Hacker, Exploiter, or could we assume all NCs on Connery aren't Hacking in some form?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Serpent808, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Serpent808

    This is a footage of a hacker trying to overload the Horizontal Shield Generator at around 9:00 PM PST. An alert for all Amp Stations just ended with Vanu being victorious, before this occurred. Vanu didn't take Kwahtee Amp Station, Amerish, until roughly 5 minutes after the Alert ended...

    NC Player's name couldn't be found since he (toon was a male, medic) didn't re-spawned or hack-revive himself. Instead, you can see him moving all over the place. In addition, he is the only one in the vicinity who is tripping the shield generator. There were scout radars Flashes in the area.

    After the video ended, footage wasn't taken of this, but he was seen being at the Vertical Shield Generator. Overloading it as well, 5 to 10 minutes later... Three to five other Vanu players were following him until other NC Players started showing up. Three minutes later, he was going for the northwest gate generator. While this event took place, high Battle-Ranking members from [ADK] and [00] started their assault on the Amp Station... They ghost-capped the northwest, southeast, and northeast sat-bases in the region. They started their assault on the Amp Station from the north east sat-base. There was roughly a squad of them (10 to 12 NC Players).

    Is this a hacker/Exploiter?

    Could there be a connection between this player and the outfit members who came barging afterwards?

    For all we know, this could have been Higby being all ninja!... I'm going to assume it's not, but who knows...

    A friend told me that your average MMOs, statistically have a 1 cheater/hacker ratio to 10 other players...
  2. ExarRazor

    I see that a LOT. its lag. im sure there are hacks to achieve the same result, but 90% of the time, im 100% positive its server lag or desync.

    of course, the player himself may not even be aware that this is what other people see. he could be crouched there thinking to himself 'I cant believe these guys haven't killed me yet!'

    if he's doing it constantly, or taking advantage of it blatantly, then theres a good chance he KNOWS he's lagged up or desynced and is abusing it.
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    I was part of an outfit that helped Defend that amp station last night (SKIN) and I can personally attest to that fact that NONE of our outfit members hack or exploit.

    That being said, Ive seen this a ton of times, both from allies as well as enemies. As far as Im aware its a glitch. Until this video I did not know that they could interact with anything, but apparently you can overload gens. My best guess is that this guy glitched out, diddnt know how to get out of it, and when he figured out he could overload the gen, he just went with it. Chances are its not an exploiter.
  4. Haruk

    There's always logging out or closing the program with task manager.
  5. HadesR

    Happened to myself once before .. You do not know yourself it's happened until you run into enemy troops and you wonder why you can't hurt them .. You can interact with Terminals etc but your shots cause no damage neither do you take any.
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  6. JokeForgrim

    Yeah I have seen this heaps. Apparently its a bug/exploit to do with revives.

    The worst I have seen was a ZOE max (pre-nerf) who was rolling around pwning everything. He killed about 20 people and we all gave up. You couldnt actually shoot him, His hit box wasnt on the floor and it wasnt were he would be standing up. So for all intents and purposes the server treats them like they are dead (except they arent weapon locked)

    But I have seen it multiple times, only about 1/10 can shoot and move/interact like normal. Seems like since the max update this one has been a common sight. Before that it was just desync, where their body would wig out and move a few metres, then come to a rest and die. Since GU09 its more common for them to be actual players who can move an shoot (yet are usually ignored due to the previous desync bug) So they can go in a nice little rampage.
  7. IamDH

  8. ToggleSwitch

    Saw the same thing today but from a different faction.
  9. then00b

    I've seen a few people like that, but they couldn't hurt anyone, the weapon fired and everything, but no damage. I've yet to glitch out like that myself and its not exactly hard to force your own internet to a crawl to experiment with lag, all I get is people walking through walls and through the air for a good few seconds.
    I'd guess its very intentional exploiting, for the times such people kill you, the /report function has a last killer button for very quick use.
  10. Tommyp2006

    Seen that bug MANY times before, though not always where the person can still control their body.

    I've also seen invincible maxes sliding along the ground several times, after a bugged revive.
  11. RobotNinja

    I've seen the feature lists for many Planetside 2 hacks and I haven't seen any that claim you can "hack-revive" yourself.
  12. Consumer

    A friend told me once that 1 in 10 people believe their friends that tell them that 1 in 10 people in 1 in 10 MMOs have a 10 in 1 chance of being a tenth of a hacker.
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  13. Larolyn

    The annoying thing about this bug is I don't know if I have it or not. I look and fight normal and unless a team member tells me on Teamspeak, I don't know that I am doing this. I had a VS whisper me angrily and I apologised straight away and relogged. I just wish sometimes that was a visual indicator to let me know I had this bug.

    On a different note, my favourite bug is when the sound for a vehicle stops working. I was in a Harasser the other day gunning and the motor sound cut out. Was so peaceful and serene to run around shooting things without the obnoxiously loud engine in the background.

    Oh and one final thing. The Bastion. Whenever I fight here the sound becomes muted like I am underwater. I like to think it is a nice touch because of the altitude what with it being the highest place in all of Amerish. But the muffled sounds make combat feel so strange.
  14. ReconTeemo

    lol aha that reminds me of my forum signature. :p
  15. NachoFoot

    There was a study done in Battlefield 3. The actual statistics ranged from an average of 2%. That seems low but, in 64 player games, that's at least 1 hacker.
  16. Wintermaulz

    That is due to lag, when that happens, you cant flip points, attack, be killed, lay down depolaybles, use abilitys, and can only interact with gens. Only way to get rid of it is to relog.
  17. woooow

    You can assume whatever you want, that's kind of how assumptions work.
  18. NC_agent00kevin

    Same thing happened the other day for me. I couldnt even /suicide myself. I couldnt hurt anyone but I could mess with things.
  19. NC_agent00kevin

    This makes my eyes hurt.
  20. SolidSnake

    Yeah seen this happen as well, I was getting shot at by what appeared to be a corpse. The player was in the lying down pose, but moving and going in and out of the ground while shooting at me. I got hit markers when he'd go above ground but he killed me and I couldn't find him again to record it.