt's blackhead guns.
  10. Van Dax

    pretty similar to a p90's reload I would imagine
  11. Wezdor

    Hopefuly this is a Lasher. That thing has a 5+ second reload, plenty of time for the animation.
  12. illgot

    I hope that's our new pistol... yeah, we are compensating :)
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  13. treeHamster

    Doubtful because they spent weeks overhauling the Lasher animation and model back in May.
  14. Wezdor

    Probably took them like an hour or something.