SOE Flare-Spam-Gun - The “Fix it in the Mix” Mentality ? (release now, think later)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PS2Freak, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. PS2Freak

    Soe, thank you, you kill my the battle immersion.

    What for Annoying Loud Spam Troll Circus Gun.

    It, should have been a free item that lasted 4 days then it wouldnt be a problem!. but.. soe at work.. we keep the spam.

    i ask me, why i spend so much on this game, and now it become This...

    Time for Stupid Hats ?!




    (sry for capslock, but you (soe) r like puking at all good your game can be, i cant stand it how you handle this project)

    What devs have thought about Vuvuzela-effect of this weapon @RADARX ?

    Can You, RadarX, Ask them, how they think to handle the SPAM?

    The Battle-Immersion is totally gone!

    It is so annoyin!
  2. Andy79

    make the ammunition ressource based, 750 inf ressources for 1 shot
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  3. EliteEskimo

    Considering that this weapon isn't all that effective and p ,eople love using the most OP thing around, its use will die down after people celebrate the 4th of July and weekend that comes after it. In the mean time try to live a little and have fun, it's about to be Independence Day!:D
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  4. Ronin Oni

    yah, this thing will become rarer over time.... mostly WG spamming and crap. It's a waste of your pistol slot to carry it
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  5. AnotherNoob

    Seeing as people generally are super stupid, I think it will be around for a while, to annoy people if nothing else...
  6. PS2Freak

    it is really my only hope, that this madness will reduce. i mean i have no problems with weekend (4thjuly) celebrations at all. Fullon, Dear America! . it would be just really be annoying if it stays on same level like now.
  7. VSDerp

    ya people don't realize this all will die down after a week. wish people would think about it before making a thread lol
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  8. Halo572

    I actually think it is very good, nay - excellent.

    There you all are running around with your pwning and I come along and execute you with one shot from a flare gun.

    Not only do I get to laugh as your 1337 5k1llz seem to evaporate as your 300 round magazine runs dry and goes click, but I get some fireworks to celebrate your orsumness at being killed by someone that can aim.

    It isn't a waste of a pistol slot at all, the satisfaction of finishing you uber soldats off with a flare gun is beyond compare and I will be working towards the auraxium medal with it just 4 fun.

    Trouble is, after that you will all run to your tanks and aircraft and refuse to come out because someone killed you and spend the rest of your playing time carpet bombing from orbit.
  9. WaiZen

    Lemme just get 50 kills with it, all I want is the Pyro Title. LOL
  10. Jkar

    People will try to get an Auradium medal with it so don't expect it to be gone too soon, especially if the medals will be bugged for month like they were for other weapons.
  11. Consumer

    Good to see you thought your post in another thread needed to be posted again as its own topic.

    I think it's amusing and lighthearted. I do agree that it would be more proper as a free festivity item that is removed after a few days, but it's not terrible that they're selling it.
  12. KenDelta

    Just got my 4th kill with the flaregun , gogogo. Dev team , need more trollguns please.
  13. dBMachine

    Uptight much? People are just having fun....
  14. Johalt

    You know how you can ensure people will continue to use the flare gun after this weekend? By making stupid posts like this so all the trolls know to keep using it so they can feed off your tears.

    You didn't really think it through before posting this did you?
  15. R-A-B

    Its the 4th of July and for all intensive purposes it is a terrible weapon.
    In short its use will die down when people have had there fill.
    In shorter lighten up.
  16. IamDH

    Just give it a few days, think of buggies
  17. EvilPhd

    So the psychological warfare is working?

    I have a virtual war zone going off in my neighborhood right now, and I don't care. I went to war for these people. Let them have their fun. The novelty will wear off soon.
  18. HadesR

    Come on it's not that bad ... Could have been worse .. They could have released camo with Stars on it ;)
  19. Xocolatl

    I'll grab be using it again for Christmas and new year.

    Question: Does the thing stay after the holidays? Or is it limited time? I'm too scared to purchase it right now because I'm afraid it would disappear afterward.
  20. LT_Latency

    Wow people really will complain about anything