Thinking of playing again

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SecularPope, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. SecularPope

    Has the game gotten any better since they broke it via server merge?
  2. VSDerp

    to be honest mattherson is pretty f*cked atm with the 4th fractioners vanus. TR is pretty down in pop but ya still kick asz and NC are still pretty dumb.
  3. SecularPope

    Im mostly concerned - when they did the merge (I came from SolTech) people were rendering like 10m away which was ridiculous. I was perfectly happy on SolTech getting involved in small - medium battles where an individual could actually make a difference - not some mindless zerg.
  4. K3STR3L

    You're going to love the new lattice system. On the bright side..........I may have to get back to you on that one.
  5. Camycamera

    wow, so many people are ignorant and negative about this game, yet they still play it.
  6. Syrathin

    As always the game has it's issues but I still have a lot of fun playing, Lattice isn't as awful as people make it out to be. Usually there are one or two massive zerg fights where both sides end up in a deadlock for hours fighting over one hex but if that's not your thing there are always a few small-mid sized fights going on in the other hexes.

    I don't think lattice is bad, It's more of a case that it isn't what some people want so they ***** and moan endlessly on the forums. But if you look at Indar you'll always find a decent sized fight going on where as a lot of times you look at Amerish and see most of the zones have 1-12 people in them and that's about it unless there's an alert going on and even sometimes then. o_O