GU12 Still Doesn't Address Population Balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by chrisbeebops, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. HadesR

    Kinda need to wait more than 5 minutes before screaming " OH NOEZ it fail's " :rolleyes:
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  2. Spookydodger

    I was kinda surprised that this was the "addressing server balance issues". I doubt it will do much, but I do wonder what else can be done, short of making huge meta servers.
  3. llPendragon

    Hit the nail on the head with this one. +1 karma thingy for you, good sir.
  4. KAHR-Alpha

    According to a lot of suggestions I see are here these days, there's a whole lot of people who don't want to balance population through new players, instead they want the players of the overpopulated factions to either switch (yeah, as if that were going to happen) or quit playing through the use of XP maluses. I've even seen one looney advocate -10% XP for every extra 1% population a faction has.
  5. Ash87

    But here is the thing, this is people advocating for punishment of people that they perceive as the enemy for having the gall to belong to an overpopulated faction.

    When I joined TR I was part of Jager. We were not overpoped, we were always about even with the population of NC. When we were merged with Waterson many people in my outfit hated it, because we Wanted to be merged with Soltech, which is where the majority of VS were at the time. A Jager-Soltech merge would have balanced out the pops. Instead we were merged with Waterson... which No one I knew Wanted to happen. So now, we who remain are part of an overpopulated faction. Using a system by which overpopped factions are punished... you are punishing the 100 people in my outfit for something that they infact never wanted.

    This is ignoring the fact that on Mattherson, your talking about taking away 100% XP from the Vanu. Yes, the VS under that hairbrained system would get no XP for anything. So... how does this make people wish to change over to an underpopulated faction, and not just encourage them to Leave the game? Further, how does this not encourage people on the same faction to become infuriated at new players who join them, Or members of their faction who just logged on. Your talking about a system that would do nothing but turn people against each other, while rewarding those who randomly decided an eon ago to pick one faction over the other 2.
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  6. Revanmug

    TR have not cared for alerts for weeks now. Well, that's what TR have been saying at least. Pretty much normal they lose all of them when they aren't even trying to win it.
  7. The Funk

    Relax man. They beefed up the tutorial. Those BR1s are gonna be battle hardened!
  8. Elrobochanco

    It's not a quick fix, but it is a good long term help. You don't redirect a river in a day.
  9. Dis

    Need to give this a week or two to see what it does.

    Evening out the pops with newbs filling in the TR and to a lesser degree the NC on Matherson will be...interesting. But, it's a step in the right direction.
  10. Nocturnal7x

    They usually have pop somwhere in the mid 20s, Kinda hard for them to win when the vanu can overpop them on every cont.
  11. jihon83

    If SOE are going to go through with their "ambassador" idea, it could be useful to tie being an ambassador to not only a pyramid-scheme where we try to trick our friends into playing, but also tying it to players taking on leadership roles with helping new players in purpose-built training cadre squads and platoons. It'd help to get new players on their feet more quickly, introduce them to the organization-side of the game, and, perhaps, even breathe new life into outfits, if they have members who want to be ambassadors for PS2 and talent scouts for their units.
  12. NinjaTurtle

    SOE need to ask various faction outfits to transfer to servers that need them.

    Offer Azure Twilight or Ghost of the Revolution as an example the chance to go to Waterson. Maybe sweeten the deal by offering 1 months free membership to all outfit members that accept or any free item of their choice, 1000SC for free, anything to persuade them to make the change. The game needs it for it's longevity, constant pop issues will push players away.

    This can be applied to other servers and factions to not just the VS issue between Mattherson and Waterson

    It needs a more pro active approach to sort the issue out not this passive attempt.

    The recommended server idea is good as should help "keep" the servers balanced but it won't "make" the servers balanced by itself
  13. simmi1717

    lol quit playing or switch... as if either would happen.
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  14. TheLlama

    Waterson VS doesn't need FNGs. We are the best of the best of the best, SIR! We overcome the NC and TR despite population imbalance because we are stronger, smarter, more coordinated, and we are tricky evil bastards. The population imbalance is the best thing to ever happen to us. It weeded out the weak the stupid and the quitters. What is left are the absolute cream of the crop on Waterson. I wouldn't trade Waterson VS for anyone.

    Having said that, an extra 5 or 10% pop wouldn't hurt.
  15. illgot

    true, but they also exasperated the issue by also combining multiple servers into one once their populations dropped. many people that kept their characters separate were thrown together once server mergers happened.