Briggs taking ages to log in

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by MykeMichail, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. MykeMichail

    Myself and several of my outfit members are taking several minutes to log into Briggs.

    I personally sat there waiting on the log in screen for about 5 minutes before giving up.

    Currently trying to log in.
  2. Stealth1

    Can't log in at all. Just get a disconnected message after 5mins or so.

    Fix yo **** SOE. This is hardly an isolated incident for Briggs.
  3. Village

    Having the exact same problem. It has been a recurring issue since beta. I am curious what is causing it, no doubt something to do with the incompetence of Telstra and the copper network. Lets pray the NBN goes ahead as planned.
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  4. Kerex

    Same here..
  5. ALeviathan


    prime time ALWAYS so as ever on briggs to get in.
  6. MykeMichail

    I logged into Waterson instantly. Unfortunately after about 10 minutes of play I got kicked with the message "Another client has connected with this account" or something like that.

    I guess my log in attempt for Briggs finally went through.
  7. Marked4Death

  8. MykeMichail

    Tweet Matt?
  9. PhasedEVolution

    Still waiting...
  10. Marked4Death

    He's prolly sleeping
  11. TreacleFox

    I get a "disconnected from server" message after 4-5 minutes of trying to log in.
  12. Village

    Screw it. I'll watch the new Dexter season premiere and try again in an hour.
  13. Tomoki Sakurai

    :mad: WATS going on briggs
    same here cnt logging in:mad:
    i nid play tis game then cnt logging in :eek:
    fixed it thx
  14. DerekAUS

    Looks like I chose the wrong day to pay for this game huh Sony???
  15. MykeMichail

    Okay after about 10 minutes waiting to log in, I finally got "You have been disconnected from the server"
  16. Mcponington

    Yeah this sucks, Briggs logon issues have been going on for several weeks, they should of worked out the root cause by now and have a solution in place.
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  17. ALeviathan

    I get in, then get disconnected. *sigh*
  18. Hobnail

    10 minutes, about to press post reply to my "me too" post and I finally get in.

    Theeeen 5 minutes later, myself and 2 others in my squad were disconnected from the server!

    • Up x 1
  19. Stealth1

    Got in, and then got DC'ed after 3mins or so. Lucky I didn't pull a MBT or Sundy with the exorbitant resource costs...
  20. Placate

    Also having problems....................................