Briggs VS and NC celebrate!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealMetalstorm, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. TheRealMetalstorm

    underpopulated TR at 70% indar control, wins alert
    zone resets!

  2. WideFrustum

    Was a fun alert. Not complaining. Just bad timing for us.

    Well done TR.
  3. MykeMichail

    In the interest of the progression of the NC on Briggs, any NC personnel found sitting in spawn rooms or teleport rooms shooting out will be shot in the back of the head.
  4. TheRealMetalstorm

    was on my br70+ tr then (i'm a ninja), had nothing to shoot at
    i didn't have fun lol

    sometimes being underpop'd is fun...
  5. WideFrustum

    Dunno man. I found plenty of targets and ended the alert with a nice bag of kills, XP and a smile.
  6. XRIST0

    Had fun farming the VS with the Harraser Fury .. GG
  7. SifuBob

    Was good to have some wins today, i believe we won 3 in a row.

    However, i think saying we were "underpopulated" might be a bit of a stretch, i'm pretty sure we had the highest server population pretty much all day...
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  8. Pac1

    I noticed the same, I played 3 hours and every time I checked TR had highest server pop. Typically TR has highest world pop only at the end of the alerts they win but this time 4th faction didn't change immediately back where they came from. At the end of he Indar alert we had 41% world pop which resulted boring one-sided fights.
  9. Mcponington

    I don't believe this, I have been lead to believe that the TR is so superior on Briggs and win by the skills of it's players and vastly better tactical skills. I imagine whole platoons were ordered to sit in the warpgate so it was a fair fight, the population advantage is never used by the TR as they are much more honorable then the VS/NC scum.
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  10. theholeyone

    TR has been doing this for a while, VS has just started doing this more recently. Is it coincidence TR used to win a lot of alerts now VS does? I think not. In fact these recent wins to TR (gg btw) are almost certainly due to another round of rounds to the back of heads in spawn rooms.