"I would have killed you if only-" moments

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tipper, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Kcalehc

    On a similar note: I would have killed you if the idiot standing behind me hadn't run right through me, while I was firing, and taken my last 3 bullets to the back of his head.
  2. Goolloom

    You f*cking die when you show me that the guy who killed me has 0 health bars left, and is still running around, THAT pisses me off everything else
  3. MrMurdok

    I would've killed you if I didn't stealth when I should've de-stealth'ed. I bet it looked really funny.
  4. THOR1659

    I would have killed you, if my med gun deconstructed people :)
  5. Typhoeus

    If only I didn't crash right into a f'n tree or building. Sometimes I swear even the hillsides pull me down into them.
  6. phreec

    In an ESF: Sudden framedrop stuttered and flown into a mountain...
    Versus MAX's: Had the proper Decimator equipped rather than the damn G2A launcher...

    Two examples I remember frowning and raising an eyebrow about.
  7. CEGrif

    1.if i could aim better
    2.if i did not scope in the middle of a 1v1
    3. run out of ammo
  8. lainiwaku

    I'm vanu
    a NC fight with TR , i defend the NC and kill the TR then . . . the NC kill me

    i'm in a TR base and NC attack the base and deploy their sunderer
    i spam the "stop shooting we are on the same side" and try my best to not make me killed, after some calm i go out of my hidding to try to make some fun alliance . . .
    then a lvl 4 NC appears and kill me

    *forever alone vanu trying to do alliance*
  9. Unclematos7

    Happened to me but I was in an AP Vanguard and he was in a Reaver. I was AP sniping the top floor of the spawn room in J908 and as soon as I fired he flew in the way and took the round. Couldn't stop laughing.
  10. DukeFlash

    For me, it's when I'm playing Heavy Assault, unexpectedly run into an enemy, try to quickly press F... but hit G instead and get stuck in the grenade throwing animation while I am shot to death at point blank.
  11. BetweenTheBuried&Me

    When I first started (and before i was smart enough to re-bind my controls), I can't count how many times I went to reload on my Mossie, only to have accidentally ejected myself from the aircraft.

    Lately, though, it seems "I would have killed you, if only i would have noticed that leave dangling from the branch of that tree."