How you feel when enemy air wing is behind you.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SNAFUS, Jul 10, 2013.


    If only we could here enemy pilot chatter.
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  2. Jrv

    Flyboys are almost as useless in-game as they are in the forums.:eek:
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    Always enjoy it when the minions think they serve any purpose other then being farming mats ;)
  4. Jrv

    To each his own, infantry and tanks are vastly more entertaining and enjoyable. The aircraft in this game are slow and gimicky, give me a jet from BF2 or ARMA and I'll fly, but none of this hover nonsense. Sure you can get a lot of kills and not many deaths if you pick your targets right, but it's still boring to me regardless. Figured the Reaver would be the most tolerable of the three, but it's just not really that fun, even when I'm doing well.

    Take an objective in that ESF and we'll talk.:cool:
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  5. Hibiki54

    For once, I actually agree with JRV.

    I at least try to fly when needed, even if my Reaver's only certed feature is scout radar.

    Going on about which air game is more complicated or enjoyable is a pointless arguement as that is all opinion. But on the matter of usefulness I ask you to capture a point when your a corpse. Can't even begin to count how many bases I have saved all by my lonesome with the supposed useless ESF.
  7. Spookydodger

    Hop into my stream of skyguard fire.... if ... you want.. to live...
  8. Jrv

    It's not opinion. This game has silly flying mechanics, casual-friendly. If you're going to invest hundreds of hours into flying, do it in a better flying game. That way you're facing people that actually try as hard as you and you don't get these incredibly inflated egos about farming scrubs.:D I understand, I let the bloodbath get to me as well.:eek:
  9. Accuser

    I used to do that all the time... till they started forcing us to EXIT the plane to cap points. They knew my ESF point capping was OP, so they had to nerf it.

    Going to have to see if I can get my outfit to muster up a couple dozen Mosquitos, fly in formation behind a random unsuspecting Reaver, and all spam "/y MINE" over and over until he realizes what's behind him.
  10. Blinklys

    Filthy peasants vs. honorable pilots. :D
  11. TheLastRyano

    Can't we all just get along.... think of the children.
  12. Loui5D


    Lockon nub - GOMLFOUR90MlgXXXXXXXXX NoAimzzzz mode activate.
  13. Kapernum

    No it's your useless opinion based upon 25 hours of infantry farming following a zerg. There's a lot more to it than that. Flying in this game is way more skillbased than any other game out there.
  14. G3arfried


    belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge

    you're welcome.
  15. Lemonater47

    I'll say it is. With the hovering aspect it opens up far more possibilities than other FPS games with a flying part. It requires a higher skillbase to fly a planetside 2 aircraft than say BF3. I am a really good pilot in BF3. I come to planetside 2 and bind the keys to the same I was pretty average. I could fly without hitting anything. Couldn't win dogfights or anything other pilots would do moves that looked like they broke physics. Even wih getting homing missiles and upgrading the main gun and getting flairs I'm a bit better. But I still can't do this other loves very well. I can take out a liberator. That's the only aircraft I can take out. And mostly its only the pilot with no gunners in it.

    With other games with flying aspects I can go in, play and match everyone else. Not with PS2.
  16. Vortok

    Flying takes some skill when you stop farming ground and start fighting air (outside of the odds being stacked horribly in your favor, anyway.... mine mine mine, etc.). Sure, a skilled pilot can farm the ground even better but the barrier of entry to farm ground is essentially "can you leave the warpgate without crashing?" closely followed by "are you smart enough to look for a base without significant AA instead of charging directly into heavy AA hoping it'll work out?" Most of the decent aircraft skillcap is a2a, which is why they all get uptight when the A2AM come out, since then there's not much skill A2A or A2G and all the bragging rights go out the window.

    Unless you're Boursk. Then you party hard.
  17. ent|ty

    ESFs are so nerfed and fragile, I just dont see the point in flying them anymore.
    Amazing the change in my attitude because maybe 3 weeks ago, regardless of the tons of AA, it was actually a viable option.

    Now with every vehicle having strong AA weapons on them, and tanks that can raise their turrets up higher (which patch was that?), and how slow ESFs travel, you can't dive bomb or strafe or do **** to anyone on the ground at all.

    oh you could argue "go air vs air", well I do when they're around. But I should have the choice to play however I want, I'm certed into scouting and anti-ground, but not so AG anymore. I'm just an easy target.

    So after the 2nd ESF lost within 3 minutes to random lock ons, tank shells, AA rounds from Lightnings, sunderers and Harassers, there really is no role left for them.

    And lack of choice and effectiveness in the battle makes them boring.
  18. Pikachu

    I take a lightning to drive to some place where my allies are and some lonely ESF comes along and starts following me and I think "oh ffs leave me alone".
  19. Crowne


    Love this movie, and yes, being chased by 305 mossies looks very similar :p

    Implement sail boats ftw!
  20. SNAFUS

    I've played many other flight sims and they are enjoyable in their own way. But they all have major flaws which simply are they mimic real flight physics. PS2 throws that **** right out the door and were out and about in under water space helicopters. This game's flight mechanics are very arcardy and generally simple controls. But what makes it difficult for so many is to be successful you have to be creative. And sadly to say most of the sim fans don't hack it in PS2 for some reason. It is always the flight manual 2.0 guys that want a more realistic game and hide behind the comment that this one lacks a challenge.

    PS2 forces pilots to be more twitch based and situationaly aware if they want to be successful. You can't rely on instruments, there are no advanced radar systems identifying threats. It is purely pilot skill and his ability to threat ***** based off of what he can visually see. Then we must drop well within visual range of enemy forces to apply appropriate A2G coverage while also dealing with A2A engagements. This game forces you into near suicidal fights to really apply the ESF to its full potential. Is it realistic to current flight tactics and procedures, generally no. But it gives one hell of a fun game that very few can be extremely successful at. And has a incredibly competitive top percent that ruthlessly hunt each other.
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