Please don't quit on alerts...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RogueComet, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Eleo

    The only reason given is pop imbalanced, there is no pop imbalance on cobalt yet vanu has 50% pop during alerts off hours, period.

    Im done arguing.
  2. Eleo

    Yeah i forgot those facilities are sitting next to each others :rolleyes:
  3. Phrygen

    seems kinda obvious that he/she is/has a VS on mattherson.

    36 vs 30 IS definitely imbalanced!

    For every 5 guys you send in a fight, they send 6.

    5 on 6 is NOT balanced
  5. Madcat9

    I have seen NC do a wonderful job of pushing out Indar Ex and towards Quartz Ridge like last night their clever tactics won them Quartz and it had taken me two NC sundies from the south to even catch on what was happening. Then again I don't think there were a lot of TR harassers pulled so maybe that had an effect.
  6. koopa

    thats primetime numbers. thats with everyone on and isnt the only pop numbers that matter. right now 41%VS, 31%TR, 28% NC.
    and timestamp from steam...

    im sorry but.... not balanced.
  7. Eleo

    yes 10% pop difference (wich is obviously fluctuating btw) is totaly a massive zerg that both TR and NC have no chance to fight against im sure you could alreasy see the purp army of ZOE departing from their warpgate while standing at yours.
  8. Eleo

    Let me guess, being open minded is agreeing with you even tho you have be proven being wrong.

    And yes i was done arguing, only the newer posts were so laughable i had to respond.

    Now is truly the last.

    No i'm not assuming this. Break down the population/map into smaller fights and this is exactly what the imbalance comes down to in average.
    Or while you are fighting 5 on 5 in a facility, the 6th guy in the overpop faction is ghostcapping a neighbouring outpost.
    And I mean it.

    Because there are other variables influencing gameplay doesn't mean that pop imbalance does not.
  10. MiZrY

    From my perspective you have not proven anyone wrong.

    Sure, when population balance is equal you would think everyone would play the alert. This apparently is not so though. So there must be some other factor to it. Being a coward is obviously not it.... it's a video game FFS. From all the responses so far the majority mention the fact that they are outnumbered most of the day is the reason that they just do not do alerts anymore, ever. That makes perfect sense.

    You can't call the players wrong because of it, they are telling you why they do not play the alerts. You just seem to get off being what you consider a better person. That better person being someone who resorts to name calling other people for not agreeing with you and/or just expressing WHY they do not play the alerts. It's a pathetic form of communication you seem to have developed.
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  11. Linedan

    NC has largely quit giving a rat's *** about alerts because, simply, it's not fun dealing with a massive zerg of Vanu. Especially when there's a core of that zerg that are BR 80+ and know what they're doing (I have a LOT of respect for the old-school Mattherson VS outfits like AT, NNG, GOTR, etc., those guys are brutal to fight), and which by themselves would give a really good fight, but are then surrounded by an ablative layer of dozens of Fourth Faction cannon-fodder who serve as the shock absorber while the skilled guys get all the kills.

    Prime example of Mattherson right now. Early morning on Esamir, I'm piddling around a bit trying to get the last little chunk of xp to BR 53 before I start work. Doing some caps, repairing things, getting killed like an idiot, losing every 1v1 fight I get into as I always do because I suck and the Solstice is a death stick. NC has about 48% pop, Vanu in the thirties, but Vanu are fighting and there are some decent little squad-sized actions. Suddenly an alert pops up..."hold all three biolabs on Esamir." Within 5 minutes, VS population is 63% and little purple tendrils are snaking across the map toward all three biolabs. I logged.

    You're just no fun to fight, at least for me. Your weapons are insanely accurate (and yes, I have a VS alt, so I know how your weapons work, they're the only ones I can actually kill much of anything with), you move in huge groups, and you talk so much junk on /yell that it's long since ceased being funny and gone over into annoying. Why should I put my scrubby self through getting farmed by skilled BR 90 light assaults who never miss and squadrons of Magriders camping our spawn?

    If my outfit wants to fight an alert, I go because I roll with an awesome bunch of guys and sometimes we can stem the tide a bit and have a lot of fun trying. If I'm messing around by myself? I go as far away from alerts as possible because I know it's going to be nothing but a massive Vanu overpop and Scythefest with a background soundtrack of "GINYU FORCE RULES."

    Enjoy being victims of your own success.
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  12. CaptainYamerica

    overpopulation kills servers/games. I has happened for almost as long as there has been PvP in MMO's, it will continue to happen until devs come up with a way to fix it... a huge step would be caps at certain percentage differences, and/or at the very least stop 4th factioners. Make 1 faction per server.
  13. Linedan

    People saw this coming months ago when multiple factions per server were opened up. There's no way that SOE didn't, they aren't that blind...obviously they either don't care or don't see it as a problem.

    When you start getting into coding solutions like spawn delays, hard percentage locks, etc. to fix overpopulation, they usually end up driving off more players through annoyance than they preserve through population balance.
  14. FABIIK

    40 to 30 is not 10% difference!

    It's 33% difference. (40/30)*100=133

    So yes, it's a lot.
  15. Matlock0

    That's mainly because VS on Cobalt looks for every excuse to leave the holy Indar lattice because they can't stand the SE warpgate, and as a result NC and TR get to have an actual fight on Indar while VS ghostcap dominates the alert during the early day.

    I stopped caring about alerts all that much, it's tiresome with how much they have shoved it up our throats recently. It's like there was more alerts on than no alert. Usually alerts involve some lame shenanigans anyway unless it's Indar territory control which is perfectly fine. Hex system alert is a nightmare most of the time though.
  16. rayvon

    Most players dont quit the alerts, they log off the losing side and log onto the winning one.
  17. TheMonkey

    I'll put out my two cents certs. The problem of Mattherson's apathetic TR and NC comes mostly from pub players. They normally see VS with massive population advantage and do not roll with organized Platoons. When they do play on TR or NC they will go where the certs are, be it a futile biolab or a TR vs NC meatgrinder during an alert. Also, in Biolab alerts TR rarely participates because of the fact that they start with few Biolabs and the power of numbers grows exponentially on defense. I should also point out that many TR and NC are used to being out numbered and will choose to farm rather than make progress even with superior numbers.
  18. Spets

    I'm sorry our new tactic of boring you too tears is working. My outfit is sick of 3:1 alamo style fights, at least when my boys get a contient unlocked they feel they did something worth while with their ingame time. Btw we the NC have won alerts in the past few days we are working together just doing it in a way to anger you.
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