Sweeper - Maximum ADS/Hip Cone of Fire after 1 shot?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by MykeMichail, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. MykeMichail

    So I got my Auraxium medal with the Sweeper well before the recent second shotgun nerf.

    In my opinion, it seems they altered the cone of fire recovery rate for both ADS and hip fire on the sweeper (I don't have a Mauler or Piston to comment, and I don't have any shotguns on my VS or TR alts).

    I frequently find myself landing my first shot, whilst my second shot completely misses, even at short range against stationary targets.

    It really seems like after the first shot, this weapon gets it full ADS and Hip cone of fire until you let it settle. Effectively, to get the old one-two punch kills you used to be able to get with this weapon, you can't fire at full rate of fire, even if you're only using 2-3 shots.

    Perhaps this is a bug, or I'm imagining it.
  2. Corvus12

    Well, they nerfed shotguns so bad. Sometimes I was wondering, why putting 3 shots into someone at point blank range didn't kill them. Looks like SOE thinks bullets should not go in the direction you're pointing your barrel at.
  3. Doggzor

    The piston goes to ****e now if you full auto it, usually takes 3 to 4 shots to down someone in spitting distance as the spread just goes insane rather then kick the barrel up which it should do. Also the claw for me is not a guaranteed OHK unless the target is stationary, it now usually takes 2 shots to down anyone but heavies which require 3, one shot more to remove the over shield.
  4. HeadshotVictim

    wait til shotties are usable again...
    if you want to OHK in CQC use a rocketlauncher like all out highly skilled BR3 HAs...
  5. monk1junk1

    Sometimes I wonder why 5 indirect hits or even 4 direct hits won't kill a HA..... With a pump.

    Generally, however this is due to lag/the other guy having super maxed out nanoweave and shields. On a whole I haven't felt that much change to my Bruiser. I got 600 kills in the first week with my bruiser, then I stopped using it so regularly and then I dropped it completely for the Razor. Now I've picked it back up and I'm 50 or so kills off my Auraxium. The claw I stopped using as soon as the piston was released, I simply do not like it's tight spread and it's reticule changing from pretty tight to really wide, this isn't good for a light assault. The piston I got Auraxium for well before the first shotgun nerf (After the two shotgun buffs, from memory) and I've used it on and off after that, but not after the current nerf. Jackhammer is prefect. Nice to use and rakes in the kills untill you get caught off guard actioning the burst or reloading, which I believe is a great balancing feature. Max shotguns you can definitely feel the change, but still very effective.
  6. Wolfwood82

    Nanoweave got a serious buff. Instead of a minor % increase in health, it actually has a major increas to it. 250 at max certs I believe (for a total of 750 health).
  7. DashRendar

    I've found that the Gen 1 pumps and tight spread semi auto shotguns have been the only viable shotguns for a good while now. I watch gameplay of other people using the high capacity semis and full auto shotguns and when I use them it just doesn't work out. I'm not sure what the difference is/was, but the Sweeper/Piston being useless is not new to me at all. I honestly don't know how people use auto shotguns at all, much less be extremely proficient with them, which some are, they must be wizards. I wish someone could explain it to me.

    NW got no changes, only the descriptions in the menu has changed