What's your most hated nerf?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kildorragh96, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. treeHamster

    You obviously didn't play the week the ESRL's were released. The Lancer has sooo many problems that everyone on the VS were SURE they accidentally released an alpha version because the video Higby did of the ESRL's had a Lancer that had nothing in common with what was released, except the model and reload animation.

    The Phoenix when it was released was game breaking. You couldn't defend Allatum (the Biolab the VS and NC shared at the time) because the NC would just sit at the west outpost, spam the flight deck for 5 minutes then walk into the base, without any resistance (because you couldn't stand outside without getting shot by a dozen Phoenix rockets).

    It was insanely easy to steer and had a massive hitbox. On top that, the rockets were the size of a sniper scope and so you couldn't see them just hear the whistle once they got within 10m (which by that time you were already dead).

    The worst nerf was to the freakin' AT mines. They keep getting nerf because noobs are super lazy and don't want any challenge. First they increase their size by a LOT and make then no explode if place near a vehicle (thought the larger size was necessary to make them easier to shoot, which THANK GOD for the NS pistols because they can one shot AT mines). Then they make them deconstructable by engies.

    I haven't run over an AT mine since they increased the size. They're soo big now that I can even spot them in my ESF (which I subsequently swoop down and destroy them).
  2. Shoza Nakh

    Falcons, this was just ridiculous nerf. "Reworked" funny grenade launchers into silly slow flying rockets.
  3. BigMcLargeHuge

    The strafe change. Nerfing it as badly as it has been had made it feel awful. Using your strafe was something that previously gave experienced players an edge over new players. Timing your movement correctly was a skill. It added some learning curve and technique to the game. The change was really a dumbing down of the game even if the idea was to fix something that seemed off because of the often glitchy movement--or more just embarrassing to the design team that probably saw it as something that made the engine look bad. But you know it added something and recently I've seen lots and lots of developers use that excuse of 'feels' off to remove mechanics from games that provide complexity or skill curve. I'm just waiting to see the devs pull out buzzwords like "toxic" when they continue to dumb their game down. I get the we need to make money we need to make the game look polished we need to make new players not butt hurt as much.. But seriously.. Hard to master was a buzz phrase once. Why can't we have that one again? Looking at learning curve that is specific to your game as a bad thing alienates the players that would be sticking around the longest. There are lots of successful games that are around and sticking around because of their learning curve. Because of their unique gameplay which more often then not was a product of some silly quirk.

    That big one aside the lack of scope options for 1x zoom gets me worked up. I don't like dot scopes or chevrons so if I want a cross first one Vanu have access to is at 4x. Those two changes both happen to be in the same patch and being an infantry specialist on a class that needs all the edges that can get when caught by an aware opponent in a 1v1 you can imagine just how badly that pissed in my cheerios.

    ... seriously hard not to totally rage out and start sending hate mail to SOE after that patch.
  4. Chris Bingley

    Oh god, the list is going to be endless.......

    1) The NC MAX AI weapon Nerf.

    Completely unnecessary, Instagibbing infantry at point blank is what NC MAXs are about and they suck at range because of it, why did SOE feel the need to make them worse at the only thing they were good at.

    2) The ZOE Nerf.

    Considering that you need ZOE to make a VS MAX competitive with it's counterparts, why did they feel the need to make it worse. It's now only competitive against stock MAXs and can only compete with Lockdown and Aegis MAXs if the enemy has absolutely no skill!

    3) The Burster Nerf.

    Whilst I agree that Bursters were extremely powerful, they needed to be. Lock-on launchers won't kill ESFs, and won't even deter them (even when they n00b hover) and the Skyguard isn't always available. Since this Nerf infantry are back to being farmed at spawn rooms again. If friendly ESFs did their job and actually fought against enemy air then this wouldn't be a problem and the Bursters would be fine as it is. However, I only see friendly ESFs when we're attacking (and winning) and only see enemy ESFs when we're defending (and losing). Why, because it's it's cheap, risk free XP.

    4) The Magrider and Vulcan Nerf.

    Fortunately, SOE saw the error of their ways and undid these nerfs, here's hoping the same happens for NC MAXs (well, I only care about the Hacksaws really) and ZOE.

    5) The Phoenix Nerf.

    I will admit that I was one of the people who originally cried out for this to happen. I now see the error of my ways. The thing is a ***** to steer and is very situational. Additionally, it leaves you as even more of a sitting duck than the lock-on launchers. I'd suggest making it work like the AV turret and Ravens, but I seem to be the only person who doesn't think they're OP.

    6) Resource Cost Increase.

    Because, lets face it, this is a nerf. Whilst the values are okay for most ground vehicles (except the Flash, our one cheap transport option), Air costs weren't increased enough, whilst MAXs were increased to the point where I'm permanently starved of resources. On the rare occassion I do get to pull a MAX, it's inside a Biolab (so safe from enemy tanks/air) and I hang back from the main fights an take out the few random LAs and infiltrators that manage to get past the spawn camp. Not exactly the best use of my time in the only infantry class that cost resources.

    i could keep going, but I'd be here forever and this would never get posted.
  5. vanu123

    The Mags still need a buff considering they are only viable in gang zerg situations against avg tank drivers at best. Phoenix needed to be nerfed because you could 1 shot without any risk to you, they can buff it back with a speed boost. Resources are by far the worst nerf so far. ZOE ehh, they cried about it and get whatever they want.
  6. Stingrayl

    Fury and AA maxes... just stupid, both...
    • Up x 1
  7. Chris Bingley

    Nah, Magriders are fine. They're the best tank in 1vs1 situations as you can easily out manoeuvre the enemy, get behind them and lay the hurt on him. All whilst dodging his shots and keeping your front armour facing him. Ironically, what makes the Magrider good in 1vs1 situations also makes it bad in zergs, which is a nice balance. I've got the stock main gun and Halberd on my Mag, and I ruin lone enemy tanks.
  8. Badname0192

    I direct hit loads of infantry with HEAT rounds from a Lightning, most of the time they're okay with the experience unless hit in the head. That's pretty lame if you ask me and I really doubt they're all wearing flak armor. I normally get them with a follow up shot, but it's irritating to think that some lame shotguns out there can accomplish the job faster than a tank.
  9. vanu123

    Ive played the other factions and if you can even slightly aim you can hit a mag and any given range except long range. You may be surprised I havnt unlocked anti armor rounds yet but I feel I need to to stay competative now. I have that exact loadout on my tank currently with lvl 1 rival combat.
  10. control-z

    The Warden nerf sucked for me. I had just bought the weapon and a week or two later I can't hardly get as much as a kill assist with it.
  11. RHINO_Mk.II

    Phoenix headshot damage. If you are stupid enough to stand still while hearing a freight train coming your way, you deserve to die if I can hit your head.
  12. Vetto

    Max Res nerf... YAY my max now cost as much as a tank but still goes down to 2 c4 blast even with falk armor on.
  13. Morchai

    I'm gonna go with the nerf to the value of mechanized resources created by the increase in vehicle prices.