How do you kill ZOE MAXes?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Caserion, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Caserion

    No, this isn't a complaint thread, i just need help figuring out how to kill these shiny pruple lobsters.

    -I tried throwing bazookas, but they evaded those half the time and retreated before i could finish them.

    -I tried C4, but these lobsters never stand still and move whenever they feel like it

    -I tried attacking them from the back, but they either flee, or kill me anyway

    -I tried killing them with allies, but once again, they kill one, run away and come back.

    -I even tried to attack them from a distance, yet they still kill me anyway.

    It's like i'm fighting a shotgun MAX, a shotgun MAX which is effective at all ranges...

    So, do any of you have a way to take them out, or could a ZOE MAX share it's secrets...? Or am i just supposed to accept my fate while mister shiny lobster is drinking my tears...
  2. Dragoneye

    So, from a VS MAX user who no longer uses the ZOE because charge is just better:
    1. Bullets from range. Go for headshots. The damage is amplified after headshot damage is applied.
    2. Shoot your rockets at their feet, seriously. Stop trying to be cool and going for the chest shot. Even splash damage hurts.
    3. Tell allies to focus the MAX in proximity chat. It will drop quickly.
      • Stop thinking that being at range makes you invulnerable to a MAX. Duck and weave while you engage just like you would vs. standard infantry. All MAX weapons, even the longrange ones, are much poorer than your gun at range and they rely on you standing perfectly still because you think you're safe to deal damage.
    4. Remember the damage amp vs. you as an infantry is exactly one bullet. It's basically a nonfactor. Stop being "extra afraid" of its damage, because the damage is barely increased.
    5. C4 kills all MAXes. Come in from a weird angle as a light assault and be astounded as nobody thinks to look up. If MAXes are able to ZOE-walk away from it before you killed them, you're being too slow to detonate or placing it badly.
    6. Shotguns. If you can drop in Close or get inside the MAX's deadzone infront of it, just unload with an auto or semiauto shotgun into its head / the back of its head.
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  3. Dragoneye

    As an aside: If you're a light assault with C4 and a shotgun, you're basically the counter to MAXes in the game, period. If they don't have flak, they die to your C4 and if they do, you finish them off with the shotgun.

    If you're unable to kill MAXes with that setup, you just need to practice. Remember that Planetside is still a shooter and still incredibly skill based. You can equip yourself with all the counters in the world and if you can't position yourself intelligently and aim well, nothing will work for you.
  4. TTex11

    Sometimes the best thing to do when facing a ZOE is to go balls deep and if necessary sacrifice yourself for the greater good. Trading 1 heavy assault for a ZOE MAX is a good tradeoff in the grand scheme of an attack.

    When I see a purple space lobster I rush it with my piston, pop my resist shield and start hugging him and open up the whole mag on his head. When the mag is empty I switch over to my decimator and try to hit him with it at point blank range. Many times the ZOE will actually panic as they are not accustomed to people actually leaping on them like this. One of two things will result from this.

    1. The ZOE will have reacted early enough that he manages to kill me, but still takes a horrendous amount of damage from the pounding, resulting in my allies finishing him a split second later with a few stray bullets.

    2. The ZOE does not react or notice me quickly enough and my subsequent aggressive assault takes him down. No ZOE can survive a full load of piston shells followed up by a decimator at point blank range. The resulting blast may also kill myself, but this is an acceptable end result if the ZOE is also dead.

    Both scenarios are acceptable results to me as both result in the ZOE being dead and no longer a roadblock to my allies. Trading a 'free' Heavy Assault for a ZOE Max that cost 350 infantry resources means my side wins.
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  5. Eyeklops

    Some really good advice in this thread.

    A large majority of my MAX kills is simply:
    1. Peek in door to get MAXES attention.
    2. Run around outside of building to different door.
    3. Shoot MAX in back of head.

    You would be amazed at how often a MAX will hump the doorframe, salivating on the idea of getting a kill when you re-appear, and never looking behind until it's too late. The best part is they are usually standing still giving a short window to line up that perfect headshot.
  6. TTex11

    The main issue with dealing with a MAX of any kind (not just ZOEs) is that, assuming they're at full health, they have the resiliency and ability to kill you quickly that even if you get the drop on them, if they're on the ball they will still likely kill you even if you've been emptying your mag into their head.You can of course dance around cover and play 'keepaway' and whittle them down by outmaneuvering them, and it certainly can work, but this also assumes ideal scenarios. In the middle of a crazy firefight with both sides hurling themselves at each other, you don't get that luxury of taking your time to kill him with finesse. Not to mention if he has a friendly engineer nearby, your damage will just be undone faster than you can inflict it. Often that MAX needs to die and he needs to die NOW faster than an engineer can get to him.

    Guns like the autoshotties and similar weapons with ability to dump a tremendous amount of damage out in a short time frame are the most effective when using the aggressive approach. The key is to let go of any attachment or worry about what one death will do to your precious K/D ratio and assume that you WILL die. Focus not on surviving the engagement.

    Focus on hurting the big glowy bastard before he can react and kill you. Almost every single time he'll come away from it either dead or barely clinging to life.
  7. drhead

    Upon seeing this thread, I simply had to make this:


    That being said, if you've got C4, use it if you are able to approach unnoticed. A proximity mine under the feet also works quite well. If you must use rockets, aim for the feet - splash damage will most likely hit that way, even if you don't directly hit. Underbarrel grenade launchers (the "noob tube") works well, too. If you don't have any of these things, though, refer to the image, and aim for the head. Shotguns are best for this, but you have what you have. If you get everyone to focus fire on the MAX, you'll kill it despite any engineers. Kill the engineers if you can, though.
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  8. Ganjis

    Smoke grenades.
  9. Singed

    Lots of ways, some will vary in effectiveness depending on the situation or the skill of the ZOE Max.
    1. Run around a corner and attach a block of c4 out of site. A skilled played will be able to spot c4 if it is not hidden. Try and bait the max to peruse you around the corner. If he does blow the sucker.
    2. Most if not all ranks of ZOE will make the max a OHK with a decimator. If not they'll be very vulnerable to followup headshots.
    3. Your choice of shotgun, although the auto one has the best burst damage.
    Remember ALWAYS try and airm for the head.
  10. Xasapis

    This works for another reason. When you are too close to a max, the chances of a hit detection failure and max shooting non damage bullets is high. That is why they try to back off, so the game resets hit detection and they can actually do damage.

    I would also suggest another method, that works even better vs zoe maxes. These have the tendency to hunt people, which means it is generally easier to bait them to a corner you have pre-setup some C4. I've killed numerous maxes with this little trick. The experienced people will not just charge behind you, but even they can make mistakes. Zoe's speed does make people more reckless though.
  11. Rigsta

    Good tips in this thread.
    • Exploit the deadzone. There's a certain range where infantry are next to impossible to hit, just outside melee range.
    • Concussion grenades.
    • Flash grenades.
    • Flank + C4.
    Most importantly, kill the medic first.
  12. KnightCole

    How to kill a ZoE MAX? Shielded HA with LMG and 2 other guys with a gun.....
  13. Quigby

    Ive found NC MAX is actually "fairly" good at this 1v1.

    I use, Kinetic armour, 2 scattercannons ( there are probably better guns, Grinder I think has higher damage per mag), Aegis shield and slugs anywhere past shotgun efficiency (I find the larger max box is slug friendly, and they are quicker than you so they can easily retreat out of shotgun range, also if you can sneak headshots with slugs, it throws the odds for you). Make sure its 1v1 and If they have an engineer match it with your own.

    Then its just a matter of staunching up and timing your live fire with their reload and your Shield with your own reload. ( After youve sorted their engineer)

    I would say I win almost all where I get the drop, and then many when its an even fight. I dont play vanu, but ZOE max feels like its in a good space at the moment ( They are a challenge, but more often its the player who makes the smartest use of their build, 1v1 fights).
  14. Dethfield

    As an NC MAX player, i have little trouble dealing with ZOE MAX's (assuming the numbers are even, you will not win a fight against 10 VS MAXs whether they have ZOE or not). The key to dealing with ZOEs is to not run away. Infact, NC MAX users should advance toward the ZOE and shoot as many shells as fast and as close as possible. You will chew through the ZOE fairly quickly, even if you are using slugs (it might be a bit more problematic, but its still possible).

    I regularly come out of the fight about 50% HP. One thing to also remember is to use your punch attack if needed. If you are doing what i have said above, you should be within range to give a good punch if you run out of ammo before the ZOE is dead. The MAX punch does 750 dmg, which is fairly high, so its a good idea to at least try.

    As for non-MAX users, the answer is really just any commonly used anti-max tactics. C4 works just fine (remember when NC MAX crashes were common and the VS and TR would sometimes counter them with C4?), vehicle grenades are actually quite deadly to MAXs, and rocket launchers of all sorts are effective as well.

    Do not let the purple glow fool you. ZOE's are fragile, and its their numbers that have been killing us, not the ZOE itself.
  15. Tersky

    Up close NC AI Max is still very effective against ZOE Max and can take him down fairly easy (providing support on both sides is equally effective/ineffective). You just have to be aggressive and push forward. Them spandex boys are soft on nerves most of the time and can't stand NC bullies ;)

    Recently I've had some luck taking ZOE Maxes down at range using double Ravens. Was surprised how effective they are in open area at mid-long ranges.
  16. AntiAir

    I kill the Zoe or Ncmax with my Tr dual ponder.

    1 vs 1 I own you. Come try me to see ---

  17. Titan552

    ZOE maxs are too fast for this to be effective. Even when they don't see you they are running constantly.
  18. Ripshaft

    Your problem is obvious, you view the max as invincible, and as such don't take the most obvious course of action and lay down whatever damage is the most convenient. Maxes are not tanks, they are not immune to any form of damage, just throw whatever is convenient at it.
  19. Darthbob509

    One tip:
    Head shots bro.

    Another tip:
    shoot it in the back.

    Pro tip: play more aggressively when its reatreating. And defensively when its advancing. Thats usually their health indicator.
  20. Longman

    #1 get youself a double shotgun max
    #2 equipt kinetic armor 5
    #3 move up to the ZOE with aegis shield or charge
    #4 mow it down or see it run away

    Most of the ZOE maxes are afraid because of their weak armor. think of what you would hate the most when sitting inside a zoe max and do it... an enemy getting close to you. and what is worse than a shotgunmax close to you? right. so get your max and scare them to death by fighting them in close range. The kinetic armor does the trick to let you survive these maxes long enough to finaly see his little purple butt run like hell or die beneth you.