More Fury nerfs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DJPenguin, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. DJPenguin

    There's a grenade launcher in the game causing problems but it's not the Fury. Why are we hitting this thing with the bat again?
  2. DFDelta

    Because the Fury, the dedicated AV grenade launcher, vastly outclasses the Bulldog, the dedicated AI grenade launcher in AI combat.
    The choices were either to buff the Bulldog to silly pre-explosion-nerf levels or to give the Fury a nerf in AI capabilities.

    (Thats my guess on why it happened)
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  3. ih8Darian2

    Nerf the fury and do nothing to marauder. Great idea SOE!
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  4. Bape

    Exactly im not understanding this at all they are both very similar yet they only nerf the fury lol???
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  5. PieBringer

    Doesn't the Fury's description specifically say "Light damage" on armor?

    If the Fury was supposed to be AV, then why would they lower it's direct damage instead of it's indirect? If it were meant to be an anti-vehicle weapon, then they would have lowered it's splash damage and radius, and possibly still added the anti-armor resist.
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  6. GhostAvatar

    Actually the Fury nerf wasn't much of a nerf at all. It still deals the same splash damage, which when it comes to AI duties is what people rely on. It still does roughly the same damage to vehicles due to damage resist changes. The only thing that has been nerfed is its OHK ability on infantry.

    They decreased the direct damage while decreasing a vehicle's resist to the weapon. So it still keeps its same AV capabilities.
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  7. Tommyp2006

    The bulldog is supposed to be AV, while the Fury is supposed to be AI. This fury nerf was a nerf to direct hit damage, to make it weaker vs vehicles, direct hit damage was nerfed, to make the fury less effective vs vehicles. Unfortunately, this just makes BOTH the bulldog and fury crap against vehicles, and both are still decent as AI. Bulldog needs a direct hit damage buff.
  8. PieBringer

    Thanks for clarifying that, however the patch note said this resist type (which sounds stupid for what it does.) should "mitigate" this change against armor. Does it do identical damage to armor that it used to, or slightly different?
  9. Spartan3123

    They need to buff it somehow common SOE wtf
  10. DJPenguin

  11. LonelyTerran

    So the fury is useless now that it can't 1-hit infantry? This must mean that the Saron and Enforcer are useless as well.
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  12. SgtBreastroker

    Maybe the fact that the direct impact of the Fury was reduced by 40%.

    That's a little extreme no?
  13. DFDelta

    It still 2-hits infantry with direct hits, and vehicle resistence against Fury damage was reduced, so the AV damage should be roughly the same.
    At least thats what the patchnotes say.
  14. illgot

    "Don't worry the VS PPA nerf is coming, I heard your cries to balance this OP weapon!" - Higby
  15. Mauller

    it is a stupid nerf considering you have to be good with aiming the fury to get a direct hit on infantry considering the splash damage is piss poor with it being an anti infantry weapon.

    all while the other faction specific anti infantry weapons are just aim and fire, we have to manage grenade arc, velocity of the vehicle and velocity of the infantry to get a direct hit so why cant we have the grenade one hit kill when we do land home?
  16. MrPokealot

    Brilliant sig. Also I'm sad they nerfed the fury, I mean they tried to do it previously and people hated it, so why do it now?
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  17. metrotw

    Because they made enough money off it and now want people to buy other stuff. Duh.
  18. MrPokealot

    That's actually a good point. Most people complain about the marauder now.
  19. Pikachu

    Oh come on, the splash damage is enough for it's ROF. I would not want more splash on the fury. What bothers me now is that the big advantage fury had over marauder is now gone, OHK. Does fury have any advantage against infantry?

    Just did a test to destroy a sunderer.
    GU11 fury - 27 seconds and 33 shots
    GU12 fury - 56 seconds and 60 shots.
    Marauder - 40 seconds and 70 shots.

    Marauder requires the same number of direct hits to kill infantry but it has higher ROF. Marauder has higher splash DPS. Marauder takes less time destroying hard targets. You know what to pick terrans. :rolleyes:
  20. G3arfried

    Marauder already took 2 shots to kill infantry. What exactly will you nerf?
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