Soe Please fix the servers lag!!:lag and crash

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Navoletti, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Navoletti

    hi soe since the last 3 days i have mini lags but now i relog in the game much times and take a long time for log and after of log in the game all players appear fly or run,dissapear,run,i shot the others enemy and dissapear,run,etc

    this is for the lag but i check my conection and not is the problema,i check other games and is fine...this happen in the server mattherson i not check the other but my carácter is in matherson and now i lose this day of the event....

    developers think in extended the event?much people have this lag in warpgate after of log or directly they not have chance of log each time appear error of conection and the game close..

    please soe fix this fast i check and not is my conection is a problema of server.
  2. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    It would still be a good idea to submit in a support ticket so our tech team can find additional ways to resolve your lagging issues.
  3. Necrothus

    Alot of players have complained about this issue since the release of the lagworks...errr, I mean, Fireworks gun. The fact that only on LOW graphic settings will the lag....fireworks be shut off makes it a bit ridiculous. I imagine this problem will slowly taper off as the usage of the la--fireworks also tapers off. I hope, at least.