(Suggestion)Changes to Air-to-ground balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LonelyTerran, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. LonelyTerran

    G2A lockon range reduced to 400M
    Burster COF reduced significantly and mag size increase(+5)
    Rocketpods removed from Esf's with the cost being refunded with certs
    New A2G aircraft introduced(Think Apache gunship) that will have AP pods(Reduced inf dmg and no splash) and HE pods(No damage to anything but infantry and large splash radius)
    It will need to be inferior firepower wise to the liberator with less dmg resistance and HP. It can't be too fast and maneuverable or it will simply be another imbalanced farming tool. (Don't want to make the Liberator extinct)
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  2. LonelyTerran

    Esfs will be bumped up to 350 resources and the new A2G craft will be 350.
  3. LonelyTerran


    Why not just re-vamp the rocketpods on the ESF, as has been suggested since beta. Seperate pods just seems like kindergarden stuff to me, and I have no idea how they ever decided to put all-in-one pods on the ESF to begin with.

    Keep burster where it is. It should be the least effective form of mechanized AA in the game. if anything tighten up the skygaurd COF for increased distance.
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  5. LonelyTerran

  6. IamDH

    No offense but has anything ever been refunded? and why dont you want me to keep my lolpods :(
    I'd like a helicopter but i think it shouldnt have HE rockets so they cant farm 24/7
  7. Zar

    yeah well tough =3. if you want a ground battle with no aircav interference cod and battle field... no wait cod is your game of choice very easy to stop aircraft if you take 20 secs to rearm or pull a heavy assault xD so many bads. i play both sides of the fence on this one ground pound a lot fly lot do well in both even with aircraft in the air and me on the ground learn to play.
  8. IamDH

    He is removing lolpods tho..
  9. xen3000

    I like the idea, but the Devs could change the flight behavior and other attributes based on the secondary slot item right now if they could be bothered to do so. Faster and lighter armor with AB fuel pods, slower and heavier with Rocket-pods, and pretty much the same with A2AMs. The Devs could add depth to the ESF gameplay without adding a new vehicle, but I am guess they are going to add another, so your idea is a good one for the inevitable future addition.

    P.S. Hasn't the bursters been nerfed enough?
  10. LonelyTerran

    COF reduction is a buff

    I got a name for the Helicopter
    NS Reaper
  11. xen3000

    Doh! >.<

    I like the name. I don't see ESFs losing the Rocketpods, unfortunately. Either the new attack aircraft they add (when they add one) will just be more powerful at ATG then ESFs (further making the Lib useless), or the Rocketpods get nerfed enough to make the new vehicle better then the ESF. Either way, I prefer your idea over what will likely happen. :rolleyes:

  12. Benton!

    Oh haha, thinly veiled "Air is OP" thread, and coming from a TR, no less.

  13. xen3000

    That's what you got out of this? Really? Lock-on range reduction spells "nerf air"?
  14. Village

    A2G lock-on Anti-tank missiles.