New player, need advice plz

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cruel Justice, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. ATATkiller

    Follow in my footsteps. Go Waterson NC.

    And make sure you use a laptop. Continue to follow in my footsteps by playing on very low settings with 15FPS.

    Follow my footsteps even further by making a Galaxy-130 and ramming it into tanks* when you have low health.

    *friendly tanks
  2. ATATkiller

    To be serious though, I recommend joining the VS, as it is fairly good for new players, generally being the middle-ground faction in terms of weapons, whereas the NC have low ROF and high damage weapons, and the TR have high ROF and lower damage weapons.
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  3. Cruel Justice

    Just got the computer back and up and running, sorry for the late reply. Thanks again for all the additional info. i will definitely be going TR, and it looks like i may go matterson instead of waterson due to VC already being outnumbered on waterson and i dont wanna lopside it any more.

    I added a Nivida geforce GTX 650 ti with twin fans and superclocked. Also set my asus desktop to "gaming mode" which will apparently increase overall performance, so i am hoping to be able to play on good settings with good fps.

    Thanks to all for the helpful information, i am super stoked to play this come monday (gone for weekend, again), made more so by the fact that if this thread is any indicator of the community, then it will be a damn good community to be a part of.

    Look forward to seeing you all on the battlefield.
  4. Leo Di Caprio

    ROFL, GTS 450?

    Why don't you just stick a cardboard of the same size in there instead?
  5. UzumakiW

    You are a trooper. Best of luck on the battlefield, and props for not adding to the problem of imbalanced population on any server.
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  6. UzumakiW

    You're a little late to the party.
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  7. Leo Di Caprio

    Do not buy superclocked crap, buy it stock with extra cooling, nice sturdy non microfracturing made by either MSI or any other non EVGA company.

    You need an I5 3570k and a GTX 770, those 2 make this game run like silk.

    And by silk I meant polyester in large fights.
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  8. NC_agent00kevin

    Best piece of advice: stay away from these forums or prepare to be flamed if you complain about imbalances.
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  9. Cruel Justice

    @UzumakiW Thanks, i look forward to actually getting to enjoy the game. Hopefully other new players will do the same to try and help soften any server pop imbalances.

    @Leo Di Caprio Unfortunately the card is already bought and been slotted into the desktop, but id be more then happy to get solid fps on medium with the card if thats the best it can do. thanks for the info tho, i will avoid superclocked cards in the future.

    @NC_agent00kevin thanks for the advice, i dont plan to come here to complain about imbalances. im sure they exist, but whatever, its a pvp game it happens.
  10. Yloh

    I played with a gtx 240 a month ago since beta. It worked "somehow".
  11. Chris Bingley

    You can also use the weapons in game for 30 minutes as a free trial. You won't be able to use any of the attachments for them, but it should give you an idea of how they handle in live-fire situations.
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  12. Cruel Justice

    Testing out weapons before purchase? wow thats gonna be helpful, would hate to put a purchase to waste
  13. GraphicJ

    You have a great cpu, pretty good amount of ram.

    All yo need is get a better GPU card. I have a GTX 570 but I'd recommend getting at least a 680.
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  14. Cruel Justice

    Yeah I already picked up the card i posted earlier, so it will have to do. tbh, as long as i can run on decent graphics without lag issue i will be happy enough. Been waiting to get a good enough rig to run this since i saw it in beta
  15. LibertyRevolution

    TR on matherson, you a masochist? VS run that server, the TR have bailed from it and are moving to waterson.
    Play on waterson, it is the more balanced server.
    TR guns are much easier than NC, NC you have to ADS and burst fire, TR you can just spray and pull down a little on the mouse.
  16. Chris Bingley

    There, fixed it for you.

    But yes, TR weapons are by far the easiest to use and most forgiving. NC weapons are the most rewarding (and funnily enough, the weapons I'm most accurate with).
  17. LibertyRevolution

    You cannot just pull down while firing the entire mag of a saw, you have to burst fire..
    Carv you can spray the entire clip while just pulling down.